Monday, September 30, 2019

Google’s Country Experience Case Study Essay

The well-known online search engine Google still being used in mainland of China, even they shut down the â€Å"Google China† service. Chinese sometime prefer to use â€Å"Google Hong Kong† instead. The reason of that is Google provides results of search more reliable and efficiency. However, Google still quitted the market of China. The work progress of search engine is more complicate than just search the key-words. The key-words could be link to every websites that used the word, sometime it just have nothing to do with the main point. According to Curt Franklin, the search engine’s works basically performs three tasks: ( ï‚ §Search the Internet, or select pieces of the internet based on important words. ï‚ §Keep an index of the words they found, and where they found them. ï‚ §Allow user to look for words or combinations of words found in that index. In that index, they don’t only sort the websites by key words, but also by contents. So each time we search something by words, in order to get what exactly we need, the system would find out more results that link to these words in the index. That’s how that’s how sometime we got results helpful but have no same key words with what we typed in. Search engines always provide free search experience for users; they make money from other websites. For websites, of no one check on at all, that won’t be necessary to exist. Search engines are just a good way to bring those websites in front of people’s eyes. According to Grant Crowell, there are a lot ways to make money for a search engine website. They can all sort into 3 aspects: ( ï‚ §Provide unique search technologies, a search engine has to consider what differentiates its search product from others. And they can sell the technologies to others. ï‚ §Commercial search results, which means those websites they can pay to the search engine for raise their websites’ shown on the result list. ï‚ §Advertising, provide advertise link which about what users search out of the search results. One step further, search engines could build some partnerships with a diversity of vendors, partners,products, and sales channels. However, as the internet getting bigger, Google grew bigger. Today’s Google is not just a search engines. We could find news, music, movies channels on it. Google system on cellphone is still in competition with Apple’s IOS IPhone system. Lately, with internet going everywhere in our life, Google’s own laptop system has become more popular. Which has no hard drive, everything saves on Google cloud. Obviously, the ways Google make money are more than we can imagine. The search engines have high exportability in every country as long as they use internet there. It like a transportation industry, no matter what people do, they need transportation to move their goods. Search engines are just â€Å"transportations† which bring the websites with information that user need to them. It’s good to bring the technology into a new area; it may improve internet users’ experience. The business model for Google or others search engines basically is selling advertises on search results. But these advertises are going to be useful based on what users searched. There are users looking for information, and also organizations which trying to giving information. The search engines give user search result and there advertisings about what they need to them, and get paid from these organization who post those advertising.

Environmental Science and Population Essay

sing the textbooks, the University Library, or other resources, answer each of the following questions in 100 to 200 words. 1. What would you include in a brief summary on the history of the modern environmental movement, from the 1960s to the present? There were many notable events during this time period. The very first environmentally sound act was the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955. The act declared that air pollution was harmful to public health as lung carcinoma became more prevalent within communities. Strict Government regulations and pollution requirements became the norm for other facets of the Environment as well. requirements. The Federal water pollution control act followed in 1965 gave the Government limited controls to federal water pollutants due to limited enforcement authorities and money. This act was finally solidified in 1970 revision with an imposed clean water act without exceptions. My own personal favorite involves the marine conservation law of the seas. Developed by the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act of 1999, the act was designed to protect and manage threatened migratory and marine species: Including Wales, Dolphins, Porpoises and threatened Fauna. species. 2. Explain the primary concern over exponential population growth. What promotes exponential population growth? What constrains exponential population growth? Exponential Population growth is the main concern that the earth would not have enough resources to supply its inhabitants. There are two basic principles involved, the idea of exponential growth and its ultimate control. Believing that with the over population of people the earth becomes over used and the resources are depleted, which in turn affects the quality of the planet directly and indirectly. Modern medicine, health care and education has allowed people to live longer lives now than ever before, with knowledge and contraceptive devices people have more control over the population birth growth. Unlike China and other countries  that still limit how many children a family may be allowed to reproduce in order to keep the population growth rate lower. 3. Explain the primary concern over exponential population growth. What promotes exponential population growth? What constrains exponential population growth? 4. What is carrying capacity? Compare predictions for human population growth in developed countries versus developing countries. What will occur if carrying capacity is exceeded? 5. How do individual choices affect natural ecosystem? Provide examples from your personal or community experience. 9. What is carrying capacity? Compare predictions for human population growth in developed countries versus developing countries. What will occur if carrying capacity is exceeded? A Carrying capacity is determined by how much the earth can sustain the population with its current resources. The largest factors involved is the ability to obtain education and wealth. The competition is tough for food and water. It is critical that the carrying capacity be controlled or the natural resources will be depleted. If this happens the human race will not thrive. 10.  How do individual choices affect natural ecosystem? Provide examples from your personal or community experience. There are many way how we affect our eco system; smoking, polluting the air in our lungs and the environment of others, riding a bike other than driving a car to limit pollutant emissions, wasteful water usage, washing the car or watering the lawn. My own example is that I don’t recycle plastic, paper, or glass. Plus, I am lax when leaving rooms with lights on.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Understanding Nutrition

Al-Quds University Body Fluid Lab. Report Chemical Examination of Urine Prepared By : Lucia Principles Benedict's Test for Reducing Sugars Urinary sugars when boiled in Benedict's reagent reduce copper  sulphate  to a reddish cuprous oxide precipitate in hot alkaline medium, the intensity of which is proportional to the amount of sugar present in the urine. The results are reported as 1+,2+, etc. depending upon the  colour  and intensity of the cuprous oxide precipitate. turbidimetric method protein in urine Quantitative Tests for 24-Hour Specimens. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) test.The addition of TCA to a urine specimen precipitates the protein in a fine suspension that is quantified spectrophotometrically at 420 nm (nanometers) by comparison with a similarly treated standard. Heat and acetic acid method Heat test: Based on the principle of heat coagulation and precipitation of proteins. If any turbidity appears, add 2 drops of 33% acetic acid. (Acidification is necessary because in alkaline medium heating may precipitate phosphates). If the precipitate is due to proteins, it will increase on acidification and if it is due to phosphates, it will dissolve again.Sulphosalicylic  acid method Urine Protein Sulfosalicylic Acid Precipitation Test (SSA) Principle: Three percent (3%) Sulfosalicylic Acid (SSA reagent) is added to a small and equal volume of clear urine. The acidification causes precipitation of protein in the sample (seen as increasing turbidity), which is subjectively graded as trace,1+, 2+, 3+ or 4+. Bence Jones protein Bence Jones reaction involves heating urine to 140 °F (60 °C). At this temperature, the Bence Jones proteins will clump. The clumping disappears if the urine is further heated to boiling and reappears when the urine is cooled.Other clumping procedures using salts, acids, and other chemicals are also used to detect these proteins. These types of test will reveal whether or not Bence Jones proteins are present, but not how much is present. Hemosiderin Hemosiderin stain is used to indicate the presence of iron storage granules called hemosiderin  by microscopic examination of urine sediment. Granules of hemosiderin stain blue when potassium ferrocyanide is added to the sample. The Prussian blue stain may also be used to identify siderocytes (iron-containing red blood cells [RBCs]) in peripheral blood.The presence of siderocytes in circulating RBCs is abnormal. Urobilinogen This test is based on a modified Ehrlich reaction in which p-diethylaminobenzaldehyde reacts with urobilinogen in a strongly acid medium. Colors range from light pink to bright magenta. Results * Benedict's Test result for cup # G3 : 4+ Brown color appear. * Turbidimetric method result for cup of 24-hrs urine: Tube| Absorbance| Test+test-blank| 0. 058| Standard+water blank| 0. 010| Calculation : Total protein (mg/dl)=At/Ast ? conc. St 0. 058/0. 010 ? 100=580 mg/dl Total protien(mg/24 hrs) =urine protein (mg/dl)? urine volume(ml )/100 = 580? 2000/100)=11600 mg /dl Normal values :0-150 mg/24 hrs * Heat and acetic acid method and Sulphosalicylic  acid method for cup # P4: 4+ precipitation appeared. * Bence Jones protein for cup # P4 : Clear after 15 min of boiling so negative for Bence Jones protein. * Hemosiderin results :Few Hemosiderin granules was seen under Microscope * Urobilinogen result for cup # G3:Negative result (no appearance of red color). Interpretation Benedict's Test for Reducing Sugars Normal urine does not contain any reducing sugar. If protein is present in large amounts, it may interfere with the precipitation of the cuprous oxide.To overcome this problem, precipitate the proteins using 3% SSA filter using a  Whatman  filter paper and use the filtrate to test the amount of sugar present. As a quality control measure, standards containing known amounts of glucose are prepared in saturated benzoic acid and one of the standards is used every day to check the reliability of the patientâ €™s results. The standard results may be transformed in the following semi-quantitative way. turbidimetric method protein in urine For turbidimetric methods, there were no apparent problems of comparative bias between human albumin and serum-based materials and urines used in this study.Perhaps this was because all materials were diluted in 9 g/L saline: turbidimetric methods generally suffer from failure of standards and samples to form precipitates identically,and precipitation may not occur at low protein concentrations in urines of high ionic strength. Heat and acetic acid method This test is sensitive enough to detect protein down to a concentration of 2-3 mg%. If  an alkaline  urine is boiled, the protein may be converted into the so- called â€Å"alkaline  metaprotein†, which is not coagulated by heat. Therefore it is always better to acidify the urine before doing this test.If too much acetic acid is added, the protein may be converted to the so-called †Å"acid  metaprotein†, which is also not coagulated by heat. Therefore the urine should be only mildly acidic. Sulphosalicylic  acid method The  sulphosalicylic  acid method will not detect protein in  a normal  urine, but will be sensitive enough to detect protein present down to 20mg%. As a quality control measure, a 22g/dl albumin solution can be diluted appropriately with 0. 9 g/dl sodium chloride to get standards containing 20, 50, 200, 500 and 2500 mg/dl proteins.These standards are stable for one month when stored at 2-80C. Bence Jones protein Monoclonal light chain proteinuria (Bence Jones proteinuria) is seen in patients with light chain myeloma, in approximately 50% of those with IgG and IgA myeloma, and in some patients with other lymphoproliferative disorders (eg, macroglobulinaemia) and plasma cell dyscrasias (amyloid). Entire paraprotein molecules may also be detected in serum. Urine protein dipsticks do not detect Bence-Jones protein. Hemosiderin Hemo siderin is present in diseases involving a true siderosis of kidney parenchyma (hemochromatosis).It is also present 2-3 days after an acute hemolytic episode that produces hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria. Hemosiderin granules are found in intact renal tubular epithelial cells or occasionally in casts and may also be seen extracellularly. Urobilinogen Interpretation of results will depend upon several factors: the variability of color perception; the presence or absence of inhibitory factors; the presence or absence of inhibitory factors typically found in urine, the specific gravity or the pH; and the lighting conditions under which the product is used.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Internet Business and Electronic Commerce Assignment

Internet Business and Electronic Commerce - Assignment Example The paper tells that Internet has revolutionized the human life considerably. The traditional principles with respect to many areas of human life have been changed with the entry of internet and the business segment is also not an exception. At the introduction stage many people thought the internet is just another medium of communication; nothing more than that. But then as time progresses, people has realized the potential of internet in many areas of human life and at present it is used extensively in education, business, communication, transportation etc. E-commerce is a paperless exchange of business information using electronic data like e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, fax transmissions, and electronic funds transfer etc. A recent survey conducted by Nielsen/Net ratings and Harris Interactive indicates e-commerce sites are driving more purchases offline than online. Electronic commerce or e-commerce is attracting business both in offline and online modes. Many people use in ternet for comparing the features and prices of different products of similar kind then visit shops for purchasing. Online business has much wider scopes than offline businesses because of the wider reach-ability of it. It is easy for a person to purchase a product from America staying in some other countries using a simple credit card. Moreover, the consumer can compare the prices of the same product in various countries and thus he will able to purchase a product for the cheapest possible price. This research mainly concentrates on,, for analyzing the online business generally and for analyzing the online book business specifically.,,, and are offering various products for the customers like clothing, accessories, flowers, gifts, electronic items, computers, sports items jewelry, watches, holiday tour packages, medicines, fragrances, beauty products et c.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discussion post Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Discussion post - Essay Example Other tests include renal ultrasonography, intravenous pyelography and computed tomography. Most genitourinary complications are treated with a combination of antibiotics. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ampicillin, cephalosporils nitrofurantoin and fluoroquinolones are some antibiotics prescribed for genitourinary infections (Buttaro et al., 2013). I agree with Regina Canty, that a diagnosis of urinary tract infections requires a detailed medical history of the patient backed with evidence from the objective tests. Symptoms of urinary tract infections include dysuria, lower abdominal fullness or pain and increased frequency of urination (Buttaro et al., 2013). The urinary tract can be treated effectively using antibiotics such as quinolones. It has been previously suggested that cranberry juice can be used to prevent urinary tract infections. However, research shows that cranberry juice is not an effective remedy for urinary tract infections (Barbosa-Cesnik et al., 2011). A non-pharmacological approach would be to increase the patient’s intake of vitamins and trace elements to boost her immunity against the bacterial infections (Welch & Graham, 2012). Barbosa-Cesnik, C., Brown, M. B., Buxton, M., Zhang, L., DeBusscher, J., & Foxman, B. (2011). Cranberry juice fails to prevent recurrent urinary tract infection: results from a randomized placebo-controlled trial.  Clinical infectious diseases,  52(1),

Safaricom M-PESA Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Safaricom M-PESA Managment - Essay Example Airtel money second largest provider to the M-PESA service with almost similar products, the emphasis of the product is different from the one in the M-PESA in the sense that the service is mainly designed for the urban-class working people since the Airtel network service is available in towns The Essar Telkom YU cash services communication mix is targeted to the low earning citizens as the company targets to endear itself to the citizens through its low-cost service. For instance, sending money through its YU cash money transfer service is now free to all its users and across all networks in the country. Orange money from Telkom Kenya is targeted to the working class population especially those in formal employment, this service markets itself to its target group as the fast and reliable way of sending and receiving money among the working population to all the major urban centers in the country. There are other small money transfer services such as Mobi pay, Angaza money transfer service that is not attached to any network service provider, however, these companies do not hold a significant portion of the mobile money market. The flow of information and money starts when a customer approaches an agent with the intention of transferring the money. The customer deposits the amount of money that he wants to transfer inclusive of the service charges; after he deposits, he gets an SMS confirming the transaction, on the other hand, the agent and the headquarter also get confirmation of the transaction. After the money has been deposited in the customer’s MPESA account, the customer then can be able to send money to another number by authorizing the company to deposit the money in the preferred number mobile number.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

General Information on Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

General Information on Marketing - Essay Example Importance in Marketing The world, today, is a global marketplace. The emergence and strong penetration of internet all over the world, has facilitated the evolution of the virtual marketplace through the popularization of sites like, eBay. The big and small enterprises, which are catering to the needs of the customers on an individual or a business level, are trying to beat each other in the global market place, by competing with each other in various markets all around the globe, while using technology as the primary tool for marketing. So, as a matter of fact, today’s consumer has the power of information, using which they can access or source the product or service of their preference from anywhere around the globe. As a matter of fact, the companies have to understand the customer’s or client’s requirements in a more effective manner in order to cater to their needs and to estimate the forecasted demand from their products or services in a more ef fective manner. Analyzing consumer behaviour helps the organizations to identify and idealize, how consumers are supposed to behave in the market with relation to a particular product or service (Haynes, et. al, 2007, p.4). ... The most common form of promotional strategy employed by companies to popularize their product is advertising. Companies use various kinds of advertising techniques using various media like the radio, television, and internet as well as the print media like newspapers, magazine etc (Pride & Ferell, 2011, p.514). Advertising in today’s date has taken up various advanced forms and mediums. Today’s consumers are increasingly becoming internet savvy and as a result are most of the time logged on to the internet based networking sites. The networking sites, acts as a strong platform for social communications for the internet users, and companies want to make the most of this online boom by popularizing the product using this platform. Marketing a product targeted mostly towards the teenage and young consumers can be very effective in the market while the cost per contact is comparatively low. The electronic media like the radio or the television can also be considered a chea p mode of promotion as the cost per contact is relatively low with regards to the exposure provided to the products or services. The maintenance of an individual sales force for the purpose of promotion and selling of services and products to organizational clients in the case of business to business marketing is the most expensive mode of promotion. Promotion of services and products to the organizational clients needs the expertise of technology, knowledge of the feature of the products in details as well as relationship building which makes the process all the more expensive. Question 3 Distribution is the process of efficient delivery of value to the customer by making the product or service available to the customer or the client. It is essentially an important part of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN BUSINESS CONTEXT - Essay Example It shows that the entire process starts from the time the employee is recruited, though it is a long procedure and the organization tries to be as fair as they can in selecting employees, but there is no guarantee that the employee would keep the job, so from this view the redundancy threat starts taking place in the mind of the employee, only a strong bond with the organization can keep this fear out of employee’s mind. The human resource department in any organization of this world has gained most importance in the modern era, it is because of the fact that what ever an organization achieves, it achieves on behalf of human resources, today human resource gains the utmost importance in every field simply because of the growing demands of the world, there is an entire process used in organization for employees, which includes all the happenings from their selection to retirement or redundancy. The employment is always related to the well being of the economy, if an economy is having job saturation and the employment cycle is not working well than it automatically makes an economy weaker and unstable, as a consequence other related factors are also affected, such as GDP/GNP, so in order to keep an economy healthy the working of the employment cycle should be proper and the various sectors running a country’s economy should keep in view those important things that can disturb the economy of that country. The entire unemployment process starts from the point when the disturbance is caused in the society, which in the case of Europe was the beginning of the nineteenth century when the industrial sector gained popularity and concepts of trading started getting prominent, in that time the employment and unemployment had taken place, the growing number of policies and rules were also causing unemployment, it had almost discouraged every person from the working class, because they had no surety of their current job, it was becoming a problem, but

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Metamorphosis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Metamorphosis Paper - Essay Example Right at the beginning of the story, prior to his physical metamorphosis, Gregor already appears to be alienated in some way. This initial suggestion of alienation surrounds his external environment; his work, social life and to some extent, his family. He reflects over the monotony of his life in terms of his job, a monotony he endures due to the pressure of having to support his family financially. He appears to have no friends or social life to speak of, and his family seem to take his support for granted. Even the duty of caring for his family seems to be something strange to him, as he hardly realizes it when he loses this duty by the end. After establishing Gregors alienation from his societal environment and duties, we begin to see the process of deeper alienation from his family, his immediate environment, his emotions and his body. When he wakes to find his body changed, he is so disconnected from it he hides away from those closest to him. As his family become aware of the situation, they cease speaking to him altogether, eventually determining that the animal they see before them is not Gregor, â€Å"You must just try to get rid of the idea that this is Gregor. The fact that we’ve believed it for so long is the root of all our trouble†, (Kafka part 3). After the metamorphosis Gregor undergoes total alienation from his house and environment. Symbolic of this, Gregor cannot even view his street through the window and hence he slowly becomes a foreigner in his own family and home, without a productive role to play, as his family treat him with neglect and revulsion, as suggested by Kafka (1). The metamorphosis Gregor undergoes, changes him from an active social being to a useless and non active person within his family and society. More importantly, it represents a physical manifestation of the alienation process he has

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Information About the Great Depression, New Deal, the Great Society, and the War on Poverty Essay Example for Free

Information About the Great Depression, New Deal, the Great Society, and the War on Poverty Essay The Great Depression was a time of great suffering in American history. Remarkably it was a time that marked the American people and the country was able to emerge shining and stronger than ever. The Great Depression began in 1929 when in the month of October the stock market crashed and fourteen billion dollars were lost. In just one week, thirty billion dollars were gone. This loss was so monumental because it was ten times the average annual budget of the United States. The depression struck hard at all the industries in the United States. This left thousands and thousands of people jobless and even homeless. The first industries to be affected were construction and production. Soon after, the agricultural industry was hit hard. Over 750,000 farms were lost due to how the price of crops dropped drastically which ended up bankrupting the farmers. The unemployment rate was at 25%, the highest ever in American history. The population took yet another devastating blow with lack of food and illness due to inability to pay for medical care. President Hoover lost the election to Franklin D. Roosevelt because the American public considered Hoover to be incapable of handling the crisis. The Great Depression ended up carrying on until the second world war. Recently the United States faced something very close to the Great Depression. The stock market crashed again and millions of jobs were lost. Prices rose and Americans were headed for a slump that would take a long time to recover from. Ever so slowly the economy began to move forward again. But to this day the economy is still crippled and the American people are still paying for it. The New Deal was a series of economic programs that were implemented in the United States between 1933 and 1936. The man responsible for the New Deal was none other than Franklin D. Roosevelt. The New Deal was a response to the Great Depression and mainly focused on Relief for the unemployment and the poor, Recovery of the economy, and Reform of the financial system to prevent another depression. These three R’s were what drove it to be approved by Congress. The New Deal managed to decrease unemployment greatly by the 1940’s and put out many different programs and organizations that are still present today that help move the United States forward. The main focus of President Kennedy’s administration was to confront poverty. Kennedy began by putting 2 billion dollars to urban renewal and gave federal rewards to companies who moved to the newly renewed areas. The War on Poverty was a governmental effort to stop the problem of persistent poverty in the U.S. the poverty rate in the U.S. was at 24%. In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson declared a metaphorical war on poverty and new plans and programs were put out to help the poverty rate. The Great Society began when Johnson defeated the Republicans in 1964. His agenda consisted of taking care of the matters of discrimination, poverty, education, healthcare, housing, and consumer and environmental protections. The â€Å"Great Society† was a set of domestic programs promoted by Johnson and the Democrats. The Elementary Secondary Schools Act passed in 1965 was the first time the federal government was involved in public education. It gave government funds to high risk schools. The Higher Education Act put forth new buildings, programs, scholarships, and grants. The National Housing Act if 1968 increased low income housing by 1.7 million. The Civil Rights movement was an important time during American history. It was a time where American minorities conducted protested that won them rights and put a stop to racism in the United States. monumental individuals like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X helped a lot in spreading the word about racial equality. The African American communities all around the country protested for equality. Some whites went to extremes and resorted to violence that led to many murders of the African American people and even the assassination of Martin Luther King. The Native Americans also had an influential movement where they seized Alcatraz and occupied it. Their motive was to protest the first discovery of America and to establish a native American identity. Meanwhile the fastest growing minority in the United States, the Latinos, were also trying to establish equality.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Peripheral and Semi-Peripheral Regions

Peripheral and Semi-Peripheral Regions INTRODUCTION The terms Core, Peripheral and the Semi peripheral are born from the World systems theory. World systems theory has been closely associated with Immanuel Wallerstein. According to him, it is multicultural territorial division of labour in which the production and exchange of basic goods and raw materials is necessary for the everyday life of its inhabitants. Our world is divided into different regions the Core, the Peripheral and the Semi Peripheral. The core nations are the highly economically developed countries with they reaping benefits from the economy of the rest of the world. The peripheral nations are the third world countries which are still in the developing stage with a very low standard of living. The semi-peripheral nations are those which are between the core and the peripheral. They are the stabilising factors in the world system. The world is divided into two major world regions. First, the core and second, the periphery. And somewhere in between them, lies the semi periphery. Now, before starting discussing about these regions, first let us know their meanings and the countries which come under these regions. Core: The core consists of the world powers and countries, in other words, the developed or first world countries. This is basically the centre point which benefits from the economy of the peripheral regions and enjoy wealth not just from their economy but also from the other world regions. They have most of the wealth of the world. Most of the characteristics of globalization like development, scientific innovation, trans national links, good healthcare, high education occur in these regions. They are technologically, socially, politically, geographically highly developed with peripheral and semi peripheral lagging behind. Wage rate, employment conditions, access to healthcare, infrastructure and many other factors contribute to the countries being core which in turn is ignorant in their peripheral counterparts. Core regions success is determined by being dominant and exploiting the other world regions which in turn is determined by the participation of the other regions in the world system. What is more significant in these regions is their population. Population is stagnant and way too less in compared with the peripheral. In other words, 75% of the benefits of the world economy are enjoyed by just 15% of the world population. These countries are highly industrialized with ever growing tertiary sector. Most of its population is the working class with importance given to the salaried jobs than being in business. They are wealthy and powerful Very much industrialized Specialization in finance, information and service industries Strong military Highly influential Independent of outside control Forefront in inventing new technologies Some major core regions are: Peripheral: The Periphery consists of the rest of the world or in other words, the third world countries. These regions are characterised by poverty, ignorant healthcare, less education and a low standard of living. Infrastructure is very bothering with more space for slums. Some places do show positive development but generally this is the state of peripheral regions. The major factor in these regions is the migration from small cities to the bigger cities to have better economical opportunities which in turn poses problems in terms of housing, unemployment and many others. Despite of there being no jobs in the cities, people from the rural areas migrate in order to support their families. Population is sky rocketing is these regions as children are perceived to be the family supporters in terms of income generation and no education adds to the population woes by having no information on family planning. Majority of the population growth happens in these regions. Crime rate is very alarming in these regions as because of massive unemployment, people turn to crimes to have income and support their families. Economically backward Expects investments from the core nations Most of the people poor and uneducated Inequality Lack of development Easily influenced Regions that are peripheral in nature are: Semi peripheral: The term semi peripheral originated in the thirteenth century as there was a growing need to have a separate term for those regions and countries which have moved away from the periphery but have not yet become core. The category describes them as those regions which remain dependant and to some extent under developed despite having a significant rate of industrialization. In world systems theory, semi peripheral are the regions positioned between the core and the peripheral. The organizational structure of these countries or regions are both of core and peripheral countries and are often geographically located in between them or between two or more core countries. These are the industrializing and mostly capitalist countries. They play a major role in mediating between the core and the peripheral regions in terms of social, economic and political activities. These regions are different from the peripheral regions as they provide room for industrial growth, innovative technology and reforms in social and organizational structure. Just as the core regions, semi peripheral regions also tend to dominate and exploit the peripheral regions but not to the same extent as the former. Semi peripheral countries have chances of being promoted to the core countries group mainly because of their industrialized nature and also because they contribute to manufacturing and exportation of variety of goods. They can be also defined as being the key structural element as it plays a very vital role. Some of the regions which come under this category are: Peripheral regions will remain peripheral? Now, the second part of peripheral countries remaining peripheral or advancing to become the semi peripheral or core is to be answered. According to me, every nation has the space to improve given proper strategy and planning. First world countries have started note of the third world countries which are growing at a stupendous rate socially, economic and political. As far as current economical trend goes, third world countries like India, China are fast emerging to be the superpowers of the coming decade. They with their stable economic growth rate are outnumbering many of the countries ranked higher above them. Many core countries like the United States are feeling the jitters after analysing the growth trend that some of the peripheral countries are showing. Many of the multibillionaires from these peripheral countries are being given space in the Multibillionaires of the world list which indirectly shows the way where the latter are headed. New technological advancements, scientific innovations are increasing as compared to the years and decades gone by. First world countries are facing problems like unemployment which is harming their economy considerably whereas the developing nations have not experienced the bolt of recession as the former have. Socially, as the core countries perform well as they always done on the education, healthcare, infrastructure, wage rate part, the peripheral nations are improving but at a slow rate. Core countries have always given preference to the needs of the people and their standard of living whereas the latter have only recently started noticing the social factors that need to be addressed much more any other problem. Education is being given due importance with literacy rate going notches higher. Awareness of higher education is making even the rural areas note the advantages and send their children to schools. Social hierarchy, caste system are one of the major factors in stagnating the growth of the third world countries as these only promote differences in the system. This calls for equality amongst people and a better social structure. This is fast improving as there is a need to acknowledge efforts made by everyone in improving the overall economy of the nations. Politically, many countries are getting democratic with citizens given right to vote and choose their own leaders as opposed to the fact that the people were treated as slaves. The right to be governed upon is solely in the hands of the people in many nations though some are still under military governance and self imposed leaders. When somebody forces himself on the rest solely on the power status, that nation is bound to get stagnant in all the fields, whether its social, economic or political. This is slowly and steadily improving in the peripheral region though the rate is not that good. This makes the region unstable as political pressure makes it handicapped. Conclusion: Still there are many factors which need to be addressed by the peripheral nations in order to advance. There is huge possibility of some of the third world countries becoming part of the core or semi peripheral group in economical terms but as far as the social system goes, they need to work hard to be in that league and achieve what the core countries have, long back. Proper planning and strategy with no corruption and transparent system will pave way to be advanced and shift to the other better world systems. REFERENCES Carlos A. Martinez-Vela n.d. World Systems Theory [Online].Available from: [Accessed 08 Feb. 10] Colin Steif (August 4, 2008) Core andPeriphery [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 08 Feb.10] Techtor-ga (May 26, 2003) Core and Periphery [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 06 Feb.10] Wikipedia n.d. World-systems approach [Online]. Available from : [Accessed 06 Feb.10]

Friday, September 20, 2019

Holding Media Accountable

Holding Media Accountable Question: Are the news media adequately accountable for their reporting? Is there a need for legislative reform? There is a common concern that the news media in the modern age is no longer being held accountable for its reporting; that is, not fulfilling the expectation that it behaves in a certain way that contributes to the public good (particularly in relation to the political sphere). Since the late 17th century the medias vital role in democratic governance has been evident as a result of its significant power and function to oversee the actions of the government (Schultz 1998). To this day this role of the media remains to be a fundamental aspect of both modern democratic theory and practice. In this essay, the news medias general role in a democracy will be examined, such as the way in which it promotes it and its impact on the protection of human rights. Additionally, the various constraints in certain democracies that can limit the medias ability to always hold a positive role will be explored in order to expose possible legislative reforms to enhance media accountability. Finally, th e ways in which the media is used in order to support development and democracy will be examined, such as its historical victories in exposing government corruption and instigating reconciliation between warring groups. Whether or not the news media is adequately accountable for its reporting depends on the particular democracy in which it exists as they can vary greatly. This essay will contend that in developed democracies (such as Australia) the medias accountability can be perceived as adequate at this point in time, however it will also acknowledge that legislative reform is certainly needed in many other democracies that are less established. Democracy is near impossible to be achieved without a free press; through playing a myriad of key roles that will be discussed an adequate level of accountability to the public can be maintained for the medias reporting. The press is widely called the Fourth Estate to describe it as a somewhat additional branch of government that ensures those governing are kept in check (Schultz 1998). Without the providing of this check and balance, governments cannot truly be effective. Thomas Jefferson as a key historic governmental figure supported this idea, arguing that the truth of any matter will only emerge through the exchanging of information via the press (Holmes 1991). The notion of the media being a watchdog is widely accepted; that is, it acts as a guardian of the public interest that ensures citizens are consistently well informed on the actions of political officials and institutions (Schultz 1998). Particularly in those democracies that are less developed where legislatures and jud iciaries are either powerless or corrupt, the media is often left as the last bastion against the abuse of power (Schultz 1998). Furthermore, the presence of the media provides for a vital arena of public debate between those that govern and the governed. This increased level of debate not only ensures that every citizen is given the opportunity to contribute, but it also allows for enhanced decision making due to the collaboration of many different views and ideas (Holmes 1991). In contrast (for further elaboration), during authoritarian rule, obviously the quality of the laws and policies established were significantly lower due to minimal discussion and debate and the absence of a free and accountable media to help build a civic culture (Schultz 1998). Sen (1999 Pg 43) described critical public discussion to be an extremely important requirement [for] good public policy. Additionally, the medias accountability is particularly evident when one looks at disaster. Sen (1999) makes a further point in relation to this, asserting that a free press in a functioning democracy contributes greatly through the spread of information (which somewhat acts as an early warning system) that can significantly impact policies for (e.g.) famine prevention. The United Nations Development Programme (1997) adds to this, contending that if (for example) poverty is to be addressed, equally as important is the transfer of information to those in need. This is due to the fact that it would allow for them to participate in the political process and public life; it is difficult for an individual to assert their rights if they dont even know they exist. Through the media involving those that are marginalised, their views and issues become part of public debate, and thus the likelihood that these views be addressed is obviously far more likely than if they remain unheard (Sen 1999). The media plays a very important role via its accountability in a democratic society; nonetheless constrai nts do exist in some democracies that attempt to compromise this role. Particularly in newly established democracies, the reality is that the medias accountability can be affected negatively, prompting the potential need for legislative reform. Despite constitutional guarantees, in many democracies the media is greatly restricted by over-bearing laws, monopolistic ownership, and sometimes even physical force. In 2002, 136 journalists were imprisoned and 20 were killed as a result of their reporting in new democracies not satisfying the authorities (Committee to Protect Journalists 2003). In addition to state control constraints, a mostly global trend is beginning to dominate media markets in the modern age as a result of increased organisational competition. This involves a dumbing down of the news; in other words, an increased focus on shallow and sensational topics that aim more so to entertain rather than inform audiences of matters that are far more important (Selizer 2004). Consequently, public discourse is also negatively impacted as populations r espond to this dumbed down news that they are receiving (Selizer 2004). So not only does this modern worldwide trend compromise media accountability to the public, it also affects the publics own ability to recognise good news from bad news, making demands for change far less likely to substantiate. Moreover, in many countries ownership of the media is often controlled by just a few large dominating corporations that have taken over all smaller news organisations. With this high concentration of media ownership, there is not only minimal diversity but also strong biases in the news being presented to us (Djankov 2001 et al). Media tycoons (particularly in new democracies) tend to use their broadcast stations or newspapers to pursue their own vested interests such as the promotion of their business interests and political agenda (Djankov 2001 et al). In essence, the interests of these few people are manipulating the media through themselves determining the content that is to be publi cised. In order to address some of these constraints on the media, recommendations can certainly be made to attempt at instigating action for change where it is needed. For instance, sometimes the media is targeted by particularly powerful people and groups that endeavour to silence it to benefit their own interests. Primarily in developing democracies where (for example) strict licensing requirements may be demanded of the media, it is of paramount importance that authoritarian laws such as this are repealed and replaced with more liberal legislation (Committee to Protect Journalists 2003). Additionally, legal and judicial reforms are vital to ensure that journalists rights are enforced in court while those that do them harm are prosecuted. Only this way can it be ensured that the media has the freedom to report on important issues and remain accountable to the public. It is to be acknowledged that media laws in developed democracies are certainly far from perfect, and indeed they could be tweaked to improve media accountability. However, the Australian media for example, enjoys a large amount of freedom with guaranteed rights protecting it and is thus significantly safe from harm or stringent laws. As a result, it can be argued that legislative reform is not of immediate importance. A final area to be discussed in this essay is the medias practices that have promoted democracy and positive governance, shedding light on its accountability to the public. News organisations in many countries epitomise the democratic ideal of the media as a tool for information, a public forum, and as an establisher of consensus and harmony. If a society is to be truly democratic citizen participation is paramount; the media acknowledges this through ensuring that the populations are consistently engaged with the latest in the political sphere (Schultz 1998). For example, aiding them to make informed choices in regards to whom they should vote for and the particular policies that should and shouldnt be supported. Through mediums such as public-affairs programs the media provides enough detailed information to equip voters with the ability to be able to critically analyse the political sphere and are thus likely to engage with it far more than they would otherwise be capable of (Schultz 1998). In the modern age of widespread global travel it is especially difficult for a countrys media to inform all of its citizens when they inhabit other areas across t he world (Zelizer 2004). As a result, the use of the internet as a medium for the transfer of information has been adopted and proven to be highly effective. For example, early in the 21st century in the Romanian local elections, a large array of online information portals were established to ensure access to the latest political news was available to even citizens living on the other side of the world (Ulmanu 2000). Once again, this is evidence of the media endeavouring to fulfil its accountability to the public; in this way it is through acting not only as an information tool but as a public forum for critical debate. Also related to this is the way in which the media acts as a builder of peace and consensus. This is relevant because if violence and strife exists within a democratic society, the political process cannot consequently thrive as a result of peaceful critical discussion likely to be non-existent. In many societies the media tends to play a key role in providing method s of mediation to warring groups with the aim of public order being re-taken as promptly as possible (Bambang 2002). Many critics argue that this is not the case, and that the media itself often fuels violence via (e.g.) reporting incorrect facts and reinforcing prejudices (Bambang 2002). For example, in the midst of the mass conflict in Rwanda during the 1990s, a radio station (funded by international donations) was being used by extremists in support of genocide (Bambang 2002). While there are indeed cases in the past that depict poor actions on the medias part in fulfilling its accountability, much has been done to reverse this. For instance, many media organisations worldwide now train their journalists in what is dubbed peace journalism (Bambang 2002). This consists of the promotion of reconciliation via careful reportage that does not take stances on particular topics but rather gives voice to all of the differing viewpoints. Further, peace journalism resists justifications fo r violence, and rather than focusing on the violence itself it magnifies the affects it is having upon innocent individuals and communities (Bambang 2002). Not only this, it also attempts to bridge differences between warring groups in the hopes of a resolution being achieved. In the modern age (particularly in highly developed democracies) this form of reporting is the default method in times of war/crises. It can be concluded that the news media is indeed adequately accountable for its reporting, and at this time it does not need to be a priority to attain further legislative reform. Of course, it is important to recognise that this certainly depends upon the particular democratic society in which is being focused on as they can vary significantly in regards to their medias and their levels of accountability to that particular society. However, in most developed democracies the medias reporting can be perceived as currently adequate. This has been supported in this essay through referring to the various roles the media can be seen to play in the publics interest. It acts as a watchdog (or more formally as the Fourth Estate) in order to ensure the government is kept in check and power is not abused; additionally it often acts effectively as a bridge between the public and the government when there is corruption amongst institutional bodies. It acts as a public arena in which all citizen s are given the opportunity to contribute to the political process; this allows for improved decision making which leads to the establishment of laws that apply to the population as a whole (including those living in poverty that would otherwise have no knowledge (or access) of political participation. Secondly, this essay addressed the various constraints upon the media (particularly in those democracies that are relatively new and less developed). In some of these cases media accountability is not adequate and legislative reform would be ideal to (for example) protect journalists from any form of harm or harassment that compromises their ability to report truthfully and remain accountable to the public. Finally, the media plays the role of an information tool and public forum, educating voters on the latest political updates (regardless of their location) and thus protecting the threads of democracy that citizen participation is central to. In addition to this, such participation is made possible through the media promoting peace and consensus, endeavouring to keep conflict and violence levels low so as to not disrupt the political process and voters vital role in it. The media acts as a very important mechanism for democracy through public accountability. While this can at times be compromised, all in all it is adequate at this time and legislative reform should not be considered a priority. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bambang Wisudo. P (2002), Broadening Access to Information as a Way of Ending War Journalism, paper presented in a conference on Access to Information in Southeast Asia, Thailand. Committee to Protect Journalists (2003), Attacks on the Press in 2002, New York: Committee to Protect Journalists. Djankov. S, McLeish. C, Nenova. T, Shleifer. A, (2001), Who Owns the Media? Draft paper for the World Bank’s World Development Report. Holmes, Stephen (1991), Liberal constraints on private power? Democracy and the Mass Media, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 21-42. Schultz, Julianne (1998), Reviving the Fourth Estate. Democracy, Accountability and the Media, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sen, Amartya (1999), Development and Freedom, New York: Anchor Books. Ulmanu, Alex (2000), â€Å"Romanian Election Enters Net Battleground,† in Online Journalism Review, retrieved from United Nations Development Programme, Corruption and Good Governance: Discussion Paper 3, (1997), published by the Management Development and Governance Division, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support. Zelizer, B (2004), Taking Journalism Seriously: News and the Academy, London: Sage.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Delegation Essay -- essays research papers

Delegation Paper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Batman and Snell (2004), delegation is the assignment of authority and responsibility to a subordinate at a lower level requiring that the subordinate reports back to their manager the results, positive or negative. Within my professional career I have experienced several management styles. With regard to the subject matter of delegation, I have been lead by an experienced, effective, and efficient manager that utilized delegation and the functions of management while employed with Pitney Bowes Management Services (PBMS). The Customer Service Manager (CSM), Ebonie Kelley, Site Manager at McDermott, Will and Emory, was accountable for a team of 32. Of the 32 team members, six were apart of the management team. Her management team was a diverse mix of age, race, gender, and ethics. As the site manager, she is accountable for an enormous amount of responsibilities, but budget, site policies, and staff procedures were the bulk of these responsibilities. Organizing a management team was an ideal choice for operating a customer service based operation. She understood that maintaining the same level of efficiency without actually doing the bulk of the work was the goal she wanted to achieve. Her team consisted of two team leads (TL), one for the mail department and one for reprographics, and four lead site representatives (LSR), three for mail and one for reprographics. As the CSM, she delegated responsibilities, author...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Forgotten Years Of Their Eyes :: essays research papers

Although Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God is a widely read novel today, that wasn’t always the case. When her novel was first published, many black readers were enraged. It wasn’t until the early seventies when Hurston’s novel was rediscovered and thus eventually brought back into the literary canon. What aspects of the novel enraged the readers so that it would be forgotten for more than thirty years? One of the most important aspects of the novel that enraged the black readers was Hurston’s portrayal of the white people. Readers complained that Hurston wasn’t harsh enough in her critique of the white people’s treatment towards the black people. Rather than portraying whites as the stereotypical â€Å"Simon Legree† of Uncle Tom’s Cabin—the ideal poor, racist â€Å"white trash†Ã¢â‚¬â€most whites that take part in the novel are contrarily very helpful towards the blacks and show great compassion towards them as well. For example, when Janie begins her story we meet the Washburns. These are the white folks for whom Nanny worked for and they are very helpful towards both Nanny and Janie by treating them as if they are part of the family. Contrary to a lot of whites at the time who treated blacks as if they were still slaves, the Washburns treat both Nanny and Janie as human beings rather than slaves, showing great respect and love. In a way they are portrayed as â€Å"angels† who truly believe in human equality and don’t have one bit of prejudice in them. â€Å"Mah grandma raised me. Mah grandma and de white folks she worked wid†¦They was quality white folks up dere in West Florida. Named Washburn. She had four gran’chillun on de place and all of us played together†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (8). Furthermore, by reading Hurston’s novel, one can clearly see that all blacks place the whites on a pedestal of knowledge. According to the blacks of the novel, whites know everything and are always right; they are superior and since blacks are supposed to be ignorant and stupid, they should believe and do everything the whites say. For example, Mrs. Turner states that she trusts only white doctors because black doctors aren’t as educated and skilled as the white doctors. â€Å"Don’t bring me no nigger doctor tuh hang over mah sick-bed†¦White doctors always gits mah money† (135-136). Another example is when the Indians are evacuating the muck because they foresee a big hurricane coming and the blacks don’t evacuate stating that since the whites aren’t evacuating there’s no reason to. The Forgotten Years Of Their Eyes :: essays research papers Although Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God is a widely read novel today, that wasn’t always the case. When her novel was first published, many black readers were enraged. It wasn’t until the early seventies when Hurston’s novel was rediscovered and thus eventually brought back into the literary canon. What aspects of the novel enraged the readers so that it would be forgotten for more than thirty years? One of the most important aspects of the novel that enraged the black readers was Hurston’s portrayal of the white people. Readers complained that Hurston wasn’t harsh enough in her critique of the white people’s treatment towards the black people. Rather than portraying whites as the stereotypical â€Å"Simon Legree† of Uncle Tom’s Cabin—the ideal poor, racist â€Å"white trash†Ã¢â‚¬â€most whites that take part in the novel are contrarily very helpful towards the blacks and show great compassion towards them as well. For example, when Janie begins her story we meet the Washburns. These are the white folks for whom Nanny worked for and they are very helpful towards both Nanny and Janie by treating them as if they are part of the family. Contrary to a lot of whites at the time who treated blacks as if they were still slaves, the Washburns treat both Nanny and Janie as human beings rather than slaves, showing great respect and love. In a way they are portrayed as â€Å"angels† who truly believe in human equality and don’t have one bit of prejudice in them. â€Å"Mah grandma raised me. Mah grandma and de white folks she worked wid†¦They was quality white folks up dere in West Florida. Named Washburn. She had four gran’chillun on de place and all of us played together†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (8). Furthermore, by reading Hurston’s novel, one can clearly see that all blacks place the whites on a pedestal of knowledge. According to the blacks of the novel, whites know everything and are always right; they are superior and since blacks are supposed to be ignorant and stupid, they should believe and do everything the whites say. For example, Mrs. Turner states that she trusts only white doctors because black doctors aren’t as educated and skilled as the white doctors. â€Å"Don’t bring me no nigger doctor tuh hang over mah sick-bed†¦White doctors always gits mah money† (135-136). Another example is when the Indians are evacuating the muck because they foresee a big hurricane coming and the blacks don’t evacuate stating that since the whites aren’t evacuating there’s no reason to.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Psychology Project Essay

Final Output: The Person in Me (An Autobiography that uses Psychological Concepts) Objective: The purpose of this final output for all General Psychology classes is for you, our students, to be able to identify the role of psychology and various psychological concepts in your lives using a lifespan approach. This activity aims to help you understand that psychology can be applied on a daily basis and that the field can: help explain who you are as a unique individual and as part of the social environment help you internalize how building good relationships are essential in life assist you in handling your challenges and choosing your direction in life How to go about writing your story: 1. Think about your audience and try to see things from their perspectives. Aside from the person who will evaluate the quality of your autobiography, who else will you be sharing it with? Is it your friends, family members? What type of readers are they? Do they prefer stories with humor? Do they like reading facts and itty-bitty details? 2. Think about your capacity – can you easily express yourself in prose or in poetry? Do you need to include pictures so that you can tell your story? 3. Think of the direction of your story. Will you be doing Flashbacks? Will you be writing in Chronological order? 4. After deciding on the above, start writing your story. Let the words flow since your first work will most likely be your draft. 5. When you have written your story, read it again. This time analyze which parts of your story can be connected to psychological concepts. 6. Once you have identified these parts, insert the psychological concepts into the story. E.g. â€Å"I can remember that when I was 7 years old, I lied to my mother about not getting money from her wallet. Although this was deliberate deception and although I regret the day that I did it, I do understand now that what had transpired was actually part of my cognitive development. You see, the Theory of Cognitive Development of Jean Piaget states that a child who is becoming less egocentric comes to understand the perspective of other people. I lied to my mom because I knew she would be annoyed and that she would punish me. I understood that she would have gone berserk over my behavior and I, being the mischievous child that I was, had no intention of allowing my buns to get spanked.† 7. Underline all psychological concepts that you use in your story. You are to use at least 25 and this should span all l of the chapters. 8. Your autobiography should be exactly 10 pages with 1.5 spacing and the default font size of 11 and font type of Times New Roman. 9. The last day of the submission of your autobiography is the first day of the Final Exams Week. We, at the Psychology Department, hope that you have enjoyed the journey of learning more about yourselves, your peers, others and life in general. Good luck in your endeavors and and we’ll see you around.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Home Is the Place Where Heart Lives

The first meaning is that where you live, that is where your heart is. You physically may be away from home however your heart is in the place that you live. You wish you were there because it gives you peace and joy and comfort to be there. Consider this verse: Philippians 3:20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: I believe that real followers of Christ can relate when I say that I would much rather be in heaven than here on earth. When you learn about the love of Jesus and compare it to the lusts of this world, one seeks to be with Jesus more than anything.The Bible does a great job of describing our future home in the Book of Revelation in Chapter 22. My heart is there right now. I wish to be there rather than down here. Where we love is home – home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. -Oliver Wendell Holmes Most people don’t understand the concept of a ‘home’. For some, it’s j ust a building with a roof and four walls surrounding us. But on behalf of my regard I find it as a place where the soul lives, the memories get created and the real upbringing from the darkness to enlightment of life begins. Home sweet home is always there deep inside the heart of every living individual.Having one’s home is an old dream, as old as this universe is. Home is a place where basic, emotional, psychological and social needs of every individual member are fulfilled; a place for family living, where every individual enjoys the happiness, feels comfortable, gets maximum relaxation, passes on family traditions and customs from one generation to the other and can keep their treasure safely . Home is ranked as a man's paradise. It is a place in which human beings enjoy the happiness, love and affection, comfort, entertainment and indulge in various activities they like.It’s not built with just the bricks and stones but with the love and affection which it indulg es within itself. The greatest example is the Taj Mahal. It’s famous and immortal in human minds only because of the great love of Shah Jahan for Mumtaz. Hence that mansion belonged not only to him but also to his soul. House is a place where our feelings and thoughts get a peace of mind and security. AS we grow up the relationship bondage wit house increases gradually and it too becomes a part of our life†¦ Even for some it is the only memento and remembrance of their father, mother and ancestors.Hence they treat it as God. According to Hindus, the most sacred place is the place where our essence stays i. e. home. We start dreaming in this place, our inspiration gets its wings in this wonderful creation. But most important the sense of being our own is bent here. In simple sentence I l title its need as-the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, and the house allows one to dream in peace. â€Å"Charity begins at home, but should not end there. â⠂¬ Ã‚   Thomas Fuller One learns his charity, morality, and ethics of life in this house.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Current Ethical Issues Essay

Organizations must deal with moral and ethical issues that can include dishonesty, theft, and employee drug use. However, companies that have ethical guidelines and train their employees in ethical behavior will have exceptional employees. Therefore, organizations that create ethical policies and provide ethical training will encourage ethical standards in the company. Therefore, I will profile the Taylor Ambulance Company, Inc located in Kelsey. The Taylor Ambulance company has serviced Kelsey for 10 years and they are responsible for transporting individuals who needs emergency medical care and transport them to local hospitals. The ambulance company will also transport non-emergency patients to rehabilitation centers. Taylor Ambulance is dispatched by the Kelsey’s Fire Department and the city’s emergency transport contractor. Currently the Taylor Ambulance company has 70 paramedics and emergency medical technicians and has a fleet of 26 ambulances. The company receives emergency calls through the 911 system of Kelsey. The Taylor Ambulance company’s mission statement is â€Å"We will provide the people of Kelsey with quick and professional emergency medical care†. Donna Taylor and Phillip Embry formed the Taylor Ambulance company in 2000. The company started out small; however, the company grew over the years and as of 2009 the company staffs 95 employees. Also in 2009 the Taylor Ambulance company provided 57,000 ambulance transports for the city of Kelsey. Moreover, in 2009 Taylor Ambulance had a profit of $870,668. Furthermore, the Taylor Ambulance company receives their revenue sources from emergency and non-emergency transports and government subsidies. Additionally, Taylor Ambulance Company has an 8 year contract with the city of Kelsey which runs from March 1, 2008 until February 28, 2016. The Taylor Ambulance company provides an excellent service to the community and the company is very profitable. However, most businesses will face moral and ethical issues with their staff and employees. Some of the moral or ethical issues faced by the Taylor Ambulance company can include; †¢Dishonesty †¢Lack of Confidentiality †¢Privacy issues †¢Drug or alcohol abuse †¢Lack of patient sensitivity or compassion †¢With holding medical care †¢Don’t honor patients medical directives such as, Do Not Resuscitate †¢Patient Neglect Therefore, it is very important that the Taylor Ambulance company has an overall ethics program. The Taylor Ambulance company’s human resource department will assume the responsibility in developing an ethics standard policy. The ethics policy will include all moral and ethical issues that could present itself in the medical field. Therefore, the Taylor Ambulance ethics policy guideline will include how to act ethically in; †¢Honesty †¢Patient confidentiality †¢Patient sensitivity and compassion †¢Patient privacy laws †¢Drug and alcohol training †¢Patient medical care †¢Respective patients medical directives †¢Patient neglect Additionally, when the ethics policy is completed by the human resource manager the manager will work with the training supervisor to set up ethical training for the employees and staff. The ethics training will be supervised by the training supervisor who will document and perform the training. The initial ethics training will coincide with an employee’s new hire orientation. Therefore, after the employees new hire orientation they will be required to complete 8 hour ethics training. Moreover, after the ethics training the new employee will be required to take a short quiz to make sure they understand the company’s ethical guidelines. Once the employee receives their ethics training they will receive a certificate of training. Furthermore, the employee will be required to sign for a copy of the ethics policy for insertion into their employee file. Whereas, it is important to receive ethics training it is also important to monitor employees for un-ethical behavior. Therefore, during employment with the Taylor Ambulance company the employees will be monitored by their organizations supervisor or manager for un-ethical behavior. However, ethical behavior should be enforced by the company. Therefore, if an employee of the Taylor Ambulance company is reported as being un-ethical the employee will be sent to the human resource department to speak with the human resource manager. If the human resource manager believes the employee was acting un-ethical per policy guidelines the employee may receive a disciplinary action. Finally, the Taylor Ambulance company will encourage ethical standards by creating written ethics policy and provide employee ethical training. Therefore, the Taylor Ambulance company will utilize their human resource department to create the ethics policy and the training supervisor will conduct and certify the ethics training. Also the employee supervisor or manager will monitor the ethical behavior of their employees. Moreover, if an employee is acting un-ethical the human resource manager will manage the disciplinary actions. Therefore, creating a written ethics policy is essential for creating an honest work environment for the staff and employees.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

New Business Venture: Music Academy

Introduction/aground After over five years experience working In corporations, four friends have a desire to start their own business because they enjoy creating music and saw the need for music training in downtown Toronto. The music academy would cater specifically to children ages 3-16 specializing in rock music genres preparing them in lessons for â€Å"voice, guitar, keyboard, and percussion so they can perform in their own bands†(Scalable 469).By offering specialized musical theory lessons to the children (public), the music academy can create a niche market segment and obtain a portion f the current musical retail/lesson market share currently share amongst Long and Macaque, Cosmos Music, and Stave's Music. Business Objective The music academy strategic goals include growth, expansion, dominating market share, and profitability. They must fully utilize each other's strengths and weaknesses to begin the business.In order to meet these objectives, the team must cooperate, incorporate effective customer service, and use their passion for music towards teaching, while creating a diversified musical learning environment. Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement Environmental scanning and market research yielded results that indicated that the music academy is currently positioned in a busy location with high traffic and opportunities include a need for specialized guitar lessons in the rock music genre. In order to capitalized the opportunity for growth and compete with current music retail/lesson businesses (I. . Long and Macaque), It would be advisable for the music academy to offer a selection of musical Instruments and accessories available for sale to the general public that Include both purchasing and financing options. The current team has the necessary skills for musical instruction involving bass, keyboard, vocals, guitar, and drums. A potential problem that poses a threat would be access to capital and making sure that the initial investment costs are covered â€Å"after two years in business†(Scalable 470).Critical Assumptions and Constraints This project requires strong participation of each music business members and the children. The four friends who participated In this music business should be able to work In a team and understand teaching children. The children must show improvement to prove the music training's effectiveness. Most members need to learn some teaching skills and training because of their lack of experience. Some members will still have other employment, so there is a need for pre-arranged shifts.Different courses with different teachers will be offered because of the members different skill set. Analysis of Options and Recommendation Our three options for our new business: 1 . Start the business immediately, since the key people are ready to build a music academy, a bass teacher who has experience of few paid gigs and also knows the aboard, a guitar teacher who can also record an d edit CDC, a singing teacher who also knows how to work a crowd, and a drum teacher who is also a music teacher in the middle school.The business can start right away according to the original plan. 2. Hold the business until there are enough staffs and Investments to start. Since there opening, until all the preparations are finished. 3. Do not start the business at all. Since the members all have Jobs and are doing well on their own, they do not really need to take the risk to start this business. Preliminary Project Requirements The main requirements of this project include the following: 1 . The business needs the initial investment amount. . The business needs cooperation of all team members. 3. The business needs a place to rent, and musical equipment. 4. Each team member needs to arrange his or her schedule because of different availabilities. 5. Each team member must be trained to teach children because not everyone knows how. Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis A prelim inary estimate of costs for the entire project is $100,000 for the first year. Most of the costs come from salaries, $108,000, then operating costs, $60,000.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Future of CADCAM Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Future of CADCAM Assignment - Essay Example It was in the 1950's that the Numerically-Controlled machines were based upon the technology of paper tapes which had proper spaced holes punched into the papers. it is similar to the paper roll which makes piano works having only an inch width which is used to feed the numbers into controller machines. These are wired to join the motors positioning work over the machine tools. These controllers are electro mechanical that allows easy incorporation of the digital technologies in their original form. During the period of late 1960's these Numerically-Controlled machining centers were very easily available for the commercial incorporation of a variety of machining processes, and also enabling the automatic tool changing process. So these tools were capable of performing any work on the many faces of any kind of work further enabling the movement of the work piece to the specified positions which were previously programmed. This programming was done making use of a variety of automatic tools. Thus making it possible to do the same piece of work over and over, automatically with perfection and very little human input. The NC was immediately automated giving a newer level of manufacturing. The incorporation of feedback loops was also done. The development of APT was a breakthrough in the success of the NC technology which is a universal NC programming language. The Automatically Programmed Tools developed in1962, enables the programmers to develop the postprocessors, tailored to each type of NC tool. This helped in the output sharing between different units having different manufacturing capabilities. CAD and CAM Together now: CAD basically uses the software known as TTUA ( It assists engineers, architects, designers in their activities. This geometrical tool in the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) also involves a special hardware. These tools are used and incorporated in almost every sector like manufacturing, designing, planning etc using the tools CIM, CAPP, FMS, and JIT etc. The development of Computer-aided design had its effect on the NC technology due to the differences in the formats of various files which were used initially by the drawing and manufacturing programs. " in the CAD world, we take a pencil out of the hand of the operator and place it into the hand of the computer" (Jan Bone,1994). With the newer and variety of CAD applications like Solid Works and Auto Cad and CAM applications like Master Cam, both designing and manufacturing sectors now use these variety of CAD/CAM software. Most of the CAD/CAM software are used more by architects these days, along with product designing and manufacturing. Future trends in CAD/CAM: Though the current CAD/CAM applications are much user friendly and satisfactory, and people do not think there is nay need for advances in the same, but the coming decade will have many advances in techniques and implementation of CAD/CAM, for the creation and manipulation of the work piece geometry. The standards for its applications will give more flexibility to its users in the interfaces, data transfer, computer designing and architecture etc. thus it can be said that these future developments will have a solid impact on both, the numerical control system and the manufacturing applications. By anticipating the basic questions like what is the direction of NC and CAD/CAM What are the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

ECO..Profits and morality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ECO..Profits and morality - Assignment Example This is because there will no longer be a motivation to keep doing paying or else the electric supply will be cut off. However, in this case of freedom to decision-making involving consumption has led to a negative outcome reducing the wellbeing of the capitalistic electric company that is there for profit. Another example mentioned involves Ford Pinto model of car and is a quite well-documented incident regarding the defective rear engines of the car that could catch fire following collisions (Sidewinder77, 2007b). If people were given the freedom to decide about the production and buying variables of the car, most individuals would not be willing to pay a higher price for a safer car. This decision would ultimately increase the risk of being susceptible to death by a faulty car because people, if given the freedom to decide, would not always choose rationally thereby reducing overall wellbeing of the

Public and Humanitarian International Law Essay

Public and Humanitarian International Law - Essay Example Not everyone believes this to be true. This paper shall now assess the following statement: public international law is nothing more than a reflection of what powerful states choose to do. It shall review the claim that international law is based on not what the international community wants, but what the powerful nations want. This thesis shall be evaluated in this discussion via theories and discussion by experts and scholars in international law. This paper is being undertaken in order to provide a comprehensive and academic discussion of the subject matter. Discussion International laws are ideally implemented based on principles and mandates which are formulated by its member nations. These mandates are voted on and ratified by member states and later implemented to govern international transactions and relations. In the actual setting, these laws in relation to political processes may often be considered irreconcilable and conflicting with each other. For the most part, dominan t states may not want to use the different processes available under international laws; they may sometimes consider turning to politics instead1. However, the international systems seem to dissociate itself from power and domination. Based on the principle of sovereignty, the international laws are distancing itself from the more dominant applications of power and of political might. However since international laws always need power in order to enforce its policies, on its own, these laws seem to be powerless in most situations2. It is in unable to control power states based on its own standing, therefore it seems to depend on the application of the balance of power. In other words, in instances â€Å"when there is neither community of interests nor balance of power, there is no international law†3. Consequently, international law sometimes appears as a beacon of equality where justice prevails and power plays are consigned to the realm of politics where the more cutthroat relations prevail. This difference in application finds its best expression in the designated roles of law and politics in the early 19th century in the era of the Concert of Europe. In its interaction with weaker countries, the Concert carried out its processes via political, not so much in the legal processes4. This mutual exclusion is sometimes utilized to define the contemporary relations in international and the United States. The US, which is disinclined to ratify treaties and is more inclined to be relieved of international legal processes, often appears as a â€Å"lawless hegemon, however in spite of that, international law among the rest of states seems to flourish on its way to realizing the values of the international community†5. Moreover, the laws and political power seems to function in differing plains. As a result, international law appears idealized and the realists and critical legal scholars have accepted the fact that the laws are shaped and dictated by po wer6. Many scholars have even accepted the fact that the history of international laws marks milestones of power dominance. This paper shall proceed to evaluate whether or not the power displays in the international realm impact on the application of international laws. The international processes of dominant states straddles two policies, that of instrumentalization and withdrawal. The orientations of these two policies are different from each other as they move in two

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Professional 2 part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Professional 2 part 1 - Essay Example In Australia, there is an estimated number of 24, 891 children suffering from Down Syndrome based on extrapolated statistics (Statistics by Country for Down Syndrome 2008). In Victoria, the incidence of this abnormality is 1 in every 481 births (Birth Defects – Trisomy Disorder 2007). It was reported that statistics would show that expectant Australian mothers who were apprised beforehand of the Down Syndrome condition of the child before birth terminate the pregnancy – a kind of genetic cleansing. Even during pregnancy, several tests can be done to find out if the fetus is positive with Down Syndrome like ultrasound, amniocentesis, and serum sampling (Mealy 2000). Down Syndrome is a congenital and genetic condition that was first identified and described by Dr. John Langdon-Down in 1866. In the 1960s, French cytogeneticist Dr. Jerome Lejune illustrated that the Syndrome is essentially caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in the cells of those afflicted with the syndrome. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (thus, 46 in all) which are stored in the nucleus of every human cell. Two of these chromosomes determine the sex (thus, sex chromosomes) and the rest decide other factors (autosomes). Each pair of chromosomes is a derivative from each parent (the mother and the father). In the person with the Down Syndrome, an extra chromosome is added which makes for a total of 47 instead of the usual 46 and one chromosome is not duplicated but triplicated, thus Down Syndrome is also called trisomy (from the root word tri or three) disorder. The chromosome which is triplicated in those with the genetic defect is chromosome 21 (see Fig. 1) (Lindee 2005 p. 103), with the numbering of chromosomes done in accordance with the international standard systems of nomenclature adopted during the Denver Conference in 1960. There are three kinds of Down Syndrome: Standard Trisomy

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

LABOUR MARKET POLICY The essay should be a maximum of 1400 words in

LABOUR MARKET POLICY The should be a maximum of 1400 words in length - Essay Example Since the agent represents the persona of the company, principles should selectively hire agents that can best represent their agenda. This relationship can be ideal when the agent is an expert in the field and displays allegiance to the principle. However, if overall goals aren’t uniformed then problems can arise. In order to minimize misunderstandings, informal or formal contracts, that explain what is expected of the agent, should be given to the agent and firmly enforced. The principle should ensure that vital language is inserted in the agreement to protect and promote the principle’s agenda. For corporations, which are your larger principles, human resource managers should be hired to maximize employee output. Authors David E Dimick and Victor V. Murray (1978: 611) in their article â€Å"Correlates of Substantive Policy Decisions in Organizations: The Case of Human Resource Management† defines human resource managers as personnel management which facilitate various organizational objectives. One responsibility of the human resource manager is the implementation of personnel practices that fit the specific needs of the employer. The human resource managers are directly responsible for the hiring of most qualified employees that display the most appropriate levels of capabilities. Thus the human resource manager should act in the best interest of the principle and formulate agency policy that benefits the behalf of the principle. Since human resource managers act as intermediaries between the corporate principle and agent, they should have in-depth knowledge of specific task demands. Knowing what is needed to ensure flow of operations, human resource managers should modify agency policy to include clear language to the agent of the expectations to their duties and expectations of the principle. According to the authors Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal

Monday, September 9, 2019

With reference to your own research, do you think that the ability of Assignment

With reference to your own research, do you think that the ability of a business to act successfully in a social responsibility manner is mainly determined by the products it produces - Assignment Example Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR for short is the ability of a business to manifest its truest basis to the public time and again. This means that its aim is to be truthful to all and sundry to create a positive mindset and image about the different product and service offerings under its organizational aegis. This paper will highlight the potential benefits of CSR which is in relation to the cost for businesses and stakeholders. It will also highlight how the CSR becomes a significant entity in relation to several other objectives of the organization. Then there will be some influences which determine the kind of responsibilities that are accepted by a business enterprise and the ones which are not while also highlighting some of the factors which discern the extent to which a business can be deemed as socially responsible. The value and the dire limitations towards businesses and stakeholders in the realms of social reporting will be discussed as will be the exte nt to which governments have a role in influencing the CSR. ... Hence in conjunction with what the businesses and stakeholders think and act, it is pertinent that the premise of CSR is given importance. How this happens is a difficult process though. These businesses and stakeholders need to find a way through which they can reach the minds of their consumers so that they can eventually bring about a sale or make use of their services. The bottom line however is an intention to bring about a sale. Even though this might not be said, the role of CSR is to build a positive word of mouth for the business regimes which will eventually set about a pragmatic feel for all and sundry related with the business. The stakeholders might find it difficult to understand the message that CSR is trying to send their way but in entirety it is being conveyed in one form or the other. Hence in relation to businesses and stakeholders, the role of CSR is of paramount significance because it communicates a message like none other. The need is to realize how CSR is wor king to its full capacity and allow it to propagate a message which is for the overall betterment of the organization, a case in point being Nike where CSR is always seen imperatively. Similarly, CSR for the sake of Apple helps it to establish its basis within markets where Nokia and Samsung are in common use as far as mobile phones are related. The question that remains here is whether or not both Nike and Apple are doing all that they can to bring about something further in the name of CSR than merely producing goods and products (Petersen, 2012). Importance of CSR Relative to Other Corporate Objectives Since corporate objectives of every business are different, the role of CSR also takes a

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 83

Essay Example Knowledge of organizational behavior empowers managers to understand employees’ emotions as well as reasons for employees’ behaviors for appropriate managerial decisions and practices that can control the behaviors and attitudes to achieve positive results. The knowledge can for example help a manager to understand reasons for employees’ rebellion towards development of a forum for identifying root cause of the problem for reconciliation. The knowledge of organizational behavior also facilitates understanding among employees by promoting tolerance to cultural and behavioral diversity. This is because it explains existence of such diversities and offers approaches for avoiding and managing diversity based conflicts. Employees’ understanding of an organization’s constructs also aligns their personal values and behavior to the organization’s policies, values, and expectations. Employees of an organization with established ethical values, for ins tance, adhere to the stipulated standards. Similarly, understanding an organization’s fundamental values and objectives identifies the organization’s appropriate structure for achieving the values and objective. An organization with diversified objectives such as provision of specialized but differentiated products would for example require a structure with line managers (Phillips and Gully 6). Knowledge of organizational behavior in an organization therefore aligns management practices, employees’ relations, and organizations’ structures to the organization’s environment and

Saturday, September 7, 2019

(Exam questions) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

(Exam questions) - Essay Example "When the environment audit is undertaken, the objective is to develop a finite list of opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. Here the word finite list is emphasized because the job of the manager is not to make an exhaustive list of all the factors that may affect the organization. But focus should be on key environmental variables that could influence business"1. The importance of the environmental analysis is mostly realized by organizations but the depth of the analysis is often compromised. For example in Toyota Corporation, there is a management concept "to go to the roots". The meaning of this concept is that, when we are collecting information for analysis, the information should be collected from the source or in other words from the origin. When an external environmental analysis is done with information collected from the sources and decisions are made based on such in-depth data, the applicability and durability of strategic plans are considerably increased. The information from the external environment should be used to tune up the internal environment to meet the challenges and make good of the opportunities. When an organization needs to possess a competitive advantage its focus should be internalized rather externalized. The ability of a business concern to focus on its strengths and potential areas of improvement will lead to formulation of workable plans. Hence, the conflict between where we are and where we want to go does not arise. Wastage of time and money on formulating strategies which have to be later sacrificed to carry out day to day operations can be avoided. Many a times in a business organization, managers are faced with the challenge to modify the day to day operations to achieve the long term strategic goals and vice versa. This may be due to the gaps between the aspirations and actual business environment. The organization may aspire to achieve the mission and vision, but the ground reality faced by the company may create hurdles in the path. In an organization, long term strategic plans are useful to tune up the operations to achieve future objectives. But, it is often hard to follow the preplanned course of actions. This may be due to various reasons and mangers are often at the cross roads. Assigning priorities and making decisions becomes a challenge for the business managers when they have to decide the sacrifices that have to be made to get along in business. When we argue that often operational priorities derail strategic plans, it denotes that the culture in an organization is not oriented towards the strategic plans made. Th e external environment is ever dynamic and the strategy formulated should be flexible to accommodate the changes. When the strategists bring this concept into the strategy formulation right from the nascent stage then the situation of trade off of strategies can be avoided. When a person wants to achieve something in future the attitude, personality, values and other psychographic factors should be matching with what he/she wants to achieve. In an organization there are so many people working who have different kinds of needs. When different people work together to contribute towards the success of the organization, then the pattern in dealing with problems and the behavior of the employees should be assessed. This pattern of behavior is often called as the

Friday, September 6, 2019

Frederick Winslow Taylor Essay Example for Free

Frederick Winslow Taylor Essay Frederick Winslow Taylor (March 20, 1856 – March 21, 1915) was an American mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency.[1] He is regarded as the father of scientific management and was one of the first management consultants.[2] Taylor was one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement and his ideas, broadly conceived, were highly influential in the Progressive Era. or passed the Harvard entrance examinations with honors. However, due allegedly to rapidly deteriorating eyesight, Taylor chose quite a different path. Instead of attending Harvard, Taylor became an apprentice patternmaker and machinist, gaining shop-floor experience at Enterprise Hydraulic Works in Philadelphia (a pump-manufacturing company whose proprietors were friends of the Taylor family). He left his apprenticeship for six months and represented a group of New England machine-tool manufacturers at Philadelphias centennial exposition. Taylor finished his four-year apprenticeship and in 1878 became a machine-shop laborer at Midvale Steel Works. At Midvale, he was quickly promoted to time clerk, journeyman machinist, gang boss over the lathe hands, machine shop foreman, research director, and finally chief engineer of the works (while maintaining his position as machine shop foreman). Taylors fast promotions probably reflected not only his talent but also his familys relationship with Edward Clark, part owner of Midvale Steel. (Edward Clarks son Clarence Clark, who was also a manager at Midvale Steel, married Taylors sister.) Early on at Midvale, working as a laborer and machinist, Taylor recognized that workmen were not working their machines, or themselves, nearly as hard as they could (which at the time was called soldiering) and that this resulted in high labor costs for the company. When he became a foreman he expected more output from the workmen and in order to determine how much work should properly be expec ted he began to study and analyze the productivity of both the men and the machines (although the word productivity was not used at the time, and the applied science of productivity had not yet been developed). His focus on the human component of production eventually became Scientific Management, while the focus on the machine component led to his famous metal-cutting and materials innovations. While Taylor worked at Midvale, he and Clarence Clark won the first tennis doubles tournament in the 1881 US National Championships, the precursor of the US Open.[1] Taylor became a student of Stevens Institute of Technology, studying via correspondence[5] and obtaining a degree in mechanical engineering in 1883. On May 3, 1884, he married Louise M. Spooner of Philadelphia. From 1890 until 1893 Taylor worked as a general manager and a consulting engineer to management for the Manufacturing Investment Company of Philadelphia, a company that operated large paper mills in Maine and Wisconsin. He spent time as a plant manager in Maine. In 1893, Taylor opened an independent consulting practice in Philadelphia. His business card read Consulting Engineer Systematizing Shop Management and Manufacturing Costs a Specialty. Through these consulting experiences, Taylor perfected his management system. In 1898 he joined Bethlehem Steel in order to solve an expensive machine-shop capacity problem. As a result, he and Maunsel White, with a team of assistants, developed high speed steel, paving the way for greatly increased mass production. Taylor was forced to leave Bethlehem Steel in 1901 after discord with other managers. After leaving Bethlehem Steel, Taylor focused the rest of his career on publicly promoting his management and machining methods through lecturing, writing, and consulting. In 1910, owing to the Eastern Rate Case, Frederick Winslow Taylor and his Scientific Management methodologies become famous worldwide. In 1911, Taylor introduced his The Principles of Scientific Management paper to the American mechanical engineering society, eight years after his Shop Management paper. On October 19, 1906, Taylor was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Science by the University of Pennsylvania.[6] Taylor eventually became a professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.[7] In early spring of 1915 Taylor caught pneumonia and died, one day after his fifty-ninth birthday, on March 21, 1915. He was buried in West Laurel Hill Cemetery, in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania. Work Taylor was a mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency. Taylor is regarded as the father of scientific management, and was one of the first management consultants and director of a famous firm. In Peter Druckers description, Frederick W. Taylor was the first man in recorded history who deemed work deserving of systematic observation and study. On Taylors scientific management rests, above all, the tremendous surge of affluence in the last seventy-five years which has lifted the working masses in the developed countries well above any level recorded before, even for the well-to-do. Taylor, though the Isaac Newton (or perhaps the Archimedes) of the science of work, laid only first foundations, however. Not much has been added to them since – even though he has been dead all of sixty years.[8] Taylors scientific management consisted of four principles: 1.Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks. 2.Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively leaving them to train themselves. 3.Provide Detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that workers discrete task (Montgomery 1997: 250). 4.Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks. Future US Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis coined the term scientific management in the course of his argument for the Eastern Rate Case before the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1910. Brandeis argued that railroads, when governed according to Taylors principles, did not need to raise rates to increase wages. Taylor used Brandeiss term in the title of his monograph The Principles of Scientific Management, published in 1911. The Eastern Rate Case propelled Taylors ideas to the forefront of the management agenda. Taylor wrote to Brandeis I have rarely seen a new movement started with such great momentum as you have given this one. Taylors approach is also often referred to as Taylors Principles, or, frequently disparagingly, as Taylorism. Managers and workers Taylor had very precise ideas about how to introduce his system: It is only through enforced standardization of methods, enforced adoption of the best implements and working conditions, and enforced cooperation that this faster work can be assured. And the duty of enforcing the adoption of standards and enforcing this cooperation rests with management alone.[9] Workers were supposed to be incapable of understanding what they were doing. According to Taylor this was true even for rather simple tasks. I can say, without the slightest hesitation, Taylor told a congressional committee, that the science of handling pig-iron is so great that the man who is physically able to handle pig-iron and is sufficiently phlegmatic and stupid to choose this for his occupation is rarely able to comprehend the science of handling pig-iron.[10] Taylor believed in transferring control from workers to management. He set out to increase the distinction between mental (planning work) and manual labor (executing work). Detailed plans specifying the job, and how it was to be done, were to be formulated by management and communicated to the workers.[11] The introduction of his system was often resented by workers and provoked numerous strikes. The strike at Watertown Arsenal led to the congressional investigation in 1912. Taylor believed the laborer was worthy of his hire, and pay was linked to productivity. His workers were able to earn substantially more than those under conventional management,[12] and this earned him enemies among the owners of factories where scientific management was not in use. Propaganda techniques Taylor promised to reconcile labor and capital. With the triumph of scientific management, unions would have nothing left to do, and they would have been cleansed of their most evil feature: the restriction of output. To underscore this idea, Taylor fashioned the myth that there has never been a strike of men working under scientific management, trying to give it credibility by constant repetition. In similar fashion he incessantly linked his proposals to shorter hours of work, without bothering to produce evidence of Taylorized firms that reduced working hours, and he revised his famous tale of Schmidt carrying pig iron at Bethlehem Steel at least three times, obscuring some aspects of his study and stressing others, so that each successive version made Schmidts exertions more impressive, more voluntary and more rewarding to him than the last. Unlike [Harrington] Emerson, Taylor was not a charlatan, but his ideological message required the suppression of all evidence of workers dissent, of coercion, or of any human motives or asp irations other than those his vision of progress could encompass.[13] Management theory Taylor thought that by analyzing work, the One Best Way to do it would be found. He is most remembered for developing the stopwatch time study, which combined with Frank Gilbreths motion study methods later becomes the field of time and motion study. He would break a job into its component parts and measure each to the hundredth of a minute. One of his most famous studies involved shovels. He noticed that workers used the same shovel for all materials. He determined that the most effective load was 21 ½ lb, and found or designed shovels that for each material would scoop up that amount. He was generally unsuccessful in getting his concepts applied and was dismissed from Bethlehem Steel. Nevertheless, Taylor was able to convince workers who used shovels and whose compensation was tied to how much they produced to adopt his advice about the optimum way to shovel by breaking the movements down into their component elements and recommending better ways to perform these movements. It was largely through the efforts of his disciples (most notably H.L. Gantt) that industry came to implement his ideas. Moreover, the book he wrote after parting company with Bethlehem Steel, Shop Management, sold well. Relations with ASME Taylors own written works were designed for presentation to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). These include Notes on Belting (1894), A Piece-Rate System (1895), Shop Management (1903), Art of Cutting Metals (1906), and The Principles of Scientific Management (1911). Taylor was president of the ASME from 1906 to 1907. While president, he tried to implement his system into the management of the ASME but was met with much resistance. He was only able to reorganize the publications department and then only partially. He also forced out the ASMEs long-time secretary, Morris L. Cooke, and replaced him with Calvin W. Rice. His tenure as president was trouble-ridden and marked the beginning of a period of internal dissension within the ASME during the Progressive Age.[14] In 1911, Taylor collected a number of his articles into a book-length manuscript which he submitted to the ASME for publication. The ASME formed an ad hoc committee to review the text. The committee included Taylor allies such as James Mapes Dodge and Henry R. Towne. The committee delegated the report to the editor of the American Machinist, Leon P. Alford. Alford was a critic of the Taylor system and the report was negative. The committee modified the report slightly, but accepted Alfords recommendation not to publish Taylors book. Taylor angrily withdrew the book and published Principles without ASME approval.[15] Taylor published the trade book himself in 1912. Patents Taylor authored 42 patents.[16] Taylors influence United States One of Carl G. Barths speed-and-feed slide rules. A Gantt chart. †¢Carl G. Barth helped Taylor to develop speed-and-feed-calculating slide rules to a previously unknown level of usefulness. Similar aids are still used in machine shops today. Barth became an early consultant on scientific management and later taught at Harvard. †¢H. L. Gantt developed the Gantt chart, a visual aid for scheduling tasks and displaying the flow of work. †¢Harrington Emerson introduced scientific management to the railroad industry, and proposed the dichotomy of staff versus line employees, with the former advising the latter. †¢Morris Cooke adapted scientific management to educational and municipal organizations. †¢Hugo Mà ¼nsterberg created industrial psychology. †¢Lillian Gilbreth introduced psychology to management studies. †¢Frank Gilbreth (husband of Lillian) discovered scientific management while working in the construction industry, eventually developing motion studies independently of Taylor. These logically complemented Taylors time studies, as time and motion are two sides of the efficiency improvement coin. The two fields eventually became time and motion study. †¢Harvard University, one of the first American universities to offer a graduate degree in business management in 1908, based its first-year curriculum on Taylors scientific management. †¢Harlow S. Person, as dean of Dartmouths Amos Tuck School of Administration and Finance, promoted the teaching of scientific management. †¢James O. McKinsey, professor of accounting at the University of Chicago and founder of the consulting firm bearing his name, advocated budgets as a means of assuring accountability and of measuring performance. France In France, Le Chatelier translated Taylors work and introduced scientific management throughout government owned plants during World War I. This influenced the French theorist Henri Fayol, whose 1916 Administration Industrielle et Gà ©nà ©rale emphasized organizational structure in management. In the classic General and Industrial Management Fayol wrote that Taylors approach differs from the one we have outlined in that he examines the firm from the bottom up. he starts with the most elemental units of activity – the workers actions – then studies the effects of their actions on productivity, devises new methods for making them more efficient, and applies what he learns at lower levels to the hierarchy[17] He suggests that Taylor has staff analysts and advisors working with individuals at lower levels of the organization to identify the ways to improve efficiency. According to Fayol, the approach results in a negation of the principle of unity of command.[18] Fayol criticized Taylors functional management in this way: In Shop Management, Taylor said[19]  « the most marked outward characteristics of functional management lies in the fact that each workman, instead of coming in direct contact with the management at one point only, receives his daily orders and help from eight different bosses these eight were (1) route clerks, (2) instruction card men, (3) cost and time clerks, (4) gang bosses, (5) speed bosses, (6) inspectors, (7) repair bosses, and the (8) shop disciplinarian.  »[19] This, Fayol said, was an unworkable situation, and that Taylor must have somehow reconciled the dichotomy in some way not described in Taylors works. Switzerland In Switzerland, the American Edward Albert Filene established the International Management Institute to spread information about management techniques. USSR In the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin was very impressed by Taylorism, which he and Joseph Stalin sought to incorporate into Soviet manufacturing. Taylorism and the mass production methods of Henry Ford thus became highly influential during the early years of the Soviet Union. Nevertheless [] Frederick Taylors methods have never really taken root in the Soviet Union.[20] The voluntaristic approach of the Stakhanovite movement in the 1930s of setting individual records was diametrically opposed to Taylors systematic approach and proved to be counter-productive.[21] The stop-and-go of the production process – workers having nothing to do at the beginning of a month and storming during illegal extra shifts at the end of the month – which prevailed even in the 1980s had nothing to do with the successfully taylorized plant s e.g., of Toyota which are characterized by continuous production processes (heijunka) which are continuously improved (kaizen).[22] The easy availability of replacement labor, which allowed Taylor to choose only first-class men, was an important condition for his systems success.[23] The situation in the Soviet Union was very different. Because work is so unrhythmic, the rational manager will hire more workers than he would need if supplies were even in order to have enough for storming. Because of the continuing labor shortage, managers are happy to pay needed workers more than the norm, either by issuing false job orders, assigning them to higher skill grades than they deserve on merit criteria, giving them loose piece rates, or making what is supposed to be incentive pay, premia for good work, effectively part of the normal wage. As Mary Mc Auley has suggested under these circumstances piece rates are not an incentive wage, but a way of justifying giving workers whatever they should be getting, no matter what their pay is supposed to be according to the official norms.[24] Taylor and his theories are also refe renced (and put to practice) in the 1921 dystopian novel We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. Canada In the early 1920s, the Canadian textile industry was re-organized according to scientific management principles. In 1928, workers at Canada Cotton Ltd. in Hamilton, Ontario went on strike against newly introduced Taylorist work methods. Also, Henry Gantt, who was a close associate of Taylor, re-organized the Canadian Pacific Railway.[25] With the prevalence of US branch plants in Canada and close economic and cultural ties between the two countries, the sharing of business practices, including Taylorism, has been common. Criticism of Taylor Management theorist Henry Mintzberg is highly critical of Taylor’s methods. Mintzberg states that an obsession with efficiency allows measureable benefits to overshadow less quantifiable social benefits completely, and social values get left behind.[26] Harry Bravermans work, Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century, published in 1974 was critical of scientific management. This work pioneered the field of Labor Process Theory. Taylors methods have also been challenged by socialist intellectuals. The argument put forward relates to progressive defanging of workers in the workplace and the subsequent degradation of work as management, powered by capital, uses Taylors methods to render work repeatable, precise yet monotonous and skill-reducing.[27] James W. Rinehart argued that Taylors methods of transferring control over production from workers to management, and the division of labor into simple tasks, intensified the alienation of workers that had begun with the factory system of production around 1870-1890.[28] Tennis accomplishments Taylor was also an accomplished tennis player. Together with Clarence Clark he won the inaugural United States National tennis doubles championship at Newport Casino in 1881 defeating Alexander Van Rensselaer and Arthur Newbold in straight sets.[1]