Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cyber Crime Law free essay sample

Cybercrime is a term used broadly to describe criminal activity in which computers or computer networks are a tool, a target, or a place of criminal activity. Additionally, although the term cybercrime is more properly restricted to describing criminal activity in which the computer or network is a necessary part of the crime, the term is also popularly used to include traditional crimes in which computers or networks are used to facilitate the illicit activity, or where a computer or network contains stored evidence of a traditional crime. There are different ways on how a cybercrime is committed. There are different types of cybercrime. Certain other information crimes, including trade secret theft and economic spying, are sometimes considered cybercrimes when computers or networks are involved. Summary: With the development of computers and the information age, our lives have changed in ways that were once considered unimaginable. Around the world, technical innovations are being created on a daily basis. We will write a custom essay sample on Cyber Crime Law or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Computers and Internet are now being introduced to some of the most remote parts of the world. I chose this topic because as our world connects more complicatedly than ever before, the more our privacy and security levels are being pushed. The more connected our world becomes, the easier it is to access private and copyrighted information, as well as become susceptible to computer crimes and technology misuse. But before we can understand why computer crimes are committed and technologies used improperly, it’s important for us to understand the origins of computer ethics and why it’s important for us to integrate ethics into our daily uses with computers and information technology. Bibliography: Moffitt, T. Technology Misuse and Cyber Crime. January 12, 2014, from https://sites. google. com/site/tommoffittportfolio/the-hre-online-experience/technology-misuse-and-cyber-crime Primer on Cybercrime. January 12, 2014, from http://www. upm. edu. ph/downloads/announcement/DOJ%20Primer%20on%20Cybercrime%20Law. pdfFor a broader discussion of the internet and human rights see Centre for Law and Democracy A Truly World Wide Web Assessing the Internet from the Perspective of Human Rights (Halifax: Centre for Law and Democracy,2012). Available http://www. law-democracy. org/live/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Phil. Cybercrime. final_. pdf Marvin Sy / Centre for Law and Democracy Centre for Law and Democracy Questions: 1. What is a cybercrime? 2. How is cybercrime different from a real world crime? 3. What are the types of cybercrime? 4. What are the global trends of cybercrime? 5. What is the trend of cybercrime in the Philippines? 6. What are the cybercrime-related laws in the Philippines? 7. What and when was the first recorded cybercrime in the Philippines? 8. When was a law penalizing computer crimes or cybercrimes passed? 9. In the Philippines, have we already convicted a cybercriminal? 10. What is the latest development in anti-cybercrime effort of the Philippine government? 11. Statement of the Problem: On 12 September 2012, Philippine President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III signed into law Republic Act! No. 10175 (the Cybercrime Prevention Act). 1. Although the law’s stated purpose is to facilitate the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal acts online, and the law’s proponents claim that it effectively serves to extend the Philippines constitutional protections into the digital realm, 2. it has been criticised by journalists and civil society organisations who claim that it violates freedom of expression. In the days following its passage, fifteen separate petitions were filed in the High Court challenging fourteen of the law’s provisions. 3. As a result, the Supreme Court has suspended implementation of the Cybercrime Prevention Act or120 days, in order to allow the challenges to proceed. The emergence of the online world has created enormous opportunities, in terms of economic growth and due to the Internet’s expanding role as a vital delivery mechanism for human rights, particularly freedom of expression. 4 By the same token, it has given rise to a range of challenges from a legal and regulatory perspective. Governments seeking to regulate the Internet need to find an appropriate balance between addressing legitimate security and other legal concerns, and respecting freedom of expression online and safeguarding the qualities of The Internet that make it such a valuable medium. An overly heavy’s handed approach to online regulation can breach human rights and threaten the Internet’s usefulness and character, both domestically and internationally. This! Analysis considers the Cybercrime Prevention Act from the perspective of international guarantees of freedom of expression. It discusses the major areas where this law violates international human rights standards, and makes recommendations as to how to avoid these problems while still delivering the Desired benefits Significant of the Study: This part of the study discussing about the cybercrime law Philippines it will provide sample in discussing how to conduct a research study or a thesis. Students that will serve as a basis of reference for conducting research study.

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