Monday, December 30, 2019

Explore the Sombrero Galaxy

Way out in the direction of the constellation Virgo, some 31 million light-years from Earth, astronomers have found a most unlikely looking galaxy that is hiding a supermassive black hole at its heart. Its technical name is M104, but most people refer to it by its nickname: the Sombrero Galaxy. Through a small telescope, this distant stellar city does look a bit like a big Mexican hat. The Sombrero is incredibly massive, containing the equivalent of 800 million times the mass of the Sun, plus a collection of globular clusters, and a broad ring of gas and dust. Not only is this galaxy huge, but its also speeding away from us at a rate of a thousand kilometers per second (about 621 miles per second). Thats very fast! What is That Galaxy? At first, astronomers thought the Sombrero might be an elliptical-type galaxy with another flat galaxy embedded within it. This is because it did look more elliptical than flat. However, a closer look revealed that the puffy shape is caused by a spherical halo of stars around the central area. It also has that huge dust lane that contains star birth regions. So, its most likely a very tightly wound spiral galaxy, the same type of galaxy as the Milky Way. How did it get that way? Theres a good chance that multiple collisions with other galaxies (and a merger or two), have changed what may have been a spiral galaxy into a more complex galactic beast. Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and the Spitzer Space Telescope have revealed a lot of detail in this object, and theres a lot more to learn! Checking Out the Dust Ring The dust ring that sits out in the brim of the Sombrero is very intriguing. It glows in infrared light and contains most of the star-forming material of the galaxy — such materials as hydrogen gas and dust. It completely encircles the central core of the galaxy and appears pretty wide. When astronomers looked at the ring with the Spitzer Space Telescope, it appeared very bright in infrared light. Thats a good indication that the ring is the central star birth region of the galaxy. Whats Hiding in the Nucleus of the Sombrero? Many galaxies have supermassive black holes at their hearts, and the Sombrero is no exception. Its black hole has more than a billion times the mass of the Sun, all packed away into a tiny region. It appears to be an active black hole, eating up material that happens to cross its path. The region around the black hole emits a tremendous amount of x-ray and radio waves. The region extending out from the core does emit some weak infrared radiation, which could be traced back to heating activity fostered by the presence of the black hole. Interestingly, the core of the galaxy does appear to have a number of globular clusters swarming around in tight orbits. There may be as many as 2,000 of these very old groupings of stars orbiting the core and may be related in some way to the very large size of the galactic bulge that houses the black hole. Where is the Sombrero? While astronomers know the general location of the Sombrero Galaxy, its exact distance was only recently determined. It seems to be about around 31 million light-years away. It does not travel the universe by itself but does appear to have a dwarf galaxy companion. Astronomers are not quite sure if the Sombrero is actually part of a grouping of galaxies called the Virgo Cluster or maybe a member of a smaller associated group of galaxies. Want to Observe the Sombrero? The Sombrero Galaxy is a favorite target for amateur stargazers. It takes a little doing to find it, and it does require a good backyard-type scope to view this galaxy. A good star chart shows where the galaxy is (in the constellation Virgo), halfway between Virgos star Spica and the tiny constellation of Corvus the Crow. Practice star-hopping to the galaxy and then settle in for a good long look! And, youll be following in a long line of amateurs who have checked out the Sombrero. It was discovered by an amateur in the 1700s, a guy by the name of Charles Messier, who compiled a list of faint, fuzzy objects that we now know are clusters, nebulae, and galaxies.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Global Supply Chain Management Essay examples - 8909 Words

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Germany Faculty of Business Administration European Master in Project Management Operational Risks in Global Supply Chain Project Thesis Submitted by Kashif Shabab Submitted to Professor Dr. Jan-Philipp Bà ¼chler Summer Semester 2011 / 2012 Table of contents 1 Introduction 6 2 Global Supply Chain 7 2.1 Supply chain management: schools of thought............................................................8 2.1.1 The functional chain awareness school†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦....9 2.1.2 The linkage/logistics†¦show more content†¦There is wide acknowledgment in the literature that the complex supply chains are more vulnerable to risks. Paulsson (2004) gave a comprehensive review of the literature which has been published on supply chain risk in major logistics journals. The main purpose of this paper is to bring together the various concepts and insights from several disciplines primarily, supply chain management, strategy and international business management to propose risk mitigation strategies for global supply chains. This study further describes different procedures to identify, assess and manage operational risks in global supply chain. 2 Global Supply Chain The world is a global village now and there are many factors or combination of forces which are affecting the global economy such as globalization, global competitive pressure, reductions in costs and stock market has changed the ways to organize their production in global Supply chain. Due to these reasons, multinational corporations started to make strategic alliances at the global level and locating their parts of supply chain abroad at different locations. Global supply chain (GSC) is a worldwide phenomenon where corporations come together to form a network which adds value to the customer by processing raw materials or other input factors into products or services in order to meet the expectations and needs of the customers best (Lummus 1999). InShow MoreRelatedGlobal Manufacturing : The Supply Chain Management1502 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal manufacturing is a huge part of the modern day world we now live in. Without global manufacturing everyday items that play a big role in our society and our own personally lives would not be so readily available or non-existent in our lives. Globally manufacturing helps to secure a lower cost, a more readily and stable to the raw-materials it takes to make these items, having access to new and emerging markets, and communication to many different places for sales. 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In the firstRead MoreRfid And Its Impact On Global Supply Chain Management1922 Words   |  8 PagesRFID and its impact on global supply chain management By Harshraj Mehta GMAY14CMM010 24th September, 2014 Table of contents: †¢ Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 †¢ Importance in supply chain management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..3 †¢ Obstacles and difficulties in implementing RFID in supply chain†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 †¢ Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..6 †¢ Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..7 Introduction: RFID or Radio-frequency identification is a technology

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Sexual Ethics Essay Free Essays

1. There are a number of dilemmas in sexual ethics such as homosexuality, marriage and divorce and pornography. For instance homosexuality is a major problem within sexual ethics because homosexual sex cannot lead to reproduction. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual Ethics Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now However sexual ethic it differs between denominations compared to government law. Therefore these issues are a concern to religious belief; different faiths have different view on homosexuality or marriage and divorce. Many religious beliefs do not encourage homosexuality in fact it is severely discouraged for example in the Islamic faith they do not allow this because there is no doubt that in Islam homosexuality is considered ‘sinful’. Homosexuality as far as Islam is concerned is a profound mistake (as are all sins if they are not intending to do wrong). For instance a quote from the Qur’an says â€Å"What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk. † Qur’an 26:165. The references relate to gay sexual activities; lesbian practices are not mentioned in the Qur’an, neither is it mentioned in the bible. Christians are divided over the issue of homosexuality. Due to natural law homosexual sex cannot lead to reproduction therefore the marriage would be considered invalid, however then a marriage between an older couple or couples who infertile would also be invalid, therefore all homosexual acts and relationships are sinful so many believe homosexuality is contrary to God’s will. However the Roman Catholic Church teaches that homosexual should be treated with respect, compassion and sensitivity and no discrimination, they believe the feeling aren’t wrong but the actions are sinful because they contrary to the will of God. The scriptures of the bible suggest that the only sexual relationship that God approves of is one between married heterosexual partners. The creation narrative describe woman as being created especially for man: â€Å"a helpful suitable for him† (genesis 2:18). The Old Testament said â€Å"If a man lies with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death† (Leviticus 20:13) however there is still no mention on lesbian practices. Marriage is an important part of the Christian life a the purpose of Christian marriage is faithfulness to one another, many Christians teach than within marriage there is a natural hierarchy that reflects the relationship of Christ and the church. The Roman Catholic Church says â€Å"wives, in the same way be submissive to your husband†¦ Husband, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect† (1 peter 3:1, 7). Whereas the Church of England argues that the relationship is based upon Christ’s headship over the church and is about love and sacrifice, not domination and power. This argument originally started as the bible said â€Å"a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh† (genesis 2:24). On the other hand, in the Islamic faith marriage is only a way to make sex and having children legal and lawful, the belief also states in the eyes of Allah both members of the relationship are treated equally even though they have separate duties. Whereas the Christian views on divorce are that marriage is for life. People take vows for better or worse so if they meant that then there should be no divorce. For instance the Roman Catholic Church believe there shouldn’t be any divorce unless the marriage has not been consummated or they are willing to get a divorce with the permission from the pope. Whereas the Church of England except divorce but some more traditional vicars don’t allowed divorces to remarry in church, the bible believes divorce is not favoured by God: â€Å"Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate (Matthew 19:6) which means God joins them so the law cannot separate them. Even Jesus forbids divorce: â€Å"Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery† (Mark 10:11-12) However in Matthews gospel it say â€Å"anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery† (Matthew 19:9). Alternatively divorce in Islam is only when the male partner says Talaq 3 times can divorce the couple, however this banned in some countries which results in going to arbitration council and judicial intervention before the divorce is granted. . Due to the loss of faith in many denomination and cultures today, we as people no longer look to religion to guide our sexual ethics as we once did. It is no longer relevant because many people believe that anymore should be able to marry anyone they want, for example same-sex partners. The debate is still being waged between the church and government to offer this un ion. Many people believe if two people are happy together and want to join themselves in holy matrimony, then they should be allowed. Marriage has also undergone many changes as people are less likely to have a â€Å"traditional† wedding instead they are more likely to enjoy extended co-habitation. Also the concept of marriage has change because it is more of a legal act rather than a declaration of love to God. Whereas divorce is seen by the eyes of most people is all about the law rather than church. Church seems to have very little authority when a marriage has got to the divorce stage. A minority of people do still take guidance from the church and believe the once they have entered into holy matrimony then it is for life just as God ordained. In conclusion, like most of the civilised world I believe that the religious beliefs about sexual ethics are no longer relevant because civilisation has changed so much and people are willing to accept all that was once considered taboo by the church and are willing to open their mind about the change in religious beliefs and sexual ethics. How to cite Sexual Ethics Essay, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Toy Safety and Mattel Toy I. free essay sample

In 1945, Ruth and Elliot Handler and Harold Matt Matson form a partnership called Mattel Creations in Southern California in a garage workshop that manufactured picture frames and dollhouse furniture. The worlds largest toy company, Mattel, Inc. , also known as â€Å"the worlds premiere toy company today and tomorrow,† designs, manufactures, markets, and distributes a variety of toy products all over the world. The companys products include a number of core toy lines, including Barbie dolls (which eventually became the best-selling toy ever), clothing, and accessories; Hot Wheels vehicles; Harry Potter, Batman, Superman, and Looney Tunes products; the American Girls Collection of books, dolls, clothing, and accessories; Fisher-Price infant and preschool toys, and toys based on Disney and Sesame Street characters; and games such as Scrabble and UNO. Mattels toys are produced in company-owned manufacturing facilities in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, and independent contractors located in the United States, Europe, Mexico, the Far East, and Australia. The companys three main retail customers include Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. , Toys R Us, Inc. , and Target Corporation. Throughout the years, Mattel continued to create and market popular toys such as Hot Wheels, merge with profitable manufacturers Fisher Price in 1993 and Tyco Toys, Inc. in 1997, partner with Disney, Sesame Street, and Nickelodeon, obtain licenses and rights to manufacture Cabbage Patch Dolls and Harry Potter merchandise, and acquire Pleasant Company (maker of American Girl brand) in 1997. Since 1945, the Mattel Company works hard to ensure it is considered a trustworthy company for children and the community. Mattel established the Mattel Childrens Foundation to make â€Å"a meaningful difference in the lives of children in need globally. † In 1997, the corporation formed the Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP), establishing Mattel as the first company to create a framework to ensure responsible manufacturing, assembly, and distribution is conducted through consistent standards on a global level. In 1998, Mattel began a unique $25 million multi-year donation partnership to the UCLA childrens hospital, renamed the Mattel Childrens Hospital at UCLA to assist and serve children from around the world with nationally recognized health care. With so much positive philanthropy projects, Mattel has not always been able to maintain an image of child-like and trustworthy purity. Mattel has experienced many criticisms for stealing ideas for toy-lines from children competing in toy invention competitions. In 1974, investigators revealed that company officials produced and issued false and misleading financial information to make it appear as if the company was continuing to successfully grow. And of course, Mattel has also had its share of recalls (the accurate number of recalls is debatable but it ranges from 17 to 28 recalls). But in August 1997, Mattel faced the biggest recall in the companys history. Brief Background There are two separate reasons why Mattel recalled 19 million toys from August to September of 2007. The fact that both recalls occurred at the same time makes this the biggest recall in the companys history. The first toy recall was due to defective magnets. The design of the toy magnets included parts with high-energy magnets typically used for industrial purposes that easily come loose and posed a threat to young children and infants who could easily swallow the magnets which could then adhere together in the digestive tract and rupture the stomach tissue. The strength of the magnets combined with Mattels poor design of the toys made the products a critical hazard for young children. Mattels website (http://corporate. mattel. com) lists 71 models and makes of toys that were recalled because of faulty magnets. The second toy recall was due to high levels of lead-based paint found on the surface of many toys. Mattel had previously given manufacturers in China a list of eight approved paint suppliers to use, but in order to reduce costs, subcontractors decided to employ unapproved suppliers. In some cases, the lead content was over 180 times the legal limit. Lead-based paint is dangerous for children because elevated levels create learning and behavioral problems, slow muscle and bone growth, hearing loss, anemia, brain damage, seizures, coma, and in some rare cases, death. Mattel recalled 91 models and makes of toys because of harmful levels of lead paint. China Since 1997, China has experienced many tribulations with the quality and standards of the products manufactured within the country. For instance, pet food, toothpaste, seafood, tires, and toys are just a few of the products recalled from homes in the United States because of serious, sometimes deadly, manufacturing inaccuracies. The business relationship between Mattel and China seemed to be a strong partnership. Mattel manufactured 65 percent of its toys in China, and before the recall, was a company others used as a model for successful global manufacturing. Mattel was criticized for placing too much faith in the partnership with China as well as careless inspections on the quality of the manufacturing sites abroad. Timeline In November of 2006, Mattel recalled Polly Pocket sets sold with magnets that posed a threat to children. In July 2007, a European retailer discovered high levels of lead content on various Mattel toys. Once notified, Mattel began an investigation and closed operations at the factories producing the toys. During the investigation, Mattel discovered millions of products available since 2003 that did not pass safety standards. On August 1, 2007, Fisher-Price recalled 1. 5 million toys due to high levels of lead-based paint 60% of which were all manufactured in China. After further investigation, Mattel recalled 18 million more products on August 14, 2007 because of the possible hazards of children swallowing faulty magnets. And on September 4, 2007, Mattel recalled another 848,000 toys due to high levels of lead-based paint. The U. S. Senate Committee began scrutinizing American safety standards for childrens toys and clothing and stated the possibility of creating new legislation to keep hazardous toys and clothing from children. Despite the fact that a larger number of toys were recalled because of faulty magnets and not lead-based paint, the framed communication made China appear culpable for the recalls in order to reduce reputational damage and the Chinese media stated that Mattel should be accountable for the mistakes rather than blame China. Mattel eventually listened and on September 21, the company issued an apology to China taking full blame for the recall crisis. Mattel also posted news releases and video interviews on the company website to keep the public informed. June 8, 2007 Mattel receives information on possible lead paint contamination June 9, 2007 CPSC deadline to report the problem June 10, 2007 Mattel fails to report problem to CPSC July 26, 2007 Mattel files full report to CPSC August 14, 2007 Mattel voluntarily recalls 17. 4 million products September 4, 2007 Mattel voluntarily recalls 850,000 toys with lead paint October 25, 2007 Mattel voluntarily recalls Go Diego Go! Rescue boats coated in hazardous lead paint November 6, 2007 Mattel voluntarily recalls 155,000 choking hazard toys manufactured in Mexico OBJECTIVES Mattels management has expressed the overall company vision as â€Å"The Worlds Premier Toy BrandsToday and Tomorrow. † Management set five key company strategies: 1. improve execution of the existing toy business 2. globalize the brands 3. extend the brands 4. catch new trends 5. develop people The company also adapts its definition of truthfulness by:  · Collecting and disseminating all information about the recall to the public accurately, quickly, and efficiently.  · Reassuring the public, especially parents and retailers, that the company is devoted to producing safe toys and improving honest communication.  · Taking responsibility for the recall, solving the crisis, and maintaining a working relationship with China. CRISIS PLAN Mattel is known for their 100-page crisis plan and a well-planned crisis response infrastructure tested from 28 recalls since 2000. Mattel speaks with one voice, communicates consistently through a crisis, acts quickly, and responds with public apology and any other expectations. All steps of the plan are code of a successful crisis plan and response. When Mattel realized the company was facing a serious crisis, their first act was to contact the federal agency overseeing toy issues and product safety. When federal officials publicized the first Mattel recall, Mattels crisis management team instantly arranged for open communication channels with reporters from the top media outlets. The team sent e-mail alerts with the recall press release, invited reporters to a teleconference with company executives, and arranged for the media to interview key personnel employed with Mattel. The day of the recall, Robert Eckert, CEO of Mattel, met with reporters for television and phone interviews. Mattel established a help line, answered over 300 media requests in the United States, and placed full page ads in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal by the end of the week. Mattel also started an online movement to notify consumers about the recall with updates posted on a regular basis, chat rooms, message boards, and social media. Mattel has consistently been open with the media and consumers testifying new company policies with very high standards and quality and safety testing procedures, although carefully stating â€Å"no system can be perfect. † Mattel also made it clear that they are doing all that they can to assess the situation on the manufacturing level. Apology to China Mattel prematurely placed disproportionate blame on Chinese manufacturers encouraging China bashing in the media across the world damaging Chinas reputation. On September 20, 2007, Mattel issued an apology to China in a meeting with Li Changjiang, the Chinese product safety chief. In the apology, Debrowski states â€Å"Mattel takes full responsibility for these recalls and apologizes personally to you, the Chinese people, and all of our customers who received the toys. † China accepted the apology saying â€Å"Mattel should value our cooperation. I really hope that Mattel can learn lessons and gain experience from these incidents, [and they should] improve their control measures† and anticipates that China will restore consumer confidence in products â€Å"made in China. † Result of Crisis Mattel appeared to handle the crisis by appearing to be up-front and open about the massive toy recall. Mattels homepage contains a dedicated bold red link to toy recalls containing information about recalls affecting all countries, what toys are being recalled, where to bring recalled toys, and defining Mattels three-point safety check system: 1. Mattel will make sure that manufactures only use paint from certified suppliers and they will test every single batch of paint from all vendors. If the paint isnt up to Mattels standards, it wont be used. 2. Mattel is increasing control on every level of the production process and conducting random inspections at all vender facilities. 3. Mattel pledges to test all finished toys vigorously before they reach the consumer. The toys must meet a series of strict safety standards before they are put on the market. Mattel assures customers that all venders are aware of these new procedures and Mattels strict enforcement of them. ANALYSIS Applying SCCT * Good o Public apology from CEO o Coupons offered o Stressed stringent inspection processes and company improvement * Bad o Placed initial blame on China, later making an apology to China o Stated media and government escalated the crisis Media Coverage Most of the media information that covered the Mattel toy recall discussed the lead-based paint recall and did not include the magnetic toy design flaw crisis which led to the China bashing products replying â€Å"Made In China should be viewed as a warning label. † Many media outlets reported the importance of China creating strict safety standards before putting more lives in danger. Media coverage of Mattel was very different since the focus was on Mattels timely apology and quick release of recall information. The fact that key Mattel executives spoke with the media provided a favorable reputation for the company. What China Has Done China continues to build manufacturing trust with the United States while improving problems within the country. US Regulatory Structure after the crisis The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission is â€Å"charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under the agencys jurisdiction. â€Å" In order to ensure the safety of childrens toys, the U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) stopped the use of lead paint in toy manufacturing. CPSC Chairman stated that the Work Plans â€Å"show significant forward progress in the agencys efforts to bring Chinese-made consumer products into line with the U. S. safety rules. This is an important signal from the Chinese government that it is serious about working with CPSC to keep dangerous products out of American homes. We will be looking for meaningful cooperation on the ground that means not just with the Chinese government, but also with industry at both ends of the supply chain. † The CPSC also plans to increase consumer product inspections manufactured for the United States and will review the plans effectiveness after one year to discuss and implement improvements. The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act includes strict guidelines of Childrens product safety for: * Sec. 101. Childrens products containing lead; lead paint rule. * Sec. 102. Mandatory third party testing for certain childrens products. * Sec. 103. Tracking labels for childrens products. * Sec. 104. Standards and consumer registration of durable nursery products. * Sec. 105. Labeling requirement for advertising toys and games. * Sec. 106. Mandatory toy safety standards. * Sec. 107. Study of preventable injuries and deaths in minority children related to consumer products. * Sec. 108. Prohibition on sale of certain products containing specified phthalates. Personal interest as a mother During the Mattel toy recall crisis, I was in my third trimester with my first child. Imagine what went through my mind as a soon-to-be-new-mother already filled with angst. And so, a new Fleenor rule was born all products made in China were not welcomed and banned from our home. Easy enough I thought. Our son would have toys, clothing, food, and furniture made in the USA only easy enough I thought. So we discussed our decision with family and friends that all items with the â€Å"Made in China† label would be returned. Shopping became a difficult task because about 80 percent of toys, clothing, and furniture sold in America are made in China. I soon realized that I needed to shop online for specialty â€Å"Made in the USA† stores, find local artisans to build furniture and toys, and plan on entertaining my child myself with books, funny faces, and outdoor adventures. While I am still cautious of â€Å"Made in China† products, I am much more relaxed as I take responsibility in becoming an informed consumer through product recall email alerts from cpsc. gov, maintaining open communication with my childrens pediatrician, and still acting as the main entertainment source for my two children. What we learned Mattel dealt with the toy recall crisis precisely the way Coombs recommends companies to deal with image damaging crises. Mattels experience with recalls definitely ensured precise and smooth execution of their well documented crisis management plan. The company and CEO were visible, available, and publicly apologetic. And more importantly, Mattel told the truth and took immediate action to fix the problem allowing the company to focus on a positive solution and restoring the companys dependable reputation. It is often difficult to know exactly where and how consumer products are manufactured and how products are inspected in todays ever-changing global economy. The toy recall crisis also allowed us to realize that we are also facing an economic crisis with global manufacturing. While the United States is doing the best to ensure our safety through strict product regulations, we need to realize the difficult challenges we face when heavily relying on outside countries to manufacture such large quantities. â€Å"It would be far to easy to attribute this summers recalls to Chinas poorly regulated export manufacturers. Regulatory deficiencies, shoddy business practices, and the forces of globalization all play a substantial role in this catastrophe. There is enough blame to go around,† Representative John Dingell (D-Mich. ) said during the Sept. 19, 2007 hearings. Similar recalls The RC2 Corporation of Oakbrook, Ill. recalled approximately 1. 5 million Thomas and Friends train sets on June 13, 2007 because of high levels of lead-based paint used by Chinese contractors. The R2C Corporations recall was not as grand in scale as Mattels, but the company quickly posted an apology to consumers on the company website, terminated business contracts with manufacturers not complying with RC2 paint specifications, and employed a six-point safety check system. On February 6, 2007, Hasbro recalled 985,000 Easy-bake Ovens because young children could easily insert their hands in the over and get their hands caught and burned. Summary â€Å"I think Mattel handled the problem very well overall. Its a problem that isnt unusual for them to have. Product defects and difficulty with suppliers are pretty typical in their line of work and they took responsibility. They were willing to talk about it and understood the ramifications,† stated Paul A. Argenti, Professor of Corporate Communications at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. What should Mattel do now? Plan for tomorrow and be more conscientious using domestic and international manufacturers. Again, Mattel took responsibility for the entire recall, which not many companies are willing to be held accountable for Toyota is the best example today. Owning up takes courage and actions in good times and bad should express the companys character. Mattel should continue to identify possible problems, enforce strict manufacturing regulations to produce safe toys, reassure consumers that child safety and product safety is the bottom line, and collaborate with international suppliers and government agencies to ensure public well-being. Mattel has to be prepared for other problems and continue risk management audits. â€Å"There are always going to be problems. But if Mattel can lead the change for toy manufacturers to create a more responsible industry, they could become the hero. †

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Beatles Essays (591 words) - Counterculture Of The 1960s

The Beatles The Beatles to this day are one of the most famous and popular rock 'n roll groups in the world. The Beatles include George Harrison, John Lennon(1940-1980), Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey(Ringo Starr). All of the Beatles where born and raised in Liverpool, England. John Lennon was considered the leader of the band. George Harrison was the lead guitarist. John Lennon was a song writer, one of the two lead singers, and rhythm guitarist. Paul McCartney was a song writer, one of the two lead singers, and a bassist. Ringo Starr played the drums. John Lennon's first band was called the Quarrymen (named after his High School). None of the three Beatles were in this band. Paul joined the group in 1957 and Harrison joined in 1958. They played with bass guitarist Sut Sutcliffe, and Pete Best, a drummer. Sutcliffe left in 1961 and Ringo Starr joined the band. Pete Best was asked to leave the band on April 16, 1962. He was considered the Beatles undisputed sex symbol. The Beatles were discovered on November 9, 1961 by Brian Epstein, a manager of a record store in Liverpool as well as an x British Army soldier. The Beatles first two song were "Love Me Do" and "Please, Please Me." The Beatles starred in two movies, "A Hard Days Night," and "Help." They also had their own full length cartoon called "Yellow Submarine." The movie "A Hard Days Night" earned 1.3 million dollars in its first week. The Beatles early music was influenced by singers Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. In November of 1963 the Beatles performed in front of the Queen of England. This was an incredible honor. By the end of 1963 the Beatles were the biggest music group in England. The Beatles came to New York City for the first time in 1964. They were an instant success. A couple of weeks later after their New York appearance, the five best selling records were by the Beatles. They became world famous by the end of 1964. Also in 1964 the song "I Want To Hold Your Hand" marked the beginning of "BEATLEMANIA." The Beatles were unusual because most rock was strong beat with no melody. The Beatles added melody to rock. The Beatles also added strong and meaningful lyrics. John Lennon wrote a book called "In His Own Write." The Beatles started a new era of music. They wore their hair long and shaggy. This haircut was known as the Beatles haircut. All across the world people started wearing their hair like the Beatles. John Lennon described the Beatles like this "When you said it, it was crawly things, when you read it, it was beat music." The Beatles made their last stage appearance together in 1966. In 1967 the Beatles put together a master piece. The master piece was Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band. The Beatles never had a chance to perform Sergeant Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band. Also in 1967 Brian Epstein, the manager of the Beatles, died. Also in 1967 the Beatles directed a movie, Magical Mystery Tour. The movie was about themselves in which they toured the English countryside in search of wonder, fun, and magic. In 1970 the world famous and world loved Beatles separated. Everybody was hoping to see the Beatles come back together. That hope ended when the peace loving John Lennon was killed outside his New York City apartment by 25 year old Mark David Chapman.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Names and Dates of Spartan Kings

Names and Dates of Spartan Kings The ancient Greek city of Sparta was ruled by two kings, one from each of the two founding families, Agaidai and Eurypontidae. Spartan kings inherited their  roles, a job filled by the leader of each family. Although not much is known about the kings - note how few of the kings listed below even have regnal dates - ancient historians have pieced together general information about how the government worked. Spartan Monarchical Structure Sparta was a constitutional monarchy, made up of the kings, advised by and (supposedly) controlled by a college of ephors; a council of elders called the Gerousia; and an assembly, known as the Apella or Ecclesia. There were five ephors who were elected annually and swore fealty to Sparta rather than the kings. They were there to  call up the army and receive foreign envoys. The Gerousia was a council made up of men who were over the age of 60; they made decisions in criminal cases. The Ecclesia was made up of every Spartan male full citizen who had attained his 30th birthday; it was led by the ephors and they  supposedly made decisions on when to go to war and who would be the commander in chief.   Dual Kings   Having two kings share power was fairly common in several Bronze Age Indo-European societies; they shared power but had different roles. Like Mycenaean kings in Greece, the Spartans had a political leader (the Eurypontidae kings) and a war leader (the Agaidai kings). Priests were people outside of the regnal pair and neither of the kings was considered sacred - although they could enable contact with the gods, they were never interpreters. They were involved in certain religious or cultic activities, members of the priesthood of Zeus Lacedaemon (a cult group based honoring the mythical king of Laconia) and Zeus Ouranos (Uranus, the primal sky god).   The Spartan kings werent believed to be supernaturally strong or sacred, either. Their role in Spartan life was shouldering certain magisterial and juridical responsibilities. Although this made them relatively weak kings and there was always input from the other pieces of the government on most of the decisions they made, most of the kings were fierce and acted independently most of the time. Remarkable examples of this include the famed first  Leonidas  (ruled 490–480 BCE for the house of Agaidai), who traced his ancestry to Hercules and was featured in the movie 300. Names Dates of the Kings of Sparta House of Agaidai House of Eurypontidai Agis 1 Echestratos Eurypon Leobotas Prytanis Dorrusas Polydectes Agesilaus I Eunomos Archilaus Charillos Teleklos Nikandros Alkamenes Theopompos Polydoros Anaxandridas I Eurykrates Archidamos I Anaxandros Anaxilas Eurykratidas Leotychidas Leon 590-560 Hippocratides 600–575 Anaxandrides II 560–520 Agasicles 575–550 Cleomenes 520–490 Ariston 550–515 Leonidas 490–480 Demaratus 515–491 Pleistrachus 480–459 Leotychides II 491–469 Pausanias 409–395 Agis II 427–399 Agesipolis I 395–380 Agesilaus 399–360 Cleombrotos 380–371 Agesipolis II 371–370 Cleomenes II 370–309 Archidamos II 360–338 Agis III 338–331 Eudamidas I 331– ? Araios I 309–265 Archidamos IV Akrotatos 265–255? Eudamidas II Araios II 255/4–247? Agis IV ?–243 Leonidas 247?–244;243–235 Archidamos V ?–227 Kleombrotos 244–243 [interregnum] 227–219 Kleomenes III 235–219 Lykurgos 219– ? Agesipolis 219– Pelops(Machanidas regent) ?–207 Pelops(Nabis regent) 207–? Nabis ?–192 Sources Chronology of Monarchical Rule (from the now-defunct Herodotus website)Adams, John P. â€Å"The kings of Sparta.†Ã‚  California State University, Northridge.  Ã‚  Lyle, Emily B. Dumezils Three Functions and Indo-European Cosmic Structure. History of Religions 22.1 (1982): 25-44. Print.Miller, Dean A. The Spartan Kingship: Some Extended Notes on Complex Duality. Arethusa 31.1 (1998): 1-17. Print.Parke, H. W. The Deposing of Spartan Kings. The Classical Quarterly 39.3/4 (1945): 106-12. Print.Thomas, C. G. On the Role of the Spartan Kings. Historia: Zeitschrift fà ¼r Alte Geschichte 23.3 (1974): 257-70. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

YOU Be the Judge Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

YOU Be the Judge - Assignment Example He knew well that he was headed for the large pond in the Newark Country Club (Barks n.d). The children slid through a hole in the trail-fence country club, where there was a sign posted â€Å"no trespasser†. The arising argument is why the country club failed to stop these children from playing over there, and why the country club did not say there was a deep pond(Barks n.d). Many claim that the country club has a duty to safeguard its pond, while children are are known to play close by. According to a country club employee, David Cox, he has told the children repeatedly to leave from that place because trail fence and signs cannot keep them away. However, this pond has certain best features that make it an attraction for kids (Smith, and Lee, n.d). During their free time, kids play on the ice, especially skating, meaning that these children have enough experience to realize the dangers associated with the pond. Jeremiah’s mother had cautioned her kids severally to stay away. After the death of the child, the club said that Jeremiah death is accidental, but also denied responsibilities. His mother reported the incident to the court, claiming that it was careless for â€Å"failing to childproof the pond† during its expansion (Sith, and Lee, n.d). Jeremiah’s mother’s lawyer said to the court that the club was so attractive that children could not identify danger. She claimed that the death of her son was a result of the attractive setting of the golf course pond, and her son could never understand what was in there. The incident at Newark Country Club left many people arguing about why the country club owner did not put up signs that told the children where they were supposed to be playing. The country club employee, David Cox stated that he has been warning the children against playing near the pond, that there are a split-trail fence and the signs (Smith, and Lee, n.d). However, the two

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Landscape Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Landscape - Essay Example This island also inhabits grasslands and mountainous areas as well as plateaus, which spread throughout the country. Its fame also comes from the Blue-Mountains appearing from the southeastern end of the country. The blue haze name emanates from oil droplets trickling from the eucalyptus trees. The many beautiful beaches cap the geographical uniqueness of this island. In Australia, indeed, there are many things to be curious about; it is truly a unique country as this largely feature as the monuments and vernacular landscape traits of the country. Origin of the landscape In the 18th century, Captain Cook discovered the island of Australia 1770. This is where the originality of this country lies even though there might be other chances that another voyage ship might have graced the country. This emanates from the possibility that a Portuguese first sighted the country. The Dutch are also known to have explored the coastal region of the country by the 1640s. It therefore earns the acco lades as the lowest, flattest, and oldest continental landmass on Earth. It had the relatively stable geological history. Its formation involves forces such as tectonic uplift of the mountains ranges or clashes between tectonic plates in early landscape history. This occurred still when Australia was part of Gondwana. T he highest peak of Australia, which resulted due to the tectonic forces, was about 7,310 ft, which is comparatively low in assessment to the premier mountains in other continents (Duncan, Nuala, and Richard 92). The current shape of the continent has its shape because of the erosion, which has heavily weathered Australia’s surface area. The country now sits in the middle of the tectonic plate hence no active volcanism. As a result, the first European settlement in the country was in January 1788. It is this time, after the discovery of the Island. The first fleet sailed into Botany Bay under the command of Command Arthur Philip, establishing Australia first as a penal colony by the 1640s. Ethnic makeup of its people Australia’s original inhabitants, the Aborigines, settled there between the ages of 42,000 and 48,000 years ago. These inhabitants arrived via the land bridge and short sea crossing from South East Asia. At these ages, the sea water levels were relatively low as compared to the soaring heights in today’s Australia. The original inhabitants were soon out-numbered by the settlers (Duncan, Nuala, and Richard 88). The story of migration, like any other country in the era of colonization, brought another sect of its population. Nevertheless, the Australian history of its ethnic population does not stop there. Immigrants keep arriving in this country. This continuous flow of immigrants makes its history steeped with the settlers. Their arrival has had an effect on the land and its people. The Role of religion in forming places In the 21st century, religion in Australia purely comes as Christianity. 61.14 % of the Aust ralian population predisposes itself to Christianity as per the census of 2011. In respect to history, the current percentage is far much higher and the religious landscape is diversifying. This comes along with the multicultural immigration as 22.3% of people with no population. With 8.55% of the population not able to incline to a certain religion, the remaining population consists of a diverse group of Buddhist at 2.46%, Islamic at 2.21%, Hindu at 1.28%, Jewish at 0.45% and Sikh at 0.3% of the entire

Monday, November 18, 2019

A literary analysis of The Red Masque of Death Research Paper

A literary analysis of The Red Masque of Death - Research Paper Example He also used gothic tales at times to raise questions about the cultural anxieties of his era†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (50). Similarly the Masque of Red Death is one of the master pieces of Poe’s works. This story depicts a tale of the lives of the aristocracy. In order to save his loyal and noble friends and their families from a fatal disease called Red Death Prince Prospero arranges for an estate where all his fellow aristocrats would be safe from the death and disease. Through this story Poe mocks the social hierarchy and its discrimination according to which the commoners should suffer all the decay and disease as stated in the story, â€Å"the external world could take care of itself† (106). Here the external world represents the commoners while the nobles are kept safe in the walls of the royal estate. Poe makes use of various stylistic and linguistic techniques in his short story to illustrate death which is the bitterest reality of life and tries to make his readers under stand that in the eyes of God and fate bloodlines hold no importance because the ultimate end of every human being is death. 2. Theme of Death The concept of death that Poe uses in the story itself represents plague. This plague can be perceived as the decaying and degeneration of human morals and ethical values, injustices of the social hierarchy as well as the invincible side of human nature that leads them to believe that this life is permanent instead of a temporary habitat. The various techniques that Poe uses to demonstrate the theme of death includes color imagery, symbol of the seven rooms and the indirect amalgamation of the concepts of Christian mythology with over all destruction and degeneration that is usually associated with death. 2.1. Color Imagery As it is also apparent from the title the red color has a lot of symbolic significance in the prose as red is the color of passion and it is also associated with anger and wrath. In terms of the title the color red can als o be interpreted as the symbolic representation of wrath of Poe that is directed towards the absurd social strictures of the society and the mentality of human beings who believe that wealth and royal bloodlines gives them the testimony and asserts that misery and suffering cannot reach them because of their superior stature in the society. As Sova also suggests, â€Å"The story also contains elements of an allegory that represents death as being inseparable despite one’s social status and all human efforts to run from it and shut it out† (110). The gradual progression of the inhabitants of Prospero’s estate from one colored room to another at the party also holds a lot of symbolic significance. As Quinn and Rosenheim also state that, â€Å"The description of luxurious chambers of prince prospero leads, step by step, to flaming scarlet of the last room, which throws its weird light against the ebony blackness of the velvet curtains† (331). The contrast of red against black is very dark yet vibrant. According to Pennell’s understanding, â€Å"†¦decorated in black the final room glows in red the two colors associated with passion and death† (55). Another interpretation of this contrasting pairing of the two colors can also be that it is Poe’s style of mocking his fellow beings according to which black symbolizes the monotonous life and ignorance of the elite class and figuratively the eminent red color reiterates a death knell or an

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Seven Pounds Ethics

Seven Pounds Ethics The delivery of this assignment is going to expound the notion of ethics in relation to the film Seven Pounds, from two main dimensions In this regard narrative ethics serves as the central framework for a deep appreciation of bioethics. Central to the bioethical themes is that of suicide and organ donation. As regards the latter, it is a highly contested argument to question on what particular grounds a person can be qualified as being good or bad , and to what extent should organs be donated to sustain ones welfare .Since the realm of bioethics is highly complex, it is pertinent if not imperative to contrast the subjective perspective of diverse schools of thought ,including the utilitarian ,deontological the Christian and the purely secular perspective .The latter perspective needs to be highlighted in depth since seven pounds reflects a deep secular background of the postmodernist culture of the US{United States} In this respect this presentation is going to adopt an integrated approach so as to evaluate ethical thought in comprehensive terms, and on the basis of mature insights. It is relevant to present the following inspirational viewpoints highlighted by Kwame Anthony Appiah in Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a world of strangers, this film critic questions Why, you might ask, should we care how people think and feel about stories? Why do we talk about them in this language of value?(Kwame Anthony Appiah 2006.) .Evaluating stories together is one of the central human ways of learning to align our responses to the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and that alignment is ,in turn, one of the ways we maintain the social fabric ,the texture of our relationshipsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ In this respect it is essential to note, that Appiah being a reputed film critic is not only strongly hinting to us the need that we enjoy the beauty of stories. Moreover in the process, we need to venture a step ahead by reflecting on the multiple dynamics of the social fabric, and how this is impacting as well as being impacted by our personal life. In this respect Seven Pou nds represents a profound filmic experience, which probes deeply within the texture of our relationships This presentation is going to focus on an ethical perspective of Seven Pounds written by Grant Nieporte and released by Colombia Pictures. A unique characteristic on the part of Grant Nieporte is that he persistently seeks to blend his subjective personal experiences, within the wider social context .The underlying objective is to capitalize on the indirect experience of others ,this logically conduces to a higher level of maturity. The spark of the inspiration of Seven Pounds occurred to Grant, when he was in a bar and came across the subject during a typical conversation. The respondent confessed to Grant that he wanted to commit suicide for purposes of redemption of an accident which he personally committed and contributed to the innocent loss of life. The film attained a reasonable level of success, possibly due to the fact that the audience tends in general to be more interested to the entertainment factor, rather than the profound philosophic deductive message. The latter in the context of this film deals with both psychological and personal issues. The focus is on the reciprocal relationship between the filmic experience {which is fictiscious} and the purely ethical domain. The film industry is constantly experiencing revolutionary changes, as regards film genre backed by a constant stream of innovative technologies, reflecting a social mentality undergoing a rapid stage of transition. The film being essentially a cinematic medium represents an authentic message of values. Thus, it is pertinent on the part of the audience, to identify and asses these values within the context of the contemporary emerging culture. From a critical angle the members of the civic public, seek to be trend followers without critically questioning whether the direction of the social trends are worth pursuing. The public tends to appreciate films in terms of their bare narrative rather than more meaningful ethical implications and this demands that the audience be more directly educated in this respect. Narrative is thus undeniably a strategic ingredient incorporating diverse forms of ethical analysis. We will all do better to be more self conscious about the literary nature of ethical understanding and assessment .It remains to be seen however whether narrative would ever be in a position to supplant an ethic also reinforced by principles and theory . It is deemed important that the narrative of the film is expanded so as to reflect the modus Vivendi of the characters. The subjective perception of the presenter is in line with that of many film critics who observed that the initial scenes represent a set of chronologically scrambled set sequences. Thus the audience has to engage itself not only emotionally but also intellectually in understanding the role of the characters and their respective interrelationships. The element of conflict on both an intra and inter personal level, is the driving force of the plot .The protagonist who drives along the movie plot is Ben Thomas which is acted by Will Smith. Ben gets into an auto accident when he is using his cell phone whilst driving .So far Ben has been a highly successful American citizen, both in his love relationship as well as well as in his highly reputed profession .One can assume that he has attained this success due to diverse interblended ingredients. Foremost we can include his wit, intelligence, practicality and skills in handling people .From the initial film shots; he is presented as being highly energetic. Ben has engineered an optimum balance in life with a highly meaningful and motivating vision which he is seeking persistently to accomplish and satisfy competing interests. In substance he is a highly ambitious person, possibly overambitious within all the aspects of the spectrum of life he came in contact with. One can observe that Ben had a high level of positive energy within him. His primary fulfillment was to transform the challenges of life into meaningful opportunities. In the accident which ultimately developed in a tragic outcome, he accidently kills his fiancà © ,who was riding with him together with six strangers other when he lost control of his car and crushes into another vehicle .Ironically enough the author of the accident emerged from the scene unscratched .However the audience only realizes the outcome of the tragedy towards th e end point of the film .This heightens the element of suspense on the part of the audience .This technique of revealing strategic information towards the end of the film, as well as adopting diverse types of flashbacks so as to transform the filmic experience into a half puzzle, or in simple terms a combination of puzzle film narration ,melodrama and fiction is typical of the 60 s era art film .This reflects subtle elements of the post classical thriller as well as the crime film .An interesting factor is that the accident which took place within the space of a few seconds, definitely had generated a powerful impact on the life of Ben .Ben fell into a serious and profound irreversible depression. His face from this point onwards throughout the film appeared masked ,so as to conceal the hidden turmoil ,together with the dark and somber intentions on the part of Ben. One can observe that the guilt feelings within Ben generated due to the accident which precipitated, have reshaped completely his psychological perceptions on life .This is appreciated to the extent that he was transformed in a different being having a particular mind set .In this critical situation immersed in a profound depression he was definitely not in a position to take decisions about his own personal life, let alone being accountable to others. Among the factors which have inspired the audience, he had lost the love of his girlfriend .She could have served as the intimate person who could have helped him in order to ride the tide. From a figurative aspect, the seven fatalities by Ben conduce to the endorsement of a debt-at least on a psychological plane .This debt entails a pound of flesh for each victim .From an analytical view point this presents a self imposed burden .However Ben is persistently believing that he is acting out of good faith .The underlying logic of Seven Pounds is that wealth is necessary for true charity, because in order to be charitable, one needs to have something to give such as the accumulation of wealth. In fact Ben went out of his way in granting his beach house to a female who was the victim of domestic violence .More importantly he had communicated with the female in a letter which he dispatched to her ,so as to live abundantly . The term live abundantly, resonates Utilitarian thinking. This approach needs to be appreciated within the context of the highly secular culture of the U.S in terms of Bens frame of thought , to take the best for oneself out of life .However in practice how far did Ben manage to adopt this particular message within his own philosophy ?.It appears that it is easier to preach to others rather than to council oneself .One cannot but ask -Was Ben in this particular circumstance seeking the privilege status of a demi god ? .A clear factor which transpires at this point is that Ben definitely was facing a confused state of mind ,and subsequently his personal priorities had changed . The dialogue is carefully crafted so as to reflect the stream of consciousness on the part of the characters, and to ensure an intellectual form of participation on the part of the audience .Ben is becoming aware of the psychological changes within him. In fact he comments in an intimate manner with Emily that I havent been taking care of myself lately . The term care has multiple meanings, and it is very difficult to specify in a precise manner to what particular type of care Ben is referring to. This is understood in view of the different mindset which Ben has developed throughout the immediate post tragedy period .Certain critics have identified Ben as this point as having a confused mind However this is not a fair judgment in objective terms since Ben has developed a specific intention of his ultimate goal-the donation of his personal intimate body organs to others. Ben started scheming by analyzing the characters of diverse individuals so as to serve as worthy recipients of his own organs .He was very smart and original in the particular process of scheming adopted. He took the identification card of his brother who worked as an IRS officer .When his brother realized that his card was missing he recalled the attention of Ben .Ben in an intelligent manner replied If I recall rightly I gave you something In this respect one can note that Ben is highly tactful in presenting an effective defense mechanism especially in situations in which he is undergoing a very profound torment. In the process of Ben getting to know Emily, he was fully aware of his love towards Emily. It is essential to evaluate the motives highlighting the shift of reasoning on the part of Ben .Emily is suffering from an eminent heart failure being only a matter of a few weeks up to her death .Ben is ready to go out of his way and donate his heart to Emily. However it is important to note, that his act towards her is going to be carried out as an act of love, rather than merely an act of redemption .The sexual act involving Ben and Emily has no intrinsic meanings. However it helped both protagonists so as to clarify their respective minds. An interesting fact is that events from this point onwards developed as if designed by an invisible hand in a timetabled manner .Ben phoned his intimate friend being a lawyer ,and asserted in highly emotional terms that it is time .This is a straight forward declaration, however it also reflects that Ben s commitments in terms of his goals were on the po int of being realized . Seven Pounds is centered or actually revolves around the central theme of suicide. This acts as a pivotal platform around which one finds a number of secondary themes which are directly interwoven .Foremost among the secondary themes the state of redemption on the part of the protagonist, which can be interpreted in terms of both altruism and indifference .Other themes were egoism, self centeredness, and living on the edge and following a self imposed lifestyle of emargination. Durkheim identified four types of suicide, egoistic, altruistic, anomic and fatalistic, based on degrees of imbalance of two social forces being social integration and moral regulation. The exposition of socially vulnerable members within society is clearly contrasted with the life style of affluence on the part of the protagonist. Thanks to the language of values, being exposed via the cinematic medium, the author details both the virtues and vices of the characters, scrutinizes their choices, and analysis the ethical relevant particularities of their situation as well as the distinct elements linked to justice or injustice of the social world the characters outlined within the film inhibit .Why however should one care about how these authors think and feel about these cinematic narratives? It is my aim that the philosophical, legal, medical, moral, anthropological, literary, psychological and sociological expertise that these authors bring to bear within their films, generate a profound philosophical reflection among viewers, whilst helping to clarify, refine and challenge the ethical positions, the members of the civic public hold bioethical approaches. The central underlying theme of suicide involves basic principles and fundamental moral rules. One needs to question -What is it that makes an action morally acceptable or unacceptable? Is this due to the inherent characteristics of the action, or rather due to its consequences? Most ethical thinkers argue that death is an unpleasant reality which mankind will have to experience sooner or later being part of the cyclical process of existence .However if death is unpleasant and suicide is a genre of death, is it immoral? Whenever one affirms that suicide is immoral, this implies it that it is rationally unacceptable. It may be argued that in certain situations ,suicide is the ideal option, in view of its long-term consequence .For the person who is committing suicide, what counts is that he frees himself/herself from a permanent and inescapable state of suffering. Thus the agent in this case perceives suicide as a means to an end rather than as an end in itself .Some ethical thinkers refer to this approach as being integrated with consequential ethics focusing on further applications of the act .The consequentilist ethical approach assesses the future direction of an act within different time scenarios. A further bioethical issue which needs to be granted paramount importance concerns a deep assessment of both the feelings and the thoughts of those impacted by suicide. The notion of consequentalism surfaces at different phases of the film .The act of suicide creates unnecessary distress to the family and friends, although these are still outweighed by the person himself. Life is a matter of choices and this applies to all the protagonists within the film, every choice represents a mixed package, having both positive and negative implications. Although the loved ones close to the victim of suicide regret the situation, however they tend to agree at the end at least they are not in pain or agony . It is imperative at this stage to focus on the Utilitarian Perspective .The central maxim of the utilitarian approach is the production of happiness for the greatest number ,so that in this particular manner, both suffering as well as misery will be minimized .From the utilitarians stand point the morality of suicide is a double edged reality .It emerges that although the actions on the part of the victim of suicide can produce positive results relative to his/her objectives, the act of suicide still remains morally unacceptable by the utilitarian . At the other side of the spectrum Deontology stresses that the right to life outweighs consequences .This approach focuses on the consequences and other morally relevant factors .The factor under consideration in terms of its wider implications, is not just the result to be attained but more significantly the specific means adopted for the attainment of the results. The means adopted for the production of the act, definitely harms innocent people. This conduces to a new line of thought which has not been tackled by the utilitarians ,It needs to explicitly stated that it is never legitimate to harm innocent people .However whenever an act is done to oneself, it implies that the individual particularly consented to it .The consent principle is highly relevant at this point ,thus on ethical terms one needs to distinguish between consent carried out when the individual is sane and competent , keeping in view the objectives behind the consent .This is based on the constructive grounds tha t the concept principle cannot be judged at face value, but rather in terms of the particular situational context in which it occurs. One needs to bring under review the particular situations in which a specific individual is behaving .In this respect, one needs to distinguish between acting under distress as well as acts which are not carried out for the appropriate moral ends .The deontological approach states in explicit terms that one must never permit and allow a person to commit suicide .There is a tendency that we do fail to think critically about death ,and in most situations ,we tend to avoid if not disregard the subject completely . The rationality of suicide is assessed at this stage. There are two central questions which need to be granted paramount importance are -when if ever would it be true that one is better off dead? The underlying contest of this question concerns whether there are specific situation where it is more worthy to be dead then to be alive. Another concerns -could it be rational on the part of the individual to kill oneself? This implies an assessment whether suicide or at least certain types of suicide represent a rational act. One must keep in view that although Ben appears highly depressed in most of the situations of the film ,yet he was equally focused .The latter implies that he was fully conscious of the rationality and logic of his own actions .It is important to highlight that insightful and critical judgments need to be carried out both before and after a particular act .From a Christian moral perspective it is both immoral and unethical to state that it is better to be dead then b eing alive .This is because the state of death once experienced cannot restore the individual back to life ,and that human life retains a special and unique dignity. Although ethical thinkers tend to adhere to different viewpoints, one thing is certain; being dead is deprivation of good things in life. Individuals who feel life as meaningful journey enjoying the benefits of love, accomplishment and happiness these are directly linked to the spiritual dimension alternatively whenever these benefits are lacking in ones life, life will lose its dignity, and its virtues of beauty will perish. In the Nichomachean ethics Aristotle way back in the classical age advocated that The man who is angry at the right things and with the right people ,and, further ,as he ought, when he ought, and as long as he ought, is praised this perspective is highly applicable to the particular scene in which Ben Thomas explodes in anger at the old peoples home .in addition Aristotle argued that anger ,as a virtue ,has an excess a deficiency and a mean .Aristotle stressed that the mean is gentleness. Whenever one gets excessively angry then he is considered wrathful. Moreover whenever one is deficient in anger than he is timid. One of the greatest concerns of suicide victims {as often evidenced but the content of their notes} is the pain they may cause to the loved ones they leave behind .Whilst the suicide of a loved one may be an almost an impossible event to accept, it may be of some assistance in the healing process for those that left behind, to know that the death of their loved ones death did help save others lives. This can be expounded in terms of the brother of Tim .This knowledge has been known to be helpful to family members of people who die by other means resulting in organ donation. It is essential to focus at this particular stage on the deductive element of the film .This is centered around the motif of Redemption at the cost of ones life .The two major commanding motifs of the film are moralism and subjectivity .They are fruit of post modernism played out .They affirm that there is no absolute moral or ethical decision ,only the moral or ethical subjectivity on the part of the critic .Further they affirm that there is a good and bad aspect that dwell inside of all of us . Subsequently if I became conscious of this dualism, and work at it, I can overpower the bad that is in me, with the good that is in me. In the end, I would have saved myself. A thorny bioethical issue which remains unresolved concerns -on what particular grounds can one determine a good from a bad person .The first question arose because of a seemingly trivial conversation between Ben and George the hockey coach .George asks why me ? The claim that someone is a good person is made on a daily basis, but what justifies this belief when one makes an ethical statement? .Conversely, we have all stated that someone is a bad person .Implicit in these claims are an appeal to some standard .One can recognize something bad if they have some idea about what is good .The movies writhing theme seems to be drawing on a shared intuition .An intuition that ethical theory attempts to understand in holistic terms. A directed donation of organs to strangers is highly polemical since it challenges the perspective that an organ is a gift of life, rather than a mere commodity which can be commercially marketed. However the ethical debate as regards Seven Pounds gets a step further. On what particular criteria can one decide that a potential criteria can one decide that a potential recipient of an organ merits their donation, on the basis of being good .The latter needs to be appreciated since it is already polemical in donating organs, when cases are chosen on the basis of race, religion ethnicity -In this respect it is imperative to note non directed donations raises different ethical concerns. The radical altruism that motivates a person to make a potentially life threatening sacrifice for a stranger calls for careful scrutiny. One needs to question whether Ben is seeking compensation for depression. One must implement standards for both directive and non directed donation prohibiting transplantation when the chance of success is insufficient to justify the risks. Comprehensive oversight is necessary if the ethical pitfalls are to be adequately addressed. The message in this film is interpreted by the audience as being a bioethical claim, a claim giving the impression that suicide is permissible in this particular context. After reviewing Bens life, one has to be highly sensitive and prudent of the ethical approach .Bens life deviates from the ideal Christian virtues. However it does not mean his end action is completely selfless ,most, if even considering these actions would at least want some sort of acknowledgment .Ben was haunted and not fully in possession of his rational faculty by the end of the film . .Morally one must fully understand that Ben has a profoundly disturbed personality due to the unpredicted circumstances which he has experienced .Like many on the path of success his character floated above the real world .This ignorant autonomy and arrogance led to the tragic crash, both in the death of seven individuals and generated a profound detrimental impact on the life of the protagonist Likewise Seven Pounds has a double sided appeal, incorporating profound sociological, psychological and ethical implications. .Muccino is highly inspired by Italian neorealism which marks a sharp contrast with American postmodernism .To a substantial degree, these two different sociological approaches mirror two distinct cultures which have attained distinct levels of socio and ethical development .The anthropological factor needs to be granted sufficient importance within this context .The southern Mediterranean cultures in part the Italian counterpart tend to perceive individuals as part of a wider social web ,having both a formal and informal character .Thus whenever individual face critical problems kinship pressures will help the individual to restore the balance however this is not the case within the context of the American capitalist society .,In fact Muccinos vision creates a kind of sympathy for ordinary Americans who struggle to get by .according to Muccinos perception the American society is very cynical, very severe with those who fail, there is no safety net, when you fail straight down . The ethical notion of altruism in the context of this film is highly debatable. .Am I doing what is right or am I merely serving my ego. Is there such a thing as a good deed or am I in fact putting others in my debt as a way to control or use them to redeem myself .These questions have been highly inspired by Albert Cameos in view of the particular approaches and interpretations of life. When the film was released, the world was undergoing a recession and many citizens interpreted altruism in terms of material goods, not in terms of body organs. Certain critics have interpreted this film as being in substance an assault on the Judeo /Christian ethic .However one needs to question whether this assault is justified .One needs to recognize that not only suicide is a sin, it is the sin .it is the ultimate and absolute evil, the refusal to take an interest in existence, the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life .The man who kills a man kills a man. The man who kills himself kills all men .As far as he is concerned he wipes out the world. His act is worse symbolically considered then any rape or desperate outrage for it is a challenge and indifference to creation .from the Christian moral perspective one can identify to main lines of thought on the one hand there is the traditional more conservative perspective particularly as regards the notion of suicide ,from the other end of the scale is a fresh contemporary perspective as regards the values of human life ,and the particular purpose and values which need to be attributed to it . The film was watched and critically evaluated on a number of occasions since its narrative and postmodernist ethical aspects could not otherwise be appreciated. Within the ethical dimension this film generated a powerful sensation, since it combined strong secular and utilitarian approaches on the particular manner how one perceives the complex and dynamic reality within a mature industrial context. It is worthy to note that the film is a fictitious story. From a subjective analytical perspective, it results that we are presented with an unusual genre project, partly melodramatic and partly being a puzzle film. As commercial film its plot is not straightforward ,but includes a high degree of narrational ambiguity .This because it includes occasional flashbacks, which towards the terminal part of the film tend to become more frequent, and these feedbacks provide sufficient food for thought .In my regard seven pounds is a very specific story which has a profound moral message .This is coulered by a high degree of pathos or profound emotional impact which motivates the audience so as to participate directly within the life of the protagonist. A profound moral stand point concerns that suicide is simply wrong even if it is carried out for redemption .However does a suicide enacted out of redemption or out of love for others makes sense. Within the context of the Christian morality all sorts of suicide regardless of the particular objective they were carried need to be condemned .This is because life has a sacrosanct identity. From a purely Christian point of view, the actions carried out by Ben are acts of blasphemy ,and definitely in line with the message of Christ .This film created a very powerful sensational uproar particularly within highly secular societies foremost the United States ,which have already advanced in depth within the post modernist culture- In this respect the film would definitely create a profound sensation in Malta, were catholic values are still relatively strong .It is recommended in this respect that the audience who are appropriate to enjoy the film need to be sufficiently mature, intellectually open and have a direct contact with the realities of life. So one keeps asking is Ben a hero or a lost soul? One cannot doubt Bens intellectual prowness since he attained a highly respectable profession as an engineer within the aeronautic industry. Whenever individuals fail to exert a neat balance between work and non work commitments, they will unnecessarily complicate life to the point of being driven to the very edge of a tragedy. From a philosophical perspective, one can safely argue that Ben through the intended suicide sought to escape from his torment via the easiest path. However in practice the easiest path does not mean it is justified in moral terms. Bens actions generate a wide spectrum of perspectives from the members of the civil public. Ben in granting his personal life support organs as part of a retribution process so as to make for seven deaths which he directly yet unconsciously caused. There is the background echoing of the seven pounds of flesh in Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, reflecting clearly that the viscous cycle of evil is constantly taking place throughout history. The Self Giving of Vital Organs A highly insightful approach has been adopted by Paul Ramsey, who advocated initially that it is imperative that one focuses on the past Roman Catholic moral theology. The debate encompassing protagonist Christian moralists pivots around the central principle of Totality, specifically between a justifiable and unjustifiable mutilation. The latter is also related to the intrusion within a persons bodily integrity. As already highlighted humankind enjoys the power but this does not imply that he enjoys the right to manipulate any part of his own body. We enjoy full stewardship, as administrators of our own body .This represents the appropriate act of administration, so as to ensure a holistic bodily life, were health is a cardinal principle. A part of the human body such as Individual limbs, organs, or functions are directly linked to a mans bodily life within the health dimension .There is a direct relationship between the parts and the whole. Although these may be taken away, their functions will be permanently denatured, whenever this is beneficial for the holistic good. In this respect the principle of proportionality plays a pivotal role. Man can be considered as a whole enjoying a high level of dignity, within the context of social wholes to which he pertains. At this pt the principle of totality comes into the forepart .Although the principle of totality conditions self mutilation for ones own good, however it does not influence self /mutilation for the case of ones neighbor. From a subjective perspective, does this militate against the good neighbor policy? Every case needs to be assessed on the basis of its merits. On the same lines of thought, the judgment that the self/giving of organs is not morally accepted on the grounds of the principle of totality does not constitute a minor reflection, or alternatively one the devoid of its core substance so as to attain more meaningful goals .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

La Rotonda Essay -- Architecture Construction Essays

La Rotonda One of the great architects in time was Andrea Palladio, who was made famous for his magnificent Villas built in Italy in the fifteen hundreds. To do so he drew from the Greek and Roman’s architecture, studying many of their finest works, to create his masterful villas. This process would develop into a style of architecture, which became known as Palladianism. This style has inspired buildings which have dominated the landscape for the last four hundred years. These buildings include: English castles, American public buildings, Swiss railroad stations, Spanish libraries, Tuscan villas and Canadian hotels. Many of these buildings are considered to be the great buildings of the world. Andrea Palladio was born in 1508A.D. in Italy. At a very young age he became a stone mason, however his journey into architecture began when he met Gian Giorgio Trissino who immediately saw ability in him and decided to mentor Palladio. Trissino combined a study of classical architecture with architecture of the time, all the while allowing Palladio room to develop a style of his own. In time Palladio was constructing villas through out the country side of Italy, in all he constructed 30 villas, 18 of which are still standing today. Perhaps Palladio’s most famous work was the Villa Rotondra or La Rotondra which was started around 1565 and took approximately 4 years to build and was greatly inspired by the Pantheon in Rome. It is interesting to note that la Rotondra is different from Palladio’s other villas in a number of ways, and it is evident that these differences help distinguish it from the rest. The main differences between Palladio’s Rotondra and his othe r work are, The Rotonda is set on a hilltop, it is located near a... see why many regard Andrea Palladio as one of the most influential architects of all time, he was able to create some of the most stunning, graceful, and awe-inspiring villas in the world. Unfortunately, Palladio died before his masterpiece, La Rotonda, was complete. The project was completed by his protà ©gà © Vincenzo Scamozzi. Work Cited 1.), Wednesday September, 28 2.) Mathew McCann Feton, â€Å"Time: Great Buildings of the World†  © 2004, New York, NY. 3.), Wednesday September, 28 4.), Wednesday September, 30 5.), Wednesday September, 28 6.), Wednesday September, 28

Monday, November 11, 2019

Justice look

When you look up synonyms for the word Justice, or ask someone what they think the word meaner, they will spew out nouns such as: neutrality, fairness, impartiality's, etc. I believe Justice in terms of the criminal system is the collaboration of three different entities, police, court, and corrections. That have to work together to form an illusion of one single entity; and in doing this, they have to still maintain a check and balance system amongst themselves. So, no one system should be able to have full authority.For only by this can it strive for the ability to bring about a system that can observe eternally, Judge fairly, and the ability to weigh each investigation and case with a sense of impartiality. The main components of the criminal system are the police, court, and correction unit. They have to interact with one another by a collective meaner. You have the law enforcement in the forefront; they are the ones that have to enter the â€Å"crime scene,† take into con sideration all the evidence, collects the evidence, and they have to arrest the suspect.Once they have apprehended the suspect perceived to be the doer of the crime. The suspect at this time is taken to the rout; the evidence collected by the police is then presented at the court. Case is made by both prosecution and defense team. You have the unbiased Jury and Judge that view the case, evidence, and testimony; they deliberate and come back with a sentence. Once the suspect is sentenced, if found guilty, they are sent to a correctional institute. The correctional unit officers have to supervise the convicted felons.They have to ensure that their facility is well situated and capable of holding the convicted felons, so that both the inmates and the public can co-exist in a safe environment. The two models of the criminal Justice system are: The crime control model and the due process model. The two models differ from each other through which part of the Justice system they put their emphasis on. The Crime control model put their importance on reducing crime and criminal activities in society through implication of the Law enforcement officers, I. E. Alice/detective, taking control and in theory get to the solution and conviction as soon as possible. The Crime control model Judges the person for what they did, their role in the crime. It is more cut and dry. They believe the severity of the punishment should correlate with the crime. This theory allows for capital punishment, they don't believe one can change, or give too much importance for mental status, ethnicity, age, race, etc. The Due process model is quite the contrary, it stress the importance of taking into consideration ones race, age, demographics, etc.The Due process model put importance on respecting ones rights and following all the responsibilities of the law. While still protecting ones freedom. I think the fact that the main components of the Justice system sometimes inflict with each other are the reason why some cases get thrown out. A case, that I remember, is the clear epitome of when the Justice system failed; it took place in the 1993 â€Å"West Memphis Murders. † Three boys were killed in a horrific manner. Why were the murders not solved?Lack of poor evidence collected, rash decisions making, jumping to conclusion, media hype, and the police not following up on hints that were called in. They arrested three boys because they portrayed eccentric behaviors. They went on hearsay; they let the pressure of the media and public convict three caked proper detective tactics, and they pressured one of the suspects into admitting guilt. The Jury wasn't unbiased, everyone felt these boys were guilty and thus found them guilty.Had the law enforcement officers done their Jobs properly they would have followed up on the clue where there was a man completely bloody and delusional, in the bathroom of a fast food restaurant. The cops never showed up there to talk to him, the y went the next day to the restaurant took samples a sample of DNA, blood smear from the wall, and they lost that only sample of evidence. That case went unsolved, a case of three eight or nine year old boys. That shouldn't have happened. The system will fail if the three different entities of the Justice system don't act as one.Technically, I believe the crime control model is more useful because you get a verdict, action is taken, a suspect guilty of a crime pays for that crime accordingly to the severity of the crime; without technicality changing the sentence, or race, demographics, age playing a rule in how severe or lack of severity of the punishment. More criminal activities would be accounted for; people would fear law enforcement officers more. The due process model is more efficient and accurate. They enforce the rules and regulations of the law; they make sure any suspect is treated with the respect they deserve in accordance with the law.I believe both systems need to in teract with one another for it to be fair and Just. One system may come to a conclusion too quickly, while the other may allow someone guilty to get out of crime do solely to a technicality, so no one system is perfect on its own. However, I do believe the crime control model should be more prevalent in the Justice system. I think too much consideration is given to suspects, and why call someone suspect when their guilt is so evident, that really it's a point one percent chance for them not to have committed the crime.I think the severity of the crime should matter; a pedophilia serial killer should not be turned to life in prison where our tax money pays for their living. I don't think capital punishment should be banned; there are some out there that honestly don't deserve the â€Å"luxury' of a prison. An example of this would be, the Jodi Arias case, she stabbed her ex-boyfriend twenty-nine times, shot him, slit his throat, and left him to rot. Is it fair to say that it was an act of assign, when she stole the gun, made sure she had enough gas so that she didn't have to stop anywhere, and took pictures.

Friday, November 8, 2019

5 Types of Eponyms

5 Types of Eponyms 5 Types of Eponyms 5 Types of Eponyms By Mark Nichol Humans so frequently find proper names the names of specific people, places, or things to be so useful for describing generic objects or concepts or qualities that they co-opt the proper names, sometimes capitalized, and sometimes lowercased. Here are just some of the innumerable examples in English: 1. Product Eponyms Ubiquitous, market-defining product names often to the consternation of the companies that market them frequently enter the vernacular (in lowercase form) to describe any product in that class. Among these are aspirin, kleenex, and xerox, though other, more surprising examples include escalator, heroin, and zipper. In the United Kingdom (but not in the United States), biro and hoover are eponymous terms for pens and vacuum cleaners, respectively. 2. Historical and Geographical Eponyms Eponyms appear in the names of many geopolitical entities (Europe, Colombia, San Francisco) and geographical or nautical locations (Tasmania, the Bering Sea), either crediting a person with their discovery or otherwise associating them with a person or a personification. Historical figures lend their names to ideas associated with them: The words boycott, chauvinist, quisling, and sandwich all derive from personal names (but are lowercased). Such is also the case with draconian, epicurean, pyrrhic, and the like. However, political movements or philosophies, or historical eras, attached to personalities are uppercased: Reagonomics, Victorian. Various collections of people are associated with proper names for locations. These, generally lowercased, include bohemian, lesbian, and philistine. Likewise, some names of ethnic groups have similarly become identified with (often negative) personal qualities, leading to references, variably uppercased or lowercased, to being welshed (or welched) on or getting your Irish up, for example. (The first word in â€Å"scot-free,† by contrast, does not refer to the Scottish.) Famous people have also been associated with items or components of clothing, or material, which are lowercased: bloomer, cardigan, raglan. Likewise, slang words can be derived from real-life people, such as the verb bogart, or â€Å"Mae West,† the onetime nickname for a life vest. 3. Literary Eponyms Fictional characters often evoke such strong qualities that we assign their names to those qualities: faustian, quixotic. We also refer to people who exhibit qualities of literary characters by directly associating them, such as when we call someone a Casanova, a Romeo, or a Svengali (retaining initial capitalization), but some other such terms, such as lothario, are lowercased. Storytellers with a distinguishable quality have given their names (with initial capitalization intact) to literary criticism for the purposes of analogy, as in Dickensian (suggesting melodramatic poverty, eccentric characters, or jollity), Homeric (epic), and Proustian (evoking personal memories). Books named after the protagonist (Jane Eyre) and record albums identified by the musician’s or band’s name (David Bowie, The Beach Boys) are eponymic. 4. Mythological Eponyms Mythological characters also inspire eponyms, which generally retain initial capital letters: We refer to the Midas touch, to someone being a Hercules or a Venus, or an Achilles’ heel (traditionally, this possessive form does not include an s after the apostrophe). But we lowercase analogous terms such as chimera and gorgon, as well as atlas, erotic, and odyssey. (And don’t forget, or confuse, Tantalus and Sisyphus: Fortunately, their eponymous adjectives, tantalizing and Sisyphean note the difference in capitalization are clearly distinct.) 5. Scientific Eponyms In science, scientists and inventors are often honored for their work by having their names assigned (in lowercase form) to refer to units of scientific measurement, as in the cases of Rudolf Diesel, Alessandro Volta, and James Watt, or to processes (galvanism) or methods (algorithm). Likewise, botanists are immortalized by having their (lowercased) names grafted onto nomenclature for plants, as with dahlia, magnolia, and poinsettia. Innovations and discoveries are also often named after their discoverers or popularizers: â€Å"Avogadro’s number,† â€Å"Alzheimer’s disease.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your Story80 Idioms with the Word TimeI wish I were...