Thursday, October 31, 2019

PHILOSOPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PHILOSOPHY - Essay Example by ideas taken from particular beings, become general representatives of all of the same kind; and their names, general names, applicable to whatever exists conformable to such abstract ideas.† To make this simpler, according to Locke, for an average human, knowledge comes only from what he is able to perceive, and already has perceived. He is unable to imagine qualities, unless he has already not seen, or felt those qualities before. He gives the example of white, and how it would be impossible to perceive the white in chalk or snow if it had already not been seen in milk, and thus by association, the mind is able to conceive of qualities, even that which it has previously no knowledge of. Thus abstraction signifies distinguishing a particular characteristic of a substance in one’s mind from all its remaining characteristics and using it as a mean of comparison with all other materials. Up to that point Berkeley agrees,[Introduction, (9)] as he concedes that if one perceived a certain similarity between three men, the mind would emphasize (or abstract) that similarity, and diminish the differences. Yet he also criticizes using this theory on humanity in general, for it does not happen that we imagine a human of complete and utter indeterminacy; that is though we recognize the fact that he will have the required two arms, two legs, one head (even that he questions; as Berkeley states it is possible for him to imagine a man with two heads thus also canceling the very first idea of man being unable to perceive anything he already does not know) it is also necessary for the human mind to wonder about the color, the stature and the build of the man. In essence, it is impossible to imagine a man simply on a general abstract, it is necessary to wonder on the ‘particulars’. He further postulates that Man cannot distinguish himself from animals primarily because he considers himself born with the ability to create general abstract ideas; in fact, the only reason

Monday, October 28, 2019

Child abandoment Essay Example for Free

Child abandoment Essay Many babies are abandoned by parents who avoid their responsibilities. It could be have really serious problems, but it is irresponsible behavior. In addition, some parents abandon the babies outside. It is cruel behavior. We should not ignore this problem. There are three solutions: controlling illegal abandonment, allowing abortion legally, and educating people to use contraception. Controlling illegal abandonment is a good way to prevent babies from being abandoned. The police should catch and punish the parents who abandon their babies. Because it is the same as murder. So it has to be strictly controlled. However, its hard to find and catch the parents because they abandon babies secretly. Therefore, the government should set cameras that track everything everywhere, and warn people that if they abandon their babies, they will be punished intensely. Allowing abortion legally can prevent babies from being abandoned. There are some countries in which abortion is illegal. So the women who want abortion decide to do dangerous illegal abortion or abandon the babies. So the government should allow abortion. Nevertheless, some people will disagree if the government allows abortion. In this case, the government should persuade women to make their own decisions about their bodies. Education people to use contraception is the best way to prevent babies from being abandoned. Many people dont know how important contraception is. So the government should educate people to do contraception to prevent unwanted babies. However, some people ignore or dont believe this kind of education. Thus, the government should educate people since they are children. In conclusion, we can try some solutions to prevent babies from being abandoned even though it is not easy. The government should set cameras that track everything, and warn people to control illegal abandonment. And the government should allow abortion legally and persuade people who disagree of abortion. Also, the government should educate people since they are children to learn how important contraception is.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analyze Role Of Mentor Developing And Delivering Teaching Nursing Essay

Analyze Role Of Mentor Developing And Delivering Teaching Nursing Essay The role of the mentor in nursing is a crucial one and should not be undertaken lightly, it is a privilege with much responsibility, as the mentor is accountable for their own and their mentorees performance. It is a privilege as a professional nurse mentor to be able to help a student realize their potential and rewarding to see them putting the theory they have learned into practice and helping them get the most out of their placement. The role of the mentor cannot be over-emphasized; learning experience in the clinical setting ensures that the nurses and midwives of the future are fit to practice (RCN, 2007) and in this way the role is central to patient safety. Most registered nurses in the NHS will be expected to assume the role of mentor and with 50% of pre-registration nursing programs embedded in practice (RCN, 2007), with resources becoming less and less and the NHS becoming busier and busier, practice learning and mentoring play an increasingly important role. Mentorees nee d to be able to rely on the consistency, competency and superior knowledge and professionalism of the mentor to guide their learning, assess their competence and thus effectively act as gate keepers to the profession (Duffy, 2004) and as such is an extremely important role. The following essay will draw upon types of leadership to enhance the skills of the mentor and improve the relationship between the mentor and mentoree. The first question that needs addressing, is what is a mentor?. There exists many definitions, and the term mentoring has been used interchangeably with, preceptor, coach, supervisor and teacher (Morton-Cooper Palmer, 2000). Price (2004) defined it as an experienced professional friend, charged with the teaching, guidance and assessment of a learner in practice. The NMC considered it as, a mandatory requirement for pre-registration nursing and midwifery students (NMC, 2006a). Some have defined mentoring as essentially an evidence-based intervention that inspires confidence and innovation, and encourages continuous professional development, (Jakubic, 2004). In addition mentoring can be both informal and formal; informal mentoring is often used as an adjunct to the more formal process of supervision and is based on a agreed plan of action to help the mentor achieve realistic goals or address specific problem areas. Whereas formal mentoring involves a structured and time managed proces s with clearly set objectives to be realised in a timely manner (Tourigny Pilich, 2005). The role of the mentor primarily is to enable the student to understand the theory and its application in in the clinical context; the mentoree must learn to put theory and knowledge and be able to apply what they have learned to clinical practice. This process involves among others, assessing, evaluating and providing constructive feedback. It also involves assisting the mentoree in developing the ability to constructively reflect upon their practice and experiences and importantly be able to learn from this reflection (Schon, 1983). It is important to note that in order to facilitate reflection the mentor themselves must be able to self-reflect. The mentor must also have adequate knowledge and skills in order to integrate theory and practice effectively, (Eraut, 2004). The RCN (2007) in their toolkit for mentors draw attention to the obvious but crucial need for the mentors to be fit for effe ctive practice themselves and to have the depth and breadth of learning to be awarded a diploma or degree (RCN, 2007). The RCN also states that, a mentor is a role model and as such should be aware of their own practice and how it impacts the mentorees; the imitation of bad habits is not desirable. The mentor should be able to encourage, motivate and help the mentoree to improve skills and practice thereby increasing their confidence. It is also important that the mentor has the confidence in their own practice and knowledge in order for them to instill confidence in the mentorees. Mentors also need to have the experience and knowledge to identify learning points in practice, for example where something could have been done in a more productive manner or where an important mistake has been made; which is partly the reason for mentors being required to have at least one year experience post-registration. This can only really be achieved if the mentor has the interpersonal and communi cation skills required to build a professional relationship in which honest, objective and constructive feedback is received and given. It is also crucial for effective practice learning, that mentorees need time and attention from their mentors (the RCN, 2007, state that 40% of the time should be spent with the mentoree).Turner (2001) describes the pressures on clinical staff and the impact of high patient turnover resulting in little time to devote to the supervision of students; an issue that is exacerbated by the increasing demands on the available practice placements (Bennett 2003). This however is not set in stone as different people have different rates and styles of learning; what works for one does not necessarily work for all. The competent mentor should be able to discern the appropriate approach for each mentorees learning style and should not impose theire preferred way of learning and mentoring on the mentoree. Learning styles include; activists, those that are very active in their learning, reflectors, those that stand back and think over what they do and what others do, the theorists, they approach le arning from an almost empirical standpoint, they reject everything that does not have evidence and do not like subjectivity (Bayley, Chambers Donovan, 2004). The fourth style of learning (according to Honey Mumford, 2000) is that of the pragmatist; the pragmatist likes solving problems , likes to learn through trying new approaches and getting feedback, (Bayley, Chambers Donovan, 2004). Therefore if the mentoree has been identified as largely an activist then emphasis could be placed on learning through action, giving them new challenges often enough ensuring they do not get bored whilst making sure they learn and retain that learning, from each challenge and experience. It is down to the skills and competence of the mentor to detect the mentorees learning style and then tailor their learning plans, structures/ strategies to meet the needs of the mentoree. As well as interpersonal and professional leadership styles the mentor (and the mentoree) must both keep thorough records of the mentorees progress. Research has shown that innovation was taking place in practice based learning but it was not recognized because there was a lack of formal documentation (Aston et al, 2005). Effective and comprehensive records have to be completed so that the mentor can see how the mentoree is progressing and what they still need to work on. Similarly it is also important that the mentoree keeps thorough notes of what they should be doing, what they have found difficult and what they are still to do. A corollary to the need for thorough, comprehensive records is that of assessment which the mentor has to carry out; they must ensure that essential clinical skills are completed. To carry out a thorough assessment the mentor has to be sure what they want to measure and how measurement can be done, for example the mentor cannot asses most clinical skills by verbal communication alone, the mentoree must be observed in practice (perhaps asking patients if they thought their care was good). To be an effective mentor one must be able to evaluate which involves a number of skills, including observation, communication, confidence in ones own professional ability and knowledge. In the evaluation process the mentor must be able to identify problem areas partly by observing the mentorees practice and also by the mentorees self reports and assessment. It is also incumbent on the mentoree to identify failing students; this is crucial as patient safety could potentially be at risk if the mentor fails to spot a failing mentoree (RCN, 2007). There are a number of actions that a mentor can take to identify a struggling student; for example if a mentoree does not respond to constructive feedback and fails to incorporate improvements suggested by the mentor, if they are inconsistent in the clinical practice, high absence rate, or is unable to organize or plan their time adequately (Maloney et al., 1997). Duffy (2004), in her study of nurses in Scotland, found that all mentors highlighted the need for the topic of failing nurses to be addressed in mentorship programs. Duffy goes on and state that; the literature supports the view that mentors feel ill prepared for their role and given that mentors are ill prepared for their role in failing students it is recommended that mentorship programs address the issue of accountability (Duffy, 2004). The next section draws upon leadership styles to help the mentor. Any individual mentor will also have their own particular approach, Bayley et al (2004) list them as; authoritarian, as the name suggests, democratic, developmental, and task-orientated. The task-orientated approach, again as the name suggests, may be the most appropriate for a mentoree who has been identified largely as a pragmatist. The mentor should be able to understand and identify different learning styles and must adapt their own approach to mentoring to suit the needs of the mentoree. Moreover, the more contemporary styles from the leadership literature of transformative and transactional leadership styles can be applied to mentoring. The transformational leader (mentor) does not always lead from the front but tends to delegate responsibility amongst their team, they spend much of their time communicating and are highly visible and accessible (Bayley, Chambers Donovan, 2004). This leader tends to focus more on the needs of the members and their wants; they try to involve all members to work together. The transformational leader is quite similar to the democratic style as both leaders value fellow team members and focus on empowering nurses (Bayley, Chamber Donovan, 2004). Transformational leaders are inspirational and easily motivate those under their leadership (Aarons, 2006); they go above and beyond exchanges and rewards which are inherent in transactional leadership styles (see below). The transformational leadership style is said by some to be best suited to close supervisory relationships, compared with more distant relationships (Aarons, 2006) and this close relationship may be typical of a supervisor-supervisee relationship and is also captured in the notion of first-level leaders (Priestland, 2005). Mentors can be thought of as first level leaders as they are functionally close to the mentoree, in the organizational setting and because of that are vitally important, (Aarons, 2006). Mentors work closely with their mentoree, the RCN (2007) in t heir guidance for mentoring stipulates spending 40% of the time working and observing the mentoring. This leadership style would be good for the mentor mentoree relationship as the mentor is inspirational, positive and innovative; inspiring new, creative ideas and fosters an open honest learning relationship. This is a type of leadership that allows a person to step away from their comfort zone, promotes a high level of openness and innovation, is externally open in the hope of developing a high level of discovery and competence; they embrace deep change in order to obtain meaning, purpose and vision. The transformational leader (mentor) according to Aarons (2006) is a leader that works towards a goal in order for both members to benefit (Aarons, 2006). This style although appropriate for the needs of the mentor-mentored context perhaps could benefit from the some of the principles from the transactional leadership style outlined below. The transactional leadership is orientated towards satisfying subordinates self interest through suitable transactions in the work environment, (Aarons, 2006 ). There is a clear structure with this leadership style and Aarons (2006) comments on it as being a give and take technique. Rewards are given for work that is done, the work is set for the members and recognition is given when the task is completed; in this way it would be applicable to the mentor-mentored as mentoring should have a clear structure and achievement should be rewarded, however failure should not be punished but recognized and learned from . The transformational leader is similar to the autocratic style as there are clear set tasks within set time frames, the task is order to be done by the leader and the members will follow orders in assurance they will be rewarded. Aspects of the transactional leadership coupled with the innovative and open transformational style may be the most appropriate style; providing bot h motivation, inspiration and structure and security. The new nurse has just stepped from a secure environment of university and now has to be able to control what is happening within their new clinical setting. Whilst structure and security are important for the mentoree it is also important that they feel they are able to speak freely, honestly and openly to their mentor; for example the mentor should encourage the student to ask questions and speak openly and honestly about their views on the progress, and the mentor should give praise where it is due, as suggested in the RCN Toolkit (2007).The new or student, nurse need to feel secure within the ward; they are new to the role within the team and have a need to be perceived as confident in what they are doing. The mentor is also responsible for the professional socialization of a new nurse in the clinical setting (Bulman Schultz, 2008). The need to fit in must be balanced with the need to perform. Professional socialization is s een to be a process in which a person acquires a professional identity, and thereby is accepted by others in the profession (Bulman Schultz, 2008). Having support from their mentor is vitally important when making the transition from student to qualified nurse; their experiences can help to set aside any worries and issues that are felt by the new nurse. The mentoree is on a journey with a steep learning curve and it is the role of the mentor to help the them navigate the problems and challenges and help transform them into learning experiences, therefore the mentor should be able to identify learning opportunities which step from student to staff nurse is a journey that involves many problems and uncomfortable situations, though these problems are what help the student to learn and develop. The mentor is an integral part of the learning and orientating process of the new nurse, not only do they explicitly teach and inform but they also play a large part in the implicit learning process; for example positive role modeling and practice under supervision of the mentor helps the mentoree to develop the processes of integrating the knowledge with the conditions under which that knowledge applies and the culture in which that knowledge is used. A key skill required of students is that they learn to integrate into the culture and communiti es of practice (Eraut 2003). Mentoring, in an increasingly stretched national health service, is becoming more and more important; if done effectively it can instill confidence and competence it can also ensure that the mentored are comfortable with their identities and competencies leading to the retention of good nurses who contribute in the effort and emphasis of maintaining nursing excellence in practice (Godfrey, Nelson, Purdy, 2004).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Capital Punishment †The Debate Continues :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

As the war on crime continues, two truths hold steady: eliminating all crime is impossible, and controlling it is a must. The main weapon used to control crime in this war is deterrence. The government's deterrent for committing murder is the death penalty. The fear of death will not deter every person who contemplates murder from doing it. Whether it is for religious reasons and the hope of salvation or something else, stopping some people is not possible (Cohen 48). The intent is not to stop those people, but instead every other would-be killer. Capital Punishment has been in the national spotlight for many years and the center of the debate still remains whether it actually deters would be offenders. Does this age-old penalty for the ultimate sin achieve its goal? There are many lofty and rational arguments on both sides of this issue. Advocates of the death penalty claim that the primary reason for this harsh punishment is that the fear of death discourages people from committing murder. The main ways in which they support this theory are: the severity of the punishment, various polls of citizens and prisoners, and two in particular studies. The most obvious deterring justification is the severity of punishment (Calebresi 19). This means, put simply, to punish for a crime in a way that the punishment outweighs the crime. If the punishment for robbing a bank is to spend one day in jail, then bank robbing would become a daily occurance. On the same note, if there is a reward for a lost item of jewelry and the reward is less than the selling price for that jewelry, the finder has no reason to bring it back. On the other hand, if the reward exceeds the value of the jewelry, the new owner will bring it back very promptly. In the case of capital punishment, if a person wants someone dead badly enough, and the punishment for murder is a short stay in prison, what will possibly keep that person from doing the unthinkable (Van Den Haag 68). If a person is afraid for their life, then the stakes for their actions are much higher, probably even too high for most people. Many psychologists believe that these "stakes" do not even have to be in conscious thought for them to work. The theory is that a person's conscience weighs out many factors in all instances. While a would-be offender might be contemplating the deed, the death penalty imbeds itself into that person's subconscience as a possible consequence of their actions, and thus the

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 4

â€Å"You're shaking. Let me do it alone,† Meredith said, putting a hand on Bonnie's shoulder as they stood together in front of Caroline Forbes's house. Bonnie started to lean into the pressure, but made herself stop. It was humiliating to be shaking so obviously on a Virginia morning in late July. It was humiliating to be treated like a child, too. But Meredith, who was only six months older, looked more adult than usual today. Her dark hair was pulled back, so that her eyes looked very large and her olive-skinned face with its high cheekbones was shown to its best advantage. She could practically be my babysitter, Bonnie thought dejectedly. Meredith had high heels on, too, instead of her usual flats. Bonnie felt smaller and younger than ever in comparison. She ran a hand through her strawberry-blond curls, trying to fluff them up a precious half inch higher. â€Å"I'm not scared. I'm c-cold,† Bonnie said with all the dignity she could muster. â€Å"I know. You feel something coming from there, don't you?† Meredith nodded at the house before them. Bonnie looked sideways at it and then back at Meredith. Suddenly Meredith's adultness was more comforting than annoying. But before she looked at Caroline's house again she blurted, â€Å"What's with the spike heels?† â€Å"Oh,† Meredith said, glancing down. â€Å"Just practical thinking. If anything tries to grab my ankle this time, it gets this.† She stamped and there was a satisfying clack from the sidewalk. Bonnie almost smiled. â€Å"Did you bring your brass knuckles, too?† â€Å"I don't need them; I'll knock Caroline out again barehanded if she tries anything. But quit changing the subject. I can do this alone.† Bonnie finally let herself put her own small hand on Meredith's slim, long-fingered one. She squeezed. â€Å"I know you can. But I'm the one who should. It was me she invited over.† â€Å"Yes,† Meredith said, with a slight, elegant curl of her lip. â€Å"She's always known where to stick in the knife. Well, whatever happens, Caroline's brought it on herself. First we try to help her, for her sake and ours. Then we try to make her get help. After that – â€Å" â€Å"After that,† Bonnie said sadly, â€Å"there's no telling.† She looked at Caroline's house again. It looked†¦skewed†¦in some way, as if she were seeing it through a distorting mirror. Besides that, it had a bad aura: black slashed across an ugly shade of gray-green. Bonnie had never seen a house with so much energy before. And it was cold, this energy, like the breath out of a meat locker. Bonnie felt as if it would suck out her own life-force and turn it into ice, if it got the chance. She let Meredith ring the doorbell. It had a slight echo to it, and when Mrs. Forbes answered, her voice seemed to echo slightly, as well. The inside of the house still had that funhouse mirror look to it, Bonnie thought, but even stranger was the feel. If she shut her eyes she would imagine herself in a much larger place, where the floor slanted sharply down. â€Å"You came to see Caroline,† Mrs. Forbes said. Her appearance shocked Bonnie. Caroline's mother looked like an old woman, with gray hair and a pinched white face. â€Å"She's up in her room. I'll show you,† Caroline's mother said. â€Å"But Mrs. Forbes, we know where – † Meredith broke off when Bonnie put a hand on her arm. The faded, shrunken woman was leading the way. She had almost no aura at all, Bonnie realized, and was stricken to the heart. She'd known Caroline and her parents for so long – how could their relationships have come to this? I won't call Caroline names, no matter what she does, Bonnie vowed silently. No matter what. Even†¦yes, even after what she's done to Matt. I'll try to remember something good about her. But it was difficult to think at all in this house, much less to think of anything good. Bonnie knew the staircase was going up; she could see each step above her. But all her other senses told her she was going down. It was a horrifying feeling that made her dizzy: this sharp slant downward as she watched her feet climb. There was also a smell, strange and pungent, of rotten eggs. It was a reeking, rotten odor that you tasted in the air. Caroline's door was shut, and in front of it, lying on the floor, was a plate of food with a fork and carving knife on it. Mrs. Forbes hurried ahead of Bonnie and Meredith and quickly snatched up the plate, opened the door opposite Caroline's, and placed it in there, shutting the door behind her. But just before it disappeared, Bonnie thought she saw movement in the heap of food on the fine bone china. â€Å"She'll barely speak to me,† Mrs. Forbes said in the same empty voice she'd used before. â€Å"But she did say that she was expecting you.† She hurried past them, leaving them alone in the corridor. The smell of rotten eggs – no, of sulfur, Bonnie realized, was very strong. Sulfur – she recognized the smell from last year's chemistry class. But how did such a horrible smell get into Mrs. Forbes's elegant house? Bonnie turned to Meredith to ask, but Meredith was already shaking her head. Bonnie knew that expression. Don't say anything. Bonnie gulped, wiped her watering eyes, and watched Meredith turn the handle of Caroline's door. The room was dark. Enough light shone from the hallway to show that Caroline's curtains had been reinforced by opaque bedspreads nailed over them. No one was in or on the bed. â€Å"Come in! And shut that door fast!† It was Caroline's voice, with Caroline's typical waspishness. A flood of relief swept over Bonnie. The voice wasn't a male bass that shook the room, or a howl, it was Caroline-in-a-bad-mood. She stepped into the dimness before her.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hope Inema Essays - Gender Role, Human Behavior, Role Theory, Gender

Hope Inema Essays - Gender Role, Human Behavior, Role Theory, Gender Hope Inema Bridget Keating WGST 100 December 2, 2016 Portfolio: XX Chromosomes For this assignment, I chose to write a poem about women. Women and Gender Studies as a course, focuses mostly on women and their place in society. It is however saddening, that such an accumulation of knowledge leads to an understanding and cruel reality of who women are in this world. It is a shame after all these years, to still see how women still have a hard time finding themselves in society; defining their goals and have the ability to achieve them regardless of the movements that say to have established equality and Rights for women. The first stanza of my poem focuses primarily on a set of questions that are often asked in my culture when a girl/woman steps out of her comfort zone which is seen as an abomination to society. An example I give is for instance, wearing a short/mini skirt as you get ready to step out of the house which in my culture is absolute insanity to have the audacity to wear short clothing whereas initially, the parents will then say "Go back and change that skirt, now!" If for any reason, that girl happened to get raped, most people would blame her clothing as the main cause of the tragedy instead of the person having committed the act of rape and word on the street would be that the victim was asking for it by dressing in such a manner. The second stanza of XX Chromosomes takes part in comparing men and women and how women get looked down on in society. In my culture, when a woman is educated enough about sex to discuss it freely, she is looked down upon and considered to have a "hunger of sex" whilst when it is the other way around, men are praised and believed to have "sexual appeal" or to be "intelligent". The third stanza calls for awareness to establish equality and stop misogyny as it describes women's pain and fears. The fourth stanza brings out the agony of women having their bodies despised and especially their vaginas. Yes, I said "vaginas" and that's the issue. Society feels like there should be a need to censor the word "vagina" because it is somewhat "vulgar" or the body part itself is considered "disgusting" because that is what society has been socialized to believe it is. It is absolutely agonizing to think that someone could have such a thought about a woman and her body when they were given birth to by one. The fifth stanza begs for women to have a definition in society and especially in my culture as their identification is linked to other people's like for instance, bearing your father's daughter as a title instead of your given name. It clarifies that the poem is more about standing for action rather than defining the problem and waiting for someone else to think about the solution before anything can be done about it. The last stanza stands for unity as we defy the remaining crumbs of injustice against women all over the world who still suffer silently; muffled up by the cycle of wrong-doings. It notifies that the time to act is now and that together unified, women are unstoppable. It points out how because of the injustice against women, some of them go under without ever being able to achieve their dreams and reach their goals while also pointing at the fact that some of their complaints are thrown right under the bus and a good example would be in this case, in the movie 'North Country' when single mother Josey, takes matters in her hand and decides to stand up against sexual harassment in the workplace but fails so many times to get across because she is undermined. Last but not least, the video at the end of my project, is a visual of the poem as words may not have the same effect on paper as opposed to actual sound. The video brings all the emotions to life as the words make more sense having a voice. The music in the background brings out the motion of the poem and how saddening the subject is. It is mainly

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ready to Eat Cereal Industry Essay Example

Ready to Eat Cereal Industry Essay Example Ready to Eat Cereal Industry Paper Ready to Eat Cereal Industry Paper Also these companies usually use promotions such as discount in order to Increase the demand. At the beginning this type of product was more inelastic because Just a few companies with less differentiated products were playing in the market. Despite still this market Is highly concentrated, through the time new companies enter to the market and actually there are private labels that are obtaining more participation in it. And not Just the increase in competitors, also the wide variety of brands have helped to increase the elasticity of its. Market Growth Since the beginning this market showed an Interesting and steadily annual volume Roth rate of 3% between 1950 and 1993, and It made this market extremely profitable. But after experiencing decades of continue growth, the demand Is slowing its growth; industry sales growth had slowed to under 2%, and it is threatened to the biggest companies. Supply Technology plays two important roles in the supply side: Differentiation and Innovation: despite the production process Is general, the differentiation between brands Is very Important. Capacity: technology is crucial to achieve the market share targeted for every single firm, because the demand is big and if one company does not have the opacity to satisfy the demand soon could be out of the market. Cost: more efficient technology helps to the deferent firm to have lower costs and obtain higher profits. Considering that this Is a highly concentrated market, where the biggest companies had been able to set the price; maintain lower costs allow them to increase their profitability, and invest more in order to obtain a higher market share. The technology needed to enter to the market is not too complex, but to do it is necessary to begin with big capacity and innovative products; conditions that Just can be achieve through technology. MARKET TYPE Truckee It begun we fewer competitors, but through the time it has been changing. Still there are few firms with the highest market share; three have more than fifty percent of the total market share. Actually there are new players that are obtaining more market share, such as private labels. Also there are a lot of buyers that are still growing, at a smaller rate than before. Due to the big and widespread demand there are a lot of channel of distribution. Major RET cereal manufacturers owned national distributions systems in each region; those distribute the product to supermarkets and other stores. At the beginning the main distributors were the supermarkets but then along the time stores such as drug stores, convenience stores and discount retailers became more important. The cost structure was low for the general process, but to achieve a competitive advantage through differentiation also means a higher cost. The biggest companies have higher costs than the small and private label, because to differentiate their products the use special package or new ingredients, that also improve quality; but it means higher costs. Is absolutely necessary in this market to add or create new value to differentiate the products, wrought the time it allow to the biggest companies to acquired higher market share, because they were always innovating and creating different brands. The biggest firm in this market is Kellogg and it has 40 brands, and this allow it to reach different market segments. Conduct The three biggest companies had been able to increase the price when they want and the amount that they want, increasing the gap with private labels. At the beginning they were able to do it because there were few competitors in the market; but then to continue setting the price they had to invest a lot in promotions, RD and genealogy in order to differentiate their products. Also they use some promotion strategies such as discount to retailers and cash payments for especial in-store promotions, cooperative advertising, large sales staff, and these firms also encouraged supermarkets and other retailers to adopt a shelf space plan that ensure that their products will obtain the better position. Media expenditure in RET cereals had been always among the most advertising intensive of all industries. Through these actions those companies achieved high awareness in the demand, but loyalty is official to have because of the diversity of brands and the intensive promotion. Other action that has been common in this market is Co-branded, some of the biggest companies are producing and distributing new products but with another company brand name in order to achieve distinctiveness. All these tactics are necessary in order to achieve differentiation, because there are huge amounts of brands. This is one of the most important reason why is difficult to enter to this market, because fewer companies with the highest market share have so many brands that are almost covering all the segments. Innovate and create new products is a real challenge because the amount of different products. Another barrier is the relationship that these firms have with the distributors; obviously the distributors prefer give preferential treat to those firms that during years have had big volume sales. Finally other important barrier is the capacity of these companies to increase tenet marketing Ana promotions techniques. When a new company wants to enter to the market, will have to invest a lot if it want to achieve the market share wished. All the market power that those few companies have allowed them to practices illusion. Over time when one of them increases the price the others firms increase the price; and they used it practice to set other strategies such as promotion too. It has been change in the last year, and due to the new conditions of the market: slowing demand and enter of private labels, the biggest companies will have to change their strategies. Performance The largest cereal manufacturer were extremely profitable, their obtain ROARS between 15 and 30%. The high prices that were charge to consumers, and the increasing demand over years help to this companies to achieve such profitability. Generally to satisfy the demand and reduce cost a single plant produce many brands of cereal and the production process is relatively similar for all cereals; so the main source of scale economies was bagging. But due to the necessity of differentiate the products, new products had been developed and by the way new technology. Because the keys to success in this market are differentiation and it Just could be achieve through improvements in technology, and satisfy the demanded volume that also is related to the technology that is used. That is the reason why progressiveness s important and Justifies the 1% of gross sales that is spending on RD; percentage that is high compared with the 0,7% that is invested in the industry. Continuously development of new products with better characteristics increases the quality of the products that is usually used to segment the market. 1. What can you say about the market concentration of the companies in this industry? Few companies have the higher market share that gives them the market power to set prices; and it is persistent through the time, for example Kellogg continue being the firm with the higher market power. It situation was generated cause since the beginning they invest a lot in marketing, promotions strategies and RD compare with other companies. Also they created strong relationship with some important actors in this market such as the retailers and distributors that ensure the better shelf space for their products. The increasing demand and the low cost of the general process, allow them to accumulate big profits and be able to offer huge discounts or implement aggressive campaigns. With all this things in favor of these companies they were able to create high awareness in the market and control the market between them. Such as the demand was huge and increasing, one company was not able to satisfy all the volume demanded and that is one reason why they used collusion as a strategy. 2. Why has RET cereal been such a profitable business? What changes have led to the current industry crisis? There are three main reasons why this business is so profitable: 1. These companies are highly profitable because the process to produce cereals is simple and required high costs. The higher cost in which this companies incurred were in those characteristic that differentiate their products such as the package or an additional ingredient for example. . Also the ability to allude and set high prices allowed them to increase their marginal contribution. When one company increase the price the others companies also do this. 3. The nudge anemia Tanat was Increasing over time. I en volume anemia allowed to tense companies to recover fast some investment such as RD, increase in capacity, new technology. Also these companies were always innovating and satisfying new segments market. That diversification of brands permitted them to obtain the high market share and by the way obtain high profits.   But with the current crisis they will need to differentiated more their products in order to maintain their market power; ND if the sales continue falling down then they will have to reduce the price in some brands in order to maintain the volume sold. Other aspect that could be affected is the relationship between these big companies (collusion), because with the reduction in sales due to the decrease in demand and the entry of new competitors (private labels) could do more difficult move together in the same direction. 3. Why have private labels been able to enter this industry successfully? How do the cost structure of private label and branded cereal manufacturers differ? They were able to enter in his market because the process is simple, the basic technology needed is also available, and by the way this process is easy to be copy for others firms; also cost were low (in the general process). These characteristics allowed them to begin operation and enter to the market in a pacific way; for example, they compete with the biggest companies directly because they are oriented to different market segments, and their products are simple and cheaper with low quality raw materials. These private label has lower cost than the biggest companies because invest huge amount of money in RD, they are Just copying what once he bigger companies did. The unit cost is lower not Just because of the low quality raw material but also because they use simple package, they produce in less quantities, they invest a lot in marketing and promotion; and all these things make their cost structure totally different. It means that they were able to satisfy low end segment market, that before satisfy for big companies due to the higher prices that these were charging. And this passive strategy allowed them to capture slowly that market share. 4. What does General Mills hope to accomplish with its April 1994 reduction in trade promotion and prices? They know that the demand is been decreasing and it will represent for them less sales revenues, so in order to maintain or improve the profitability they need to reduce cost. Over years they had been investing a lot in promotion and marketing, and its brands have certain level of awareness in the market, so the reduction in the budget for strategy promotion in the short term could not affect its demand. Also the reduction in prices will allow them to attract new customers and preserve its actual costumers. In this way they can ensure the sales volume. With all these action they can expect an increase in market share that at the ND means increase in profits. 5. What are the risks associated with these actions? How do you expect General Mill? competitors to respond? The main risk associated with this action is a price war, because considering the reduction in sales growth rate and the entry of competitor such as private labor, the other companies will try to reduce their prices too. And the problem for General is that the other competitors can make a Digger reaction In prices, Ana In tans way ten price can Tall down until a level that they will not be able to achieve its objective of improve profits. Decrease a lot the ricers represent a hazard for it because a big company as Kellogg can implement an aggressive strategy to respond to it, and can have negative results for General Mills. In this situation the demand will be beneficial because of the reduction in prices, but at the same time a high reduction in price could pressure some firms to get out of the markets, or the companies could lose the incentives to invest high amounts in RD. 6. What should General Mills do? If they want to pull some firms out of the market they can reduce the price, but due to the risk associated is better continue with the reduction because in he future will be more difficult to increase the prices again. Reduce cost is also important, but to maintain that policy with those promotion strategies could represent lose in awareness and by the end in market share too; so they need to balance it and try to be out of the standard of the industry. Another important point is continuing innovating and differentiating its products because that characteristic that defines the market competition over time is not going to change, at least in the short term. Despite the demand is decreasing, those companies who will be able to maintain competitive advantage will remain in the market.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Michelangelo The Optimistic Artist

Artist Michelangelo was pessimistic in his poetry and an optimist in his artwork. Michelangelo’s artwork consisted of paintings and sculptures that showed humanity in it’s natural state. Michelangelo’s poetry was pessimistic in his response to Strazzi even though he was complementing him. Michelangelo’s sculpture brought out his optimism. Michelangelo was optimistic in completing The Tomb of Pope Julius II and persevered through it’s many revisions trying to complete his vision. Sculpture was Michelangelo’s main goal and the love of his life. Since his art portrayed both optimism and pessimism, Michelangelo was in touch with his positive and negative sides, showing that he had a great and stable personality. Michelangelo’s artwork consisted of paintings and sculptures that showed humanity in it’s natural state. Michelangelo Buonarroti was called to Rome in 1505 by Pope Julius II to create for him a monumental tomb. We have no clear sense of what the tomb was to look like, since over the years it went through at least five conceptual revisions. The tomb was to have three levels; the bottom level was to have sculpted figures representing Victory and bond slaves. The second level was to have statues of Moses and Saint Paul as well as symbolic figures of the active and contemplative life- representative of the human striving for, and reception of, knowledge. The third level, it is assumed, was to have an effigy of the deceased pope. The tomb of Pope Julius II was never finished. What was finished of the tomb represents a twenty-year span of frustrating delays and revised schemes. Michelangelo had hardly begun work on the pope’s tomb when Julius commanded him to fresco the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to complete the work done in the previous century under Sixtus IV. The overall organization consists of four large triangles at the corner; a series of e... Free Essays on Michelangelo The Optimistic Artist Free Essays on Michelangelo The Optimistic Artist Artist Michelangelo was pessimistic in his poetry and an optimist in his artwork. Michelangelo’s artwork consisted of paintings and sculptures that showed humanity in it’s natural state. Michelangelo’s poetry was pessimistic in his response to Strazzi even though he was complementing him. Michelangelo’s sculpture brought out his optimism. Michelangelo was optimistic in completing The Tomb of Pope Julius II and persevered through it’s many revisions trying to complete his vision. Sculpture was Michelangelo’s main goal and the love of his life. Since his art portrayed both optimism and pessimism, Michelangelo was in touch with his positive and negative sides, showing that he had a great and stable personality. Michelangelo’s artwork consisted of paintings and sculptures that showed humanity in it’s natural state. Michelangelo Buonarroti was called to Rome in 1505 by Pope Julius II to create for him a monumental tomb. We have no clear sense of what the tomb was to look like, since over the years it went through at least five conceptual revisions. The tomb was to have three levels; the bottom level was to have sculpted figures representing Victory and bond slaves. The second level was to have statues of Moses and Saint Paul as well as symbolic figures of the active and contemplative life- representative of the human striving for, and reception of, knowledge. The third level, it is assumed, was to have an effigy of the deceased pope. The tomb of Pope Julius II was never finished. What was finished of the tomb represents a twenty-year span of frustrating delays and revised schemes. Michelangelo had hardly begun work on the pope’s tomb when Julius commanded him to fresco the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to complete the work done in the previous century under Sixtus IV. The overall organization consists of four large triangles at the corner; a series of e...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tourism marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tourism marketing plan - Essay Example There are some extremely essential services marketing strategy that Adventure out Australia can utilize to maximize its income in its business. The essay below provides several service marketing mix strategies that the company can employ to maximize its profit (Adventure out Australia website). Products For a company to be successful in a competitive market, it ought to have competition advantages over its competitors. Their products should be of high quality and attractive to potential customers. It must also provide variety of quality products to its customers (Borden 2005). Adventure outside Australia has created a variety of quality products. Some of the main service products the tourist company offers to their customers include; rock climbing, abseiling, outdoor and education adventures group games, and trekking. The Adventure outside Australia Company has a good reputation for producing quality services to their customers. Its supremacy in the tourist sector in Australia in 199 0s was due to its quality service products. To be in a position to compete in the dynamic market, Adventure outside Australia Company should undertake frequent market survey to identify the customers’ needs. The company survey should focus on local and international markets. The company should also utilize good relationship between the local owners and the company to comprehend the requirements of the customers. On the other hand, due to the emergence of many companies which have copied their products, the company has to advance the quality of their products. The company should also consider opening new market in new geographical areas. To have the competition advantages in the market, Adventure out Australia need to come up and introduce new quality products in the market. It also needs to focus on the performance of their products and how best to improve the quality of its services. People The use of appropriate staffing is exceptionally indispensable ingredients in service delivery. The services offered by the company depend on the company employees. As a result of this, employees in a company have the ability to either make or break a company. For a company to have competition advantage in the market, it must demonstrate that its staffs are better than other competitors staffs (Kotler, 2000). Over the years, Adventure out Australia Company has emerged victorious in offering quality training to its employees. They have quality facilitators and staffs who offer quality services to customers. Adventure out Australia should therefore work toward improving the quality of their employees to meet the modern international market demands. Frequent seminars and training programs is extremely relevant in ensuring employees advancements in their services delivery to customers. To have advantages in the market, the company has the responsibility of maintaining the quality of their employees by mentoring and motivating them. Outstanding performers need to be reco gnized and rewarded. This initiative will motivate employees toward improving their service delivery. On the other hand, promotion, remuneration, and recruitment should be on merit bases. Adequate staffing is also relevant in improving the quality of the services offered by the company employees to the company customers. Having quality people in the company will in this case place the adventure out Australia at a better position in the market competition. Physical Evidence

Friday, October 18, 2019

Economic Issues that Arise in the Decision to Get a Haircut Essay

Economic Issues that Arise in the Decision to Get a Haircut - Essay Example According to Ballestero and Romero (72), decision making is both a formal and a non-formal activity, since everyone does it with or without their knowledge. However, people make decisions with the objective of accomplishing a particular goal in mind. In life, making decision is not a choice but an obligation. The goal of the process for businesses is enhancing efficiency in operations. Furthermore, the process aids in analyzing issues from a financial perspective. This is because decisions made by managers have financial implications on the position of a business in the corporate world. People consider several factors before coming up with decisions in all circumstances. In a business settings, managers consult widely prior to coming up with a decision on a particular issue. Consequently, the person making the decision analyzes the short-term consequences of the decision prior to choosing a particular alternative. It is important to generate alternatives to chose when planning to mak e decisions. In order for one to choose to get a haircut, he should consider the factors involved such as the opportunity cost, gains of the trade and elasticity of the demand. Additionally, the person has to decide the place from where to get his haircut. For instance, the person will consider price as a critical factor in making the decision on the issues. ... In making the decision, the person should note that the decision has both positive and unconstructive consequences depending on the process. Decision-making is the most critical process in business management because it determines profitability. The process also influences directions of operations for businesses. According to business managers, it is the central objectives in management. For the case above, the choice of the machine and the person to conduct the job are critical elements to consider when analyzing impacts of choosing to cut the hair from a business perspective. Consequently, competence of the barber, the barber’s attitude and time are critical in decision-making. Since the alternatives have several financial implications, the individual has to choose alternative that best suit his interest. According to economists, the need to satisfy the basic wants is the basis of decision-making. Interestingly, the satisfaction of one’ needs is not the end goal in it self since a decision leads to other needs. For instance, cutting hair in a particular way, will lead to the urge of dressing a manner that is appropriate to the haircut. Moreover, choosing a particular hairstyle signifies the position of an individual in the society. In modern society, several styles of haircuts have different connotations. The most dominant style resembles popular opinion in the society. Unique hairstyle on the contrary represents nouvelle ideas. The knowledge that different hairstyle espouse different meaning dictates choices in society. Given that many hairstyles are available, selecting one is a daunting task. To the young, shaggy haircuts is trendy and cool, whereas the old dislike the style. Teenagers

The affect of in circle group on turnover intention in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal

The affect of in circle group on turnover intention in Saudi Arabia Business - Research Proposal Example However, argues some authors, motivation is essential in fostering impression management and relationships in an organization. While others believe the environmental compulsions has a become powerful antecedents that necessitate proactive participation of the workforce in the change process. Various scholars emphasize the importance of Guanxi that significantly influences the didactic relationship between the leader and a worker in an organization. Others believe employee commitment, extra effort, leadership effectiveness and satisfaction with the leader have a positive relationship with LMX. LMG (guanxi) has mixed effects on the turnover. In connection to this, the broad objective of this research is to examine the critical success factor of employees’ outcome turnover among the private enterprises of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the sample size of 300 respondents randomly selected from three institutions representing the private sector will be issued with questionnaires and subjected to interviews. Qualitative data analysis will be used to analyses the collected data and represented through graphs, pie charts, and tables. The study will be highly significant for private sector in Saudi Arabia, in addressing the high employee turnover. Saudi Arabia is an important part of the Arab World and the Middle East as a regional power especially economic Zhou (2008). This can be demonstrated by the development of infrastructure, like a road network, and the effectiveness they exude in the region and the most conspicuous fast growing multinational organizations. Saudi Arabia’s characteristics in the determination of social developments and modernization methods have been influenced by the national conditions of history and reality. In the wake of this economic development, of most importance is the synergy developed between the

A Midsummer Night's Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Midsummer Night's Dream - Essay Example As these two characters appear in the daylight, including as the sun is rising in the final act, it can be said that they symbolism order and light, in contrast to the instability and darkness that the rest of the play is shrouded in. They are used to begin the play and to end it, again bringing with themselves a sense of order and direction. The love potion is yet another symbol in the play. The fairies become reckless with the love potion, causing many of the characters to become crazy and infatuated with each other. Titania falls for Bottom, while Demetrius and Lysander cannot seem to make up their minds about whether they are in love with Hermia or Helena. Therefore, the love potion symbolizes the erratic, powerful nature of love. Even though the crazy love seen throughout this portion of the play is due to a potion, there really is no difference that can be seen with love that comes naturally. Love causes everyone to act in peculiar, humiliating ways. Nature, though a smaller symbol than others in the play, is still a symbol. It symbolizes the fantasy that the play encompasses. Most fantasy tales, especially those dealing with fairies and the like, take place in a natural setting as this increases the visual appeal of this fantasy world and the situations within it. The nature within this play simply symbolizes the fantastical aspects of the story. The moon is perhaps one of the greatest symbols found within the play. However, the moon is a different symbol to each character of the play, enhancing its purpose to the plot and overall story. At night, when the moon is out, is when the craziness of the play is in full swing. Once the sun rises and the rooster shrills his good mornings, things calm down again. It is in this that the moon symbolizes the erratic changes of human behavior - something that can easily be seen, and has been proven, in real life. When the moon is evident in the play, the characters usually are acting up and in ways that are

Thursday, October 17, 2019

CCTV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

CCTV - Essay Example For example, CCTV surveillance cameras have been installed in areas such as car parks in order to reduce rate of crime. CCTV was developed through a relationship between photographic image and crime control, which is deeply rooted since the birth of photography. In fact, the initial photographic technique considered commercially viable was into Paris, and it was patented in 1839. Furthermore, by 1840 this photographic technique has gained the potentiality, through which criminal classes could be identified and documented. Therefore, CCTV has been very effective in the process of targeting vehicle crime in various car park schemes. On the other hand, there are other different fictions that taken by use of CCTV to reduce crime (Welsh and Farrington, 2). Moreover, ideas presented in this research are aimed at supporting use of CCTV in order to improve the level of security in private and public settings. Apparently, ideas presented in this paper support future use of CCTV schemes, throu gh application of high-quality evaluation design based on a long follow-up duration (Welsh and Farrington, 2). ... Furthermore, use of CCTV for crime prevention increases probability of detection, thereby promoting usage of various facilities by public without fear (Rose, 127). On the other hand, CCTV encourages people to take security precautions due to increased potentiality of becoming victims. In addition, CCTV offers a way of encouraging direct intervention of law enforcement officers and the security personnel in the process of preventing crime. There is also a possibility that CCTV can increase signal enhancement in various regions, which can result to increase of community pride, cohesion among members of community, thereby informing the social control (Rose, 127). Actually, CCTV has led to increased expansion of surveillance the resent years, and this is aimed at responding to the increasing anxieties regarding crime and the treat to security and safety. In this case, this has led to deployment of a significant number of surveillance cameras in different public areas such as transport in frastructures (i.e. airports, subways), shopping malls, sport arenas, and residential streets. Besides, this has been serving as a tool of reducing crime and risk management. Traditional visual surveillance system depends on human operators, who monitor activities in order to determine actions that should be undertaken in dealing with a situation where an incident has occurred (Shaogang, Loy, and Xiang, 2). In this case, CCTV can be used in the process of tracking targets that are suspicious using different cameras and informing necessary agencies to areas of concern. On the other hand, there are cases which may be miss-detected using manual systems, and these results from inherent limitations associated with deployment of sole human operators

Key Components of Interest Rate Risk and Approaches of Risk Management Essay

Key Components of Interest Rate Risk and Approaches of Risk Management for Chinese Banks - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the type of risk tends to affect the stock and bond market in different ways. However, as the interest rate risk impacts the bond market negatively, the investors shift their investment pattern from the bond market to the equity market, influencing the performance of this segment of the financial market. In this paper, the key components of interest rate risk will be analyzed thoroughly. The financial system of China is considered to be one of the highly regulated, involving highly integrated economic and monetary policies. Such regulations and integrations are reflected in the functioning of the banking sector of the country as well. Therefore, for the purpose of analysis, the risk management approaches of the banking sector of China will be critically evaluated. Non- alignments arises in the balance sheet and off-balance sheet items of the banking sectors. In case of fixed interest rate, such mismatches originate at the time of maturity of the financial instrument and in case of variable interest rates; the non-alignments arise at the time of revaluation of an asset, liabilities as well as off-balance sheet instruments. Scope and size of such temporal mismatches make it critical to forecasting changes in interest rate which in turn creates huge interest rate risk. Basis value risk arises out of the asset-liability mismatches. Many times, the correlation between the value of maturities and revaluation of asset- liabilities and their calculative values becomes highly negative because of the adaptation of interest rates. This kind of risk also changes the index rates used for pricing the liabilities and asset that does not really change in a concurrent way and originates huge amount of interest rate risk

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A Midsummer Night's Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Midsummer Night's Dream - Essay Example As these two characters appear in the daylight, including as the sun is rising in the final act, it can be said that they symbolism order and light, in contrast to the instability and darkness that the rest of the play is shrouded in. They are used to begin the play and to end it, again bringing with themselves a sense of order and direction. The love potion is yet another symbol in the play. The fairies become reckless with the love potion, causing many of the characters to become crazy and infatuated with each other. Titania falls for Bottom, while Demetrius and Lysander cannot seem to make up their minds about whether they are in love with Hermia or Helena. Therefore, the love potion symbolizes the erratic, powerful nature of love. Even though the crazy love seen throughout this portion of the play is due to a potion, there really is no difference that can be seen with love that comes naturally. Love causes everyone to act in peculiar, humiliating ways. Nature, though a smaller symbol than others in the play, is still a symbol. It symbolizes the fantasy that the play encompasses. Most fantasy tales, especially those dealing with fairies and the like, take place in a natural setting as this increases the visual appeal of this fantasy world and the situations within it. The nature within this play simply symbolizes the fantastical aspects of the story. The moon is perhaps one of the greatest symbols found within the play. However, the moon is a different symbol to each character of the play, enhancing its purpose to the plot and overall story. At night, when the moon is out, is when the craziness of the play is in full swing. Once the sun rises and the rooster shrills his good mornings, things calm down again. It is in this that the moon symbolizes the erratic changes of human behavior - something that can easily be seen, and has been proven, in real life. When the moon is evident in the play, the characters usually are acting up and in ways that are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Key Components of Interest Rate Risk and Approaches of Risk Management Essay

Key Components of Interest Rate Risk and Approaches of Risk Management for Chinese Banks - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the type of risk tends to affect the stock and bond market in different ways. However, as the interest rate risk impacts the bond market negatively, the investors shift their investment pattern from the bond market to the equity market, influencing the performance of this segment of the financial market. In this paper, the key components of interest rate risk will be analyzed thoroughly. The financial system of China is considered to be one of the highly regulated, involving highly integrated economic and monetary policies. Such regulations and integrations are reflected in the functioning of the banking sector of the country as well. Therefore, for the purpose of analysis, the risk management approaches of the banking sector of China will be critically evaluated. Non- alignments arises in the balance sheet and off-balance sheet items of the banking sectors. In case of fixed interest rate, such mismatches originate at the time of maturity of the financial instrument and in case of variable interest rates; the non-alignments arise at the time of revaluation of an asset, liabilities as well as off-balance sheet instruments. Scope and size of such temporal mismatches make it critical to forecasting changes in interest rate which in turn creates huge interest rate risk. Basis value risk arises out of the asset-liability mismatches. Many times, the correlation between the value of maturities and revaluation of asset- liabilities and their calculative values becomes highly negative because of the adaptation of interest rates. This kind of risk also changes the index rates used for pricing the liabilities and asset that does not really change in a concurrent way and originates huge amount of interest rate risk

Corrections Trend Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Corrections Trend Evaluation Essay This paper explains the many trends in the public and institutional criminal justice system. These trends, starting from the past, push the research into the present and future with the implementation of continuing trends and perspective ideations to aid in the progress and advancement of criminal procedures. This paper starts with the history of community and commercial criminal justice and attaches the proceedings to the present-day standing. This paper also shows an idealistic and theoretical analogy of how the criminal justice system may look in the future based on current trends. Past Trends Stories mentioning jails are throughout history even back to biblical times, however, America did not have an official penitentiary until 1790 at which time Philadelphia constructed the Walnut Street Jail. It was during this time that the root word of penitentiary took on its new form. Prisoners in early times were sent with the aim of the punishment in the form of penance, thus with any luck resulting in purity of personal reform. Inmates are kept in single cell units at all-times, even for meals. Recreation was not an option. In the rare event, that an inmate did leave the cell, a mask, or hood is required (Johnson Dobrzanska, 2005). The goal is to lead a monk style life, thus providing a Bible to all inmates is mandatory, and it is a hope that the offenders would spend their sentences preparing to live law-abiding lives as governed by Gods word, following their release. This type of containment for inmate is known as the separate system. On the flipside of the separate system is the congregate system, and the first notation of its use, is by the Auburn Prison (Johnson Dobrzanska, 2005). Prisoners still lived a life of confinement while in their cell, but with this system, they coexist with other inmates for work and meals. Although this is a change, inmates never speak a word and many recall the only sound coming from workshops within the prison and the marching of inmates (Johnson Dobrzanska, 2005). Present Trends Much has changed following the days when inmates donned masks or hoods just to walk down a corridor within prisons walls. Prior to the 1960s, both the public and the courts developed a hands off policy toward the conditions and practices within criminal facilities (Martin, Katsampes, 2007). The reasoning behind this was a notion that correctional administrators knew how to best control both inmates and correctional facilities. However, during the 1960s and the 1970s, while people outside were rallying for civil rights of different groups of people, inmates were inside prisons rallying for prisoners rights. At this point, the criminal justice system and treatment of inmates take a poignant turn in history. The decision of the courts allowed the trend to move from inmates living a monk style lifestyle to inmates who currently have access to courts, counsel, mail, more choices for reading material and libraries, medical care, food services, recreation, exercise, and due process. Because of this society now, sees correctional facilities were inmates coexist around other inmates, as well as seeing inmates legally counseling other inmates in their cases as well as appealing and representing themselves in court. We have TV crews going into facilities and providing the public with firsthand accounts of life within the jails. However with the changes come downfalls in the goals for incarceration. No longer is the goal one of penance, it has since changed to a goal of punishment. The focus is holding an offender accountable for illegal acts as well as a means to discourage offenders from committing future criminal acts, and with any luck discourage others in communities from following in the same tracks as current inmates. Because of this trend, the judicial systems as well as correctional facilities have increased to a level of concern. Another unfortunate outcome of the changing of times comes the changing of the importance behind rehabilitation. According to Martin, and Katsampes (2007), rehabilitation, and reintegration rank as secondary goals. Noted, especially for this theory are the jails, as they do not attempt to provide inmates with opportunities for self-help or change to deter future criminal behavior. Luckily, community-based corrections are stepping up to assist in the rehabilitation of offenders. Programs such as community-based centers are offering their assistance in reintegrating inmates back into society. These types of centers operate within a private sector and offer assistance in areas, such as returning to school for finding employment as well as enrolling the participants into classes such as cognitive self-changing classes, parenting classes as well as drug and alcohol programs. Another example of community-based corrections focuses on alleviating the overcrowding issues seen within the correctional facilities. These programs encompass opportunities such as bail supervision programs, community service orders, work-release centers, electronic monitoring, probation, or other alternative measure programs (John Howard Society of Alberta, 1998). Each of these community-based correctional programs poses significant benefits to alleviating the correctional facilities problem with them experiencing just too many inmates. The bail supervision programs release the offender to a member of the community, while that person is awaiting trial. This program not only holds the offender accountable for not screwing up while awaiting trial, it also holds someone else accountable for those peoples actions as well. Many times this takes place in the form of bail or following the release of an offender on recognizance also known as RoR. Community service is another fine example of the serving of punishment. This program allows offenders to give back to the community by means of working within the community. Many times community service takes place at a local store such as the Youth Ranch, other times it will be strictly with the city or county, doing things such as working at the local landfill, or cleaning court offices and other associated buildings. Offenders in this program, report at a scheduled time to the jail and receive their daily work assignment, form that point until the remainder of their day, they work under the supervision of the jail staff. Work release centers offer the opportunity for inmates to leave the facility to fulfill work schedules obtained prior to sentencing. Most inmates must pay a higher fee for this opportunity but can have someone approved by the facility to transport the inmate to and from work, however, the inmates are also subject to random checks by authorities to ensure they are accounted for at all times. Future Trends and Issues As time continues to evolve, the judicial system is bound to encounter the continuation of trends as society is beginning to see in both past and present times. It impossible for one to say what will or will not happen to the future correctional facilities, but through monitoring of the past, one can begin to see a devastating trend form. By removing the rehabilitation aspect and imposing the punishment aspect, the system continues to enable the cycle, thus bringing it to the point it is today. Research suggests that the trends both courts and facilities will face include that of continued prison growth as well as the potential for early release patterns (The Sentencing Project, n.d.). By the courts handing down sentences strictly for a punishment reason, they are enabling the continuation of a growth that already exceeds maximum capacity within the facilities. A suggestion to combat this scenario and alleviate the congestion within the facilities is to take advantage of the community-based programs available for offenders who do not pose a significant threat to themselves, or to society. The punishment aspect of the crime is satisfied by the courts and the chances of rehabilitation are greater in this case than they would be, compared to taking advantage of the smaller programs available while in jail. This scenario plays on with the second possible trend that if offenders are still sent to the correctional facilities, not only will the continuation of over crowdedness still be in place but also eventually something will have to take place to correct it. The something will have to include releasing certain inmates earlier than intended by the courts, thus risking the safety of not only others in society but also the released inmates, and increasing the possibility of recidivism. Conclusion This paper covers many trends in the public and institutional criminal justice system. These trends, starting from the past, push the research into the present and future with the implementation of continuing trends and perspective ideations to aid in the progress and advancement of criminal procedures. The first section of this paper covers the history of the commercial criminal justice and follows it up through the present-day. Finally, the paper details through logic how the criminal justice system may look in the future based on the current trends already set in motion. References John Howard Society of Alberta. (1998). Community Corrections. Retrieved from Johnson, R., Dobrzanska, A., and Palla, S. (2005). The American prison in historical perspective. Retrieved from Martin, M., Katsampes, P. (2007). Sheriffs guide to effective jail operations. Retrieved from The Sentencing Project. (n.d.). U.S. prison population: Trends and implications. Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

EU Responses to the Refugee Crisis

EU Responses to the Refugee Crisis How have the European Union member states handled the Refugee Crisis? Discuss how it should be dealt with. Introduction The European Migrant / Refugee Crisis means a massive refugee movement since 2015 with leap in casualties as a result of local disputes in Africa and the Middle East, moving from the original region to the European Union through the Mediterranean Sea or southeast Europe (The UN Refugee Agency, 2015; Amnesty International, 2015). Of course, before this point, Europe had experienced a series of situations in which many refugees and immigrants flowed in and were accepted. However, the European refugee crisis after 2015 started from the state that no one knows practical and exact solutions with the massive scale per movement, unpredictability that nobody can confirm termination point, and with difficulties in methods that cannot be solved by methods of border blockade and movement control. It also showed unknown and unique characteristics to be explored through actual cases and for concrete solutions. (Townsend, 2015). Because this situation is unprecedented situation for the internation al community after World War II, the international community, centering on the United Nations, categorizes it as a special case. In relation to the refugee issue, the EU member states are facing a number of controversies and serious confrontations over the acceptance of refugees. For example, the EU Commission has warned that the refugee capacity and economic burden of Greece and Italy, as the first arrivals of Syrian and North African refugees, have already reached their limits, and emphasized that they can no longer watch this issue but the EU member states need to share each others suffering through the refugee quota system. For that, the member states advocating the acceptance of refugees actively such as Germany and France, accepted the relocation scheme for 160,000 migrants from Greece and Italy, while the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic and Slovakia, expressed their dissent. (The guardian, 2016; Trauner, 2016) In this regard, this essay will categorize EU member states response to refugee acceptance into two broad categories, and examine their claims and the challen ges that remain for them in the future. I will start with the opinions of Germany as a representative of Western European countries that have been favored for refugees since 2015, accepting the largest number of immigrants in Europe.[1] Then, I will mainly analyze the Central and Eastern European countries such as Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, who opposed the refugee policy and argued the temporary refugee allocations cannot be a solution. In addition to their differences, I would like to discuss solutions that could be implemented differently in the EU, member states, individuals and other continents. Literature Review Historically, the movement of peoples or tribes has always existed, and its forms have been very varied, such as voluntary or forced migration, immigration or refugees. However, as the number of refugees coming to Europe has increased sharply since 2015, studies on immigration policy and the improvement of legal system have been actively conducted in Europe and elsewhere. Mchugh (2015) produced in-depth press releases analyzing the phenomenon of refugee situations reinforcing the conservative immigration policy of the right-wing political forces, however, with the anti-immigrant sentiment associated with the refugee crisis and the rise of populist parties, many similar studies are still underway. Also, Ross and Zaun (2016) have explored the relationship between the global economic crisis and immigration policy, and many researches have been actively carried out in relation to the fact that the refugee crisis is a problem that cannot be separated from the economic crisis. Nevertheless, I think it is time to find solutions in a different level with the existing crises in Europe, in the way that the European Union, which appears to be a collective of humanitarian societies, is in fact very vulnerable to external shocks, and even though the European Union is formally a democratic ideal society, it is very difficult to reach consensus by gathering opinions among internal members. And this European refugee situation is not only an economic and political issue, but also a problem with a fairly complex ethical dimension. In addition, it is not a matter of European continent alone, but it is a problem that the world should cooperate with. Therefore, we should find some suggestions that can be suggested not only to EU member countries but also to North America and Asia. Background The UN 1951 Refugee Convention, the basis for the establishment of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), describes the refugees as: †¦ being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events (UNHCR, 2011) Europe has long been in the midst of refugee problems, but the immediate cause of European refugee problems since 2015 is closely linked to the Syrian civil war. In the context of the democratization movement after Arab Spring, there has been a civil war between Syrian rebels and government troops to evacuate Al Assads government from 2011, and the disastrous consequences of the IS occupation of eastern Syria, the number of refugees as victims has explosively increased. In September, 2015, a photograph of a 3-year-old boy a Kurdish Syrian refugee Alan Kurdi, who was killed in the middle of a move from Syria to Europe, caused a major international impact. (The Independent, 2015) This led to the turning of countries that were passive in accepting refugees to an active position. On the other hand, in the European Union, conflicts are occurring between Member States due to the two basic treaties, the Schengen Treaty and the Dublin Treaty, which are applied in relation to the acceptance of refugees. First, the Schengen Agreement (1985) is a border open treaty between EU member states that requires the elimination of borders and immigration procedures, and assure the equal treatment of nationals with their own nationals. In the case of refugee matters, the Schengen Treaty has more significance, because when a visa is granted in one country people can enjoy freedom of movement within the Schengen zone. Meanwhile, the Dublin Convention, which started in 1990 in the 12 member states of the European Union and entered into force in 1997, is a treaty establishing the principle that which country should apply for refugee applications filed with each member state and ensuring that the country in charge of refugee is dealing with the issue. The meaning of the Dublin Treaty in refugee issues is that it has curbed the prevalence of refugee claims in certain European Union countries and has clearly identified the need for states to assume equal responsibility for refugee acceptance. However, this two treaties confronts the unexpected difficulties. Due to geopolitical conditions, it is Greece and Italy where the refugees firstly arrive through the Mediterranean, while it is Hungary when they use land route through Turkey. However, due to various reasons including economic recession and security problems, it is difficult for these countries to accept mass refugees. Even if these countries accept refugees, it is a problem because it is contrary to the basic purpose of the Dublin Treaty, based on the equal responsibility of accepting refugees. Also, various problems which can be caused by freedom of movement guaranteed in Schengen treaty leads to the case where the Dublin Treaty is virtually rendered impotent. How the Member States Responded Germany has a key position in the European Union, reserving the Dublin Treaty on August, 2015 and proclaiming unconditional acceptance of Syrian refugees, giving a bit of a breath of fresh air to the Mediterranean countries, including Greece. Germany decided to focus on the policy by actively accepting refugees in order to resolve the problems and declared to accept about 800,000 refugees of about 1.2 million refugees arriving in Europe, which is about 1% of the population of Germany[2]. (BBC, 2016) In addition to these actions, Germany pressed the Middle-Eastern European countries to overcome the crisis through solidarity among their member countries rather than their own self-determination. At the same time, the countries in favor of refugees tried to convince Middle-Eastern European countries suffering from aging due to declining fertility rates and the widespread export of skilled engineers to Western Europe that refugees with a high level of education will be able to become a new growth engine rather than depriving them of their jobs. (The Economist, 2015) On the other hand, Poland, Hungary, and other Central and Eastern European countries argue the current EU refugee policy (Germany-led) is unrealistic and requires too much sacrifice and obligation to the Member States. In other words, although the situation in the Member States of the EU is all different, they are unilaterally forcing the reference point in one standard. For example, Germany, actively accepting refugees, is the country with the third highest percentage of immigrants in the world, including the immigrants about 12% of the total population.[3] Therefore, it is argued that social understanding of refugee acceptance is very high. Also, as of 2017, Germanys unemployment rate is as low as 3.6% (CEIC, 2017) and the declining skilled labor force due to aging population and low birth rate, is also a necessity to replenish the labor force through inflow of refugees. However, the situation in Eastern Europe is different from that in Western. There are still many countries that are suffering from high unemployment rates and financial self-reliance is weak compared to advanced countries in Western Europe. In addition, many countries in the Middle-Eastern Europe still have conflicts and racial issues in the past, and the public opinion on refugee acceptance due to the lack of immigrants is also negative. Therefore, they argued if some advanced countries, such as Germany, ignore the situation of the Middle-Eastern Europe and claim the refugee quota system on their own, without consideration of the situation of other regions, it will provide a source of serious social problems. In addition, the ability of the Middle-Eastern European countries to exceed their limitations is one of the reasons for their opposition to the relocation scheme. In the case of Hungary, which is the land of Syrian refugees among Central European countries, had received more than 170,000 asylum applications arrived by the end of 2015, (BBC, 2016) This has led to serious social and financial deterioration to a serious level. Even though Middle-Eastern European countries are gradually increasing their economies of scale through industrialization, they have been in the EU for 10 more or less 10 years, it can be argued that this is an overwhelming situation. Furthermore, they pointed out that the temporary refugee allocation cannot be a fundamental solution to the refugee crisis and that the powerful nations should take practical solutions. In fact, the struggle between the Syrian dictatorship and the anti-government forces that have resisted it has already become more complicated as support forces from Russia, China-America and Saudi Arabia have been long-termed with their own weapons support. Plus, it can be a trend that is continuing to increase as the number of refugees passing through Europe increases, nobody can say that the limit is the limit. They repeat passing refugees to each other,[4] and as a result, mutual denunciations have also heated up, deepening the conflict between neighboring countries. These countries, in particular, demanded that the EU completely block the so-called ‘Balkan Route,’ which has become a major route for refugees to Europe since 2015. They put pressure saying if the EU does not launch it, they will implement it on their own, and made it closed in March 2016. In addition, the EU strongly opposed shifting the external borders of non-EU countries to the border with Greece, not the Greek coastline but the Greek northern land, namely Macedonia or Bulgaria.[5] This claim has been welcomed by Balkan European countries, such as Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria, who are experiencing serious social and economic crises due to refugee problems, as they are now on the Balkan route of mass influx of refugees. Actually, in the background of these claims, distrust of Greece takes a big part. They say it would not have brought such a serious situation if the Greece well-managed the refugees arrived in its coast based on the ‘Dublin Treaty,’ which set the principle of national order to deal with asylum application. They have believed that Greece has helped these refugees to enter the EU addressing the difficulty of mass refugee problems and has either neglected or guided these refugees to go through the Balkan route and into the EU. Thus, it was claimed that Greeces overland border blocking and the establishment of new external borders are inevitable in order to prevent mass refugee inflows to the Central and Eastern European countries that follow the Balkan route geographically.[6] However, when the Balkan route was closed down in 2016,[7] it was heavily criticized by many scholars as the European Institutions exalted this agreement as an instrument for putting an end to the refugee crisis, but afterwards, none of them took authorship and the responsibility for this statement (Sardelic, 2017). Meantime, at the EU level, it was necessary to control the refugee inflow rate and seek cooperation from Turkey. The EU has offered a remedy for providing 6 billion euros in economic support, a visa waiver for Turkish citizens, facilitating Turkeys EU accession negotiations, and acceptance of a Syrian refugee from Turkey whenever they accept one of the ineligible refugees who are repatriated from Greece. That is to say, Turkey received a long-awaited visa exemption and subscription negotiations on the condition that non-eligible refugees who do not meet the refugee qualification criteria are allowed to re-enter Turkey from Europe as a transit country. The EU says the EU-Turkey agreement is aimed at an important moral practice goal. In other words, by screening camouflaged refugees, Europe will be able to receive the real refugees who have gone on the journey of life to avoid the reality and possibility of political persecution. (Economist, 2015). Because Turkey is bordered by Syria and Iraq, where refugees are most prevalent, and the East Mediterranean Sea route is the fastest route to Europe, so coordination with Turkey was an inevitable choice to do. But this negotiation with Turkey faced many criticisms. It is pointed out that there are ethical problems in negotiations with Turkey, which tend to be violent and non-humanitarian in their relations with the Kurd. That means, it can help consolidate the dictators power base by recognizing the legitimacy of the authoritarian regime in Europes values and actions to solve the troublesome problems in Europe. In particular, the visa waiver issue has been criticized because the EU was just engrossed in reducing the number of refugees and as it has nothing to do with humanitarian principles or treatment of refugees. But the EU-Turkey agreement appears to be in force. After the EU-Turkey agreement, the number of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan to Europe has sharply decreased. Besides, the European refugee crisis is currently undergoing a settling due to the agreement between the EU and Turkey, but it is hard to know how long it will last. First, it is unclear whether the agreement between the EU and Turkey will continue. As a condition of the EU-Turkey agreement, Turkey must legislate and implement many reforms. It is uncertain whether Turkey can and will meet the needs of the EU. If Turkeys reforms do not meet the expectations of the EU, the EU will not be able to implement the visa exemption proposed by Turkey as a carrot and the resumption of EU accession negotiations as scheduled, and Turkey will likely respond by opening the way for refugees. The bigger problem is that the EU does not have enough time and cards to persuade its member countries of the border blockade. The EU, which is fiercely contested over the direction of refugee policy with Middle Eastern European countries due to mass refugees from the Middle East, has been troubled by the crisis of the Brexit (United Kingdom out from the EU) and the possibility of the collapse of the European zone. But there is growing concern over whether the Schengen Treaty can be maintained as it is now, as the conflict of interests within the EU member states is sharply divided and the leadership of the major member states is weakening. It is difficult to rule out the possibility that the EUs core Schengen treaty will collapse and that the EU member states could lead to a huge economic loss, possibly triggering a disintegration of the EU itself. Suggestion Often when looking at refugees from Europe, refugee problems are sometimes approached in terms of human resources, not humanitarian, but I argue that it is not right to analyze refugees from the point of view of human resources. It reflects the view that although Europe has taken on the problems of other continents but they can use them as a resource for the development of the European Union as well as the intention to resolve the economic downturn in Europe based on refugee labor and taxes. Therefore, I would like to suggest to consider the meaning of accepting refugees as historical moment when two civilizations coexist in Europe. To this end, the perception that two civilizations are essential partners for mutual development should be fully considered. Although the problem of refugees is in the process of seemingly tragic modern history, the consensus of historical awareness cooperation in balancing the exchange between Europe and other civilizations will be important. In addition, it is important to establish a social consensus on the refugee problem. For this purpose, it is important to have a positive attitude to actively participate in and understand the refugee problem as their own issue. In addition, people’s attitude and consideration for refugees should not be limited to small acts of humanity, but to the level of helping them and causing social structural changes that can be accepted as members of the community. At the social level, we should make efforts to secure and maintain the soundness of the society itself while at the same time utilizing more active acceptance policies in the human rights dimension. Citizenship ethics education for social integration as well as sophisticated policy planning should be done together. The attitude of the developed countries that have the capacity to accommodate the refugees may be caused by the refusal of the refugees and the disgusting tendencies that are prevalent in the civil society, but also there are a few political movements encourage anti-immigrants atmosphere such as populism. It is a well-known fact that some discomfort may arise when accommodating refugees, but the social atmosphere that encourages fear beyond it is a challenge to be overcome. Accepting a certain part of the refugees is a recognition of a new way of life, which means that there is some change in the existing way of life. However, this should strive to expand soundness in all aspects of institutions and consciousness so that it does not threaten the current lifestyle, culture, or identity of the society. It is also necessary for the refugees who receive help to form and practice their own sense of responsibility. In some parts of Europe, which accept refugees, the voice of concern is increasing due to the unethical conduct of refugees. Some cases of refugee applicants committing crimes such as sexual violence, robbery, theft, etc can impair the view of refugees and at the same time worsen public opinion regarding the local identity of refugees. Therefore, refugees should practice their own responsible behavior norms, and follow their own responsibility to better fulfill their responsibilities. In addition, active and in-depth consideration and efforts should be made to resolve the causes of the refugees home country. It would be great if the refugees who are directly related to their home countries have interests in their home countries’ issues after the resettlement and are engaged in the refugee research of the settlement countries. Conclusion Immigration is a huge and complex phenomenon, so it is powerful enough to change the overall picture of society. Thats why we cannot find a solution by comparing what the related costs and benefits are, but the outcome depends on how we deal with it. In particular, European refugee issues are closely linked to human rights issues in that they basically escape from violence. Therefore, it may be possible to discuss the theory of convergence by suggesting a new type of larger community such as Global Citizenship Ethics or to introduce a third ethical framework. At the national level, the refugee problem needs to be regarded as a problem of the social community and its members. Refugees themselves need a responsibility to actively resolve the causes of their problems. In summary, Germany, as a representative of Western Europe, is relatively moderate in its policy of accepting refugees, because in the German society the elements are implicitly contained with a wide range of issues and developments; historical consciousness and tolerance that reflects the Nazis mistakes, well-established educational and political institutions that have supported humanitarian respect. However, the eastern European countries have a tough stance on the refugee problem. The influx of refugees with different religions and cultures is a kind of cultural shock because of the deprivation due to the relatively poor environment and the social environment maintaining the religious and ethnic homogeneity. And there were no colonial histories that dominate others, unlike some Western European countries, they do not intervene in the internal affairs of old colonial countries, so there is no sense of responsibility or duty based on historical consciousness, And the fact that there are cases in which nationalism is promoted with a narrow nationalism. I think it is reasonable that the efforts of the EU to accept refugees have no meaning without the solution of root cause of the refugee crisis, which is claimed by the Central and Eastern European countries. These countries have a realistic view claiming that the EUs refugee allocation is not a fundamental solution to the refugee crisis. In particular, Syria, which can be considered a representative country of the refugee crisis, could not be able to make further progress unless a solution is sought, such as a real agreement between the US and Russia, I argue. However, it is also true that it is difficult for the EU to provide a fundamental solution. Because if the EU implement the EU asylum rules it can overburden Southern European states, whereas if the EU ignore these rules they can lay a burden on Northern member states (Trauner, 2016). Because of the acute conflict of interests within the EU member states over the refugee issue and the weakening of the leadership of the main member states, we cannot be sure whether the Schengen Treaty presupposes free movement in the region can be maintained as it is now, or it will bring new challenges to integration and maintenance. This is the reason we all need to work together to solve the more fundamental causes of ethical issues. Bibliography UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Handbook and Guidelines on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, December 2011, HCR/1P/4/ENG/REV. 3, available at: Scipioni, Marco. 2017. ‘Failing forward in EU migration policy? EU integration after the 2015 asylum and migration crisis’, Journal of European Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1325920 Trauner, F. 2016. ‘Asylum policy: the EU’s ‘crises’ and the looming policy regime failure’, Journal of European Integration 38:3, pp.311-325. Sardelic, Julija, The Western Balkan Route: A New Form of Forced Migration Governance in Europe? The Economist, 2015. â€Å"More vacancies than visitors: Eastern Europe may not like refugees but needs them more than other countries†, The UN Refugee Agency, 2015m â€Å"UNHCR chief issues key guidelines for dealing with Europe’s refugee crisis†,   ; Amnesty International, (2015), â€Å"Europe’s response: Face-saving not a life-saving operation† Riley M. Townsend, European Migrant Crisis (NY: of Lulu press Inc., 2015), pp. 1-9. Jess McHugh, â€Å"How the EU Migrant Crisis is Fueling Right-Wing Politicians and Refugee Policies in Europe†, International Business Times (august 27, 2015) Christof Roos and Natascha Zaun, â€Å"The global economic crisis as a critical juncture? The crisis’s impact on migration movement and policies in Europe and the US.†, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42-10 (July, 2016), pp. 1579-1589. UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency, Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees,   ; The Independent, â€Å"Aylan Kurdi: Syrian boy’s family took deadly voyage after Canada refused refugee application†    Access to European Union Law, â€Å"The Schengen acquis†Ã‚    Access to European Union Law, â€Å"REGULATION (EU) No 604/2013† As Known As â€Å"Dublin Regulation†,;jsessionid=jHNITp3HLjpw8mqGbQSpZh1VWpjCyVQq14Hgcztw4pbfSQZffnrn!557467765?uri=CELEX:32013E0604    BBC news, â€Å"Migrant crisis: Migration to Europe explained in seven charts†; Eurostat, â€Å"Migration and migrant population statistics† [1] The highest number of first time asylum applicants in the third quarter of 2017 was registered in Germany (with over 46 000 first time applicants, or 28 % of all applicants in the EU Member States). (Asylum quarterly report, 2017) [2] However, the open-door migration policy of Angela Merkel seems to be slightly changed to aim for a cap on Germanys refugee intake, opposed to her previous rejections. (CNN, 2017) [3] UN, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Trends in International Migrant Stock: The 2017 Revision, can be seen here: [4] Grierson and Weaver, Croatia moves refugees to Hungarian border as it happened, The Guardian, 2017, [5]   Independent, â€Å"Refugee crisis: Eastern Europe opposes Angela Merkel’s policy on asylum seekers†, –opposes-angela-merkel-s-policy-on-asylum-seekers-a6877916.html.; DW, â€Å"Visegrad Group opposes Germanys refugee policy†, [6] Radio Praha. Visegrad leaders debate back-up plan for migrant crisis. for-migrant-crisis. [7]